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I watched Laura walk out of the room, aware that my mouth was hanging open. I quickly closed it and walked out of the room as well, my face flushed with embarrassment. 

I'm not gonna lie, that stung big time. Usually, I was the one doing the rejecting, not the other way around, and it sucked. Big time. Okay, yeah, I was a total ass to her and I deserved to get my ass handed to me. It wasn't often someone actually gave me a taste of my own medicine that actually had an effect.

I watched Laura make her way to the front entrance. I'd only known her for an hour and I was already intrigued. She had confidence I hadn't seen in any of the other shapeshifters who went here and was obviously extremely advanced.

I thought back to what I said to her in class and winced. I had no idea why I was so rude, maybe to show her who ran the show around here? All I was focusing on was how hot she was and wanting to get some kind of interaction with her. Either way, I definitely gave off the wrong impression and now she thought I was an asshole.

I sighed and walked to the student parking lot. I really needed to work on not being such a douche, which was going to be hard.

I walked over to my dad's truck and got in. It felt like forever before it finally started. I clenched my jaw and pulled out of the space and drove to the gym. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt in the accident, a miracle given how catastrophic the whole thing had been. Fortunately, the people involved were good-natured about it and didn't press charges or sue me. I did have some minor injuries from the crash but it was nothing I couldn't heal from on my own and doctors did say that working out could help speed the process along.

The main issue was my car. It was going to be in the shop for the next four weeks so I had to use my dad's piece of metal trash until it was done and it was going to be a huge pain in the ass. The old junker was literally on its last legs and trying to repair it would cost more than it was actually worth. I'd be surprised if it lasted the rest of the week without it breaking down in the middle of the road, but I'd rather risk that than riding the bus. I shuddered just thinking about it. Public buses were the worst and my temper wouldn't last. 

I worked out for a little bit before deciding to head home. I walked through the glass doors and paused. The feeling of eyes watching me raised the hairs on my arms and back of my neck. The animal in me surged to life, alarmed and ready to fight.

I gazed around, trying to find the source of whoever it was, and found a tall man dressed in all black, the same man I'd seen right before I wrecked. Something about him caused anxiety to crash over me like tidal waves. There was an air of danger and darkness that flowed around him. Something deep inside me told me that whoever this person was was bad news and to keep my distance. 

Something suddenly landed in front of me with a thud, causing me to jump back and tear my gaze away from the man. I cursed when I saw the body of a dead crow just inches away from my feet, its body partially split open.

Something else landed beside me. Another dead crow. Then another fell and hit the pavement. Then another fell beside it. In a matter of moments, the sky was raining with dead crows falling to the ground.

I cursed and rushed back inside. There was a crowd of other people gathered around the window, watching the scene with disgust and fear, confused and frightened murmuring casting through them.

"Dude," I heard Jake exclaim, "what the hell is going on?"

Someone nudged me, a human named Dylan. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

"Don't know," I muttered, keeping my gaze on the window as the crows continued to fall.

There were dozens falling to the ground, splattering the pavement with blood and body parts.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it finally stopped. Everyone shifