4. The Missing Donavan

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"Tonight, night of the comet!  Would you like a program?"  Bonnie calls out, passing out fliers for the comet passing over Mystic Falls tonight.

"I can't believe I let you drag me into this." I sighed shoving a flier into someones hand.  They just kept walking looking at the flier.  "You're doing this because you love me." she told me.  I just chuckled and nodded.  "Don't you forget it."

We look over to see Elena.  "He didn't call, huh?" Bonnie asked giving Elena a sad smile. She just nodded and replied "Or text.  But I realized we never even exchanged that stuff.  We've never gotten to the texting part."

Bonnie just shrugged as she gave another person a flier.  "That's an important milestone in any relationship." I nodded agreeing with her.

"Isn't it?  The timing is wrong, anyway." Elena sighed.  "When is it ever right.?" Bonnie quierred trying to encourage her.  "I'm not ready." Elena responded, to which I replied, trying to help Bonnie "Who is?" "At least I put myself out there." she said trying to reassure herself more than me and Bonnie.

"Is that what you're calling it?" I asked.  "What do you mean?" Elna asked back.  "All we're hearing is reasons why you can't." Bonnie nodded in agreement with me.


Caroline and Matt walked up to me and Elena "Hey, I got some candles." Caroline says handing us each a candle.  Matt and Elena have an awkward moment while he's lighting her candle.  He turns to me and lights mine.  I thank him and give him a little side hug.

I look over my shoulder to see Elena lighting Stefans candle.  I have to physically stop myself from laughing at the irony.


We are all hanging out at the Grill.  What's new?  Jeremy comes up to us and asks "Hey, has anyone seen Vicki?" We all shake our heads, but Tyler just had to take it a step further.  God, I regret dating him.  "You're her stalker. You tell us." the table goes silent but Jeremy just ignores him "I can't find her." "She probably found somebody else to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced."

Both me and Elena perk up at this.  He's dealing?  I get it if he has to do it himself but helping other kids is over the line.  But we shouldn't take Tylers word for it.

"What's with the pill pusher?" Elena asked, clearly angry.  "Ask him." Tyler spits out biterly.  "You wanna do this right now?" Jeremy asks threatningly to Tyler.  Elena stepped in "Are you dealing?" before Jeremy could answer her question Tyler said "She's never gonna go for you."

Jeremy just got a serious expression before saying "She already did. Over and over and over again."  They all just looked at him wide eyed.  I wasn't suprised, if you weren't blind, you could tell there was something there with them.  I just wasn't sure how far they'd gone.

"You slept with Vicki Donovan? I mean, Vicki Donovan slept with you?" Caroline said in shock, I sent her a glare and she shut up real fast.  "There's no way." Tyler said in disbelief.  "And I didn't even have to force her into it."

Once Jeremy said that my heart sank to my stomach.  "What the hell is he talking about, Ty?" Matt asked, obviously furious over the whole topic.  "Nothing, man, just ignore him, he's a punk." Tyler said.  But I wasn't buying it for a second.  Jeremy would never lie about something like that.  Even if it is Tyler.  It lights of the Grill started to flicker as sadness and anger fill my mind.

"You know what, how about all of you shut up and help me find my sister?"  Matt says bringing the attention out off of that, for now.  We all nodded.  "I'll check the square." Matt threw out "We'll check the back." Bonnie said running off with Caroline.  "I'll come with you." Jeremy tried but Elena stepped in front of him.  "Oh, no, no, no. You are coming with me."  they walked off I knew Elena was going to scold him for dealing and I didn't want to be a part of that.

Tears pricked my eyes as I looked at Tyler and shook head, then walked out of the Grill.  Tyler was following, hot on my heels, but I didn't care.  I was trying to help Matt find Vikki.  "Ari, wa-" but before he could finish I spin around and interrupted him. "Don't call me that.  Don't you ever call me that again!" I yelled loudly not many people stopped to notice.  Elena and Jeremy were outside the entry to the Grill, watching what was happening but I didn't see them.

