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"Alright, I'll get your drinks right to you," I said to the vampire couple I just got done with but they'd already turned away, resuming whatever conversation they were having when I'd approached them. 

I sighed and walked to the back where I'd fix their orders. I hated this job so much but it was the only place that would hire me, plus I wanted to get my own car soon so I had to take what I could get.

I turned on the coffee maker and began fixing their order, trying to move as fast as possible. There was only one other employee here, a human named Hannah, but she called in sick so much that it was usually only me doing everything. To be honest, I figured she called in so much because she didn't feel like coming in. I had no idea why our manager, Georgia, didn't just fire her since she hardly ever came to work. Georgia helped out the best she could when she wasn't busy dealing with paperwork and deliveries. She would help me with the tables but work in the back usually called her away.

When I'd finally managed to fix the couple's orders and bring them over to their table, the male vampire glared up at me and snatched the cups from my hands.

"It's about damn time," he snapped before turning away from me.

I clenched my jaw and turned away, fighting to keep from growling at him. I was tempted to tell him that I was the only one working and I actually moved fast compared to a lot of people, but of course, you had to be syrupy sweet to the customer at all times even when they were a major asshole, which was ninety-nine percent of the time.

The next hour breezed by as I fixed other people's orders and brought them to them. At least I was always having something to do to make it feel like it was going faster, but dealing with rude and impatient customers was sending me over the edge.

I was in the back fixing another order when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw Georgia standing there along with Laura Harper, the new shapeshifter that went to my school. I stopped what I was doing to face them, surprised when I saw Laura wearing one of our aprons.

"Hey, Peter, sorry to bother you," Georgia said, sounding a bit out of breath, "but we have a new employee today and I need you to show her the ropes. I know you're busy, but I have a lot of deliveries coming in that I need to be there for."

I bit back a groan of exasperation. This was the last thing I needed, but I plastered what hopefully appeared to be a sincere smile on my face.

"Nice to have you here, Laura," I said, forcing my voice to be calm and easygoing. "I'm Peter, I go to your school."

She smiled at me and I felt my heart beat faster. Dang, she was pretty. "I know, you're in a few of my classes. It's nice to formally meet you."

"You know each other, good," Georgia said in a rush, fluttering hands. "I trust you two will get along well. I need to go out back and make sure the deliveries get here. You two, go ahead and get to work."

She rushed to the back door.

I looked at Laura, who was staring after Georgia in confusion. "Sorry about her. This place is really packed and I'm pretty much the employee around here. I do have to warn you, it can be a madhouse out there."

"Don't worry. I'll be able to handle it."

Luckily, Laura did great and caught on very quickly. She didn't need my help at all and it was like she'd been here for months instead of one day. Also, it lessened the work load and I got things done twice as fast.

A week went by and already it felt like the shifts at the coffee house were a lot less miserable. It was more manageable to get orders in and delivered. Laura and I talked during our break and any other free time in those rare moments we didn't have any customers to tend to right away. I really enjoyed her company. She was funny, easy to talk to, great to be around. She was also in three of my classes. She started to sit beside me and talk to me in our classes and even started to sit next to me at lunch every day.

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