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The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity.

The guard who'd been standing near the gate introduced himself as Morgan. He allowed me to enter the community and led me through the neighborhood of cabins to the very end, where the tallest one of all sat at. As we passed, the shapeshifters that were outside paused what they were doing to stare in curiosity.

The community was made up of simple two-story cabins that each had their own lawns and backyards, as well as larger cabins that made up the food hall and another large cabin that was the entertainment area. There was a forest that surrounded the community where everyone could roam. Morgan explained all of this to me as he led me to the tallest cabin there was a four-story cabin where the Apex - leaders of shapeshifter Clans - lived with his family and did Clan business at.

My heart started racing as we approached the tall cabin. We climbed up the porch steps and Morgan knocked on the glass door and called out, "Ben, it's me."

He opened the door, stepped aside, and gestured for me to step in. I stepped in and was greeted by a young petite woman with auburn hair piled on top of her head in a neat bun and freckles dusting the bridge of her nose, looking no more than twenty-five.

She frowned as she noticed me. "Morgan, who's this?"

Morgan closed the door behind him. "This is Laura Harper. She wants to join the Clan."

Her brows nearly rose to her hairline. "She looks awfully young."

"I'm sixteen," I blurted out, nervous that they'd turn me away and I had to go back home. "I'm old enough to qualify."

She frowned. "I know you are, honey, but you're not even an adult yet. Do you have a family member or trusted adult with you? Does your family even know you're here?"

I debated about lying, but I knew it wasn't a good idea to try since this woman seemed too smart to fall for them. "No, I don't -"

"Honey, you may be old enough to join, but it's not ethical to if we don't get your family's consent -"

My hope was plummeting more and more as she talked. Tears formed in my eyes as I realized that they were going to send me back, that I was going to be forced to move back with my parents and everything would start all over again. I was going to have to leave Ruben, Grandma, Starlight Academy behind. . .

The woman's eyes widened. "Honey, are you okay?"

I touched my face and realized that the tears were streaming down my face as the gravity of what was happening hit me. Sobs suddenly wracked my frame as everything hit me all at once. I couldn't go back to life as it was.

The woman gently grabbed my shoulders and led me down the hallway, telling Morgan to get someone named Ben as soon as possible. She led me down a long hallway that curved. I couldn't make out anything through my tears as they continued to pour down my face in a never-ending storm. 

She opened a door and led me into a room with a small white cot and a comfortable armchair. She had me sit down on the cot and she sat next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders and whispering to me soothingly until I was able to calm down.

It took a good while for me to finally stop crying. She handed me a box of tissues and I hastily wiped the tears off my face, keeping my eyes downcast, embarrassed I had a mental breakdown in front of a bunch of strangers.

She rubbed my shoulder gently. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

I nodded and gave her a small smile. "Yes, thank you."

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