"Is that your thing now?  Huh?  Forcing girls into it?" I asked him tears starting to fall.  "Arian-" he started but I cut him off again.  "It's a yes or no question.  Did you or did you not force or try to force Vikki Donavan to have sex with you?!" I asked, scared of the answer.

"Yes.  I tried but I didn-" cutting him off again, only this time, I puched him right in his face and he fell to the ground.  Unoticed by me, Elena and Jeremy were still watching.  Elena looked shocked, but Jeremy had a victorious smirk on his face.  Little did they know they didn't know the whole story.

I grab Tyler by the coller of his shirt put lift him up a little so he looks me in they eye.  "You were going to do that to her?  The same thing you did to me?!" I yelled tears still falling.  Elena and Jeremys faces dropped to ones of pure shock and anger.  But I was too busy puching the shit out of Tyler over and over again.

Somebody pulled me off.  I didn't look up to see who it was.  I tried to get out of their grip and get back to beating the hell out of Tyler Lockwood.  My hands had blood on them but it wasn't mine.  Tylers face was practically dripping in blood and I scream out of anger trying to get out of their grasp.  Desprately needing to use Tyler as a punching bag.  Tears where still free falling out of my eyes, I heard a voice.  Stefans voice.  He must've been the one who pulled me off.

"Ariana, you have to breathe, calm down" Stefan tried to soothe me I stopped trying to hit Stefan but didn't stop trying to lean out of his grasp towards Tyler.  "No. No. He did this.  He did this.  He was going to - he was going to do wh - he did to me!" I cried.  I sunk to the ground completly out of energy and cried in my friends arms as he tried to figure out what was wrong.

"He did this to me. He-" I was going to continue but Stefan stopped me.  "Shhh.  Hey, it's okay.  We'll talk about this when you're in your right mind.  Alright?" Stefan said trying to calm me down.  I just nodded and wiped my tears only for more to fall.

I stood up.  And took a deep breathe "Thank you." I thanked Stefan.  He nodded and I walked over to Jeremy and hugged him.  None of us had time to notice Damon on the roof, watching in pure shock.  We went home and I went to sleep.

3rd Person POV

Salvatore Boarding House

Stefans mind was spinning.  He'd never see her so upset before, not even right after she found out her parents died.  What could have happened that made her so upset?  Stefan was busy dealing with Damon and Vikki earlier, but when he was on his way back to the Grill he saw Ariana beating up Tyler Lockwood with tears coming out of her eyes.  She banged Tyler up pretty bad but he pulled her off before she could kill him.

Damon was leaning on the doorway.  "Figured it out yet?" he asked Stefan who was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.  Stefan sped infront of Damon.  "If you know something, tell me."  Damon contemplated this for a second then figured 'Why not?' "Are you an idiot, Stefan?" this only aggravated Stefan.  "Spit it out, Damon."

"Okay let me replay what just happened and we'll see if you get the right answer.  Ari was found beating up Tyler Lockwood for an unknown reason.  I have my little spy, so I know what happend before that.  Jeremy Gilbert, I believe, made a comment about not having to force Vikki Donavan into having sex with him.  I have learned round this small town that Ariana and Tyler used to date but they broke up and no one knows why.  Now, back to that comment made by Jeremy.  Vikki Donavan is Tyler Lockwoods current girlfriend.  The comment Jeremy made was towards Tyler.  Ariana leaves the building and starts yelling at him and beating the living rapist out of him.  Which, by the way, was awsome to see.  So, say it with me Stefan, two plus two equals.....?" Damon trailed off allowing his brother to finally put the pieces together.

"You think that the reason they broke up is because what almost happed to Vikki, happened to Ari, and Tyler was the one who did it?" Stefan says shocked.  It made so much sense.  Why she kept on rambling on about what he did to her.  That's what she was talking about.  "Ding!  Ding!  Ding!  We have a winner!  Quite the sob story if I do say so myself.  I have to say I was a little dissapointed when you swooped in and went all hero Stefan on her.  It would've been fun to watch for a few more minutes." Damon states bluntly and walks out.  Leaving Stefan to is own thoughts.


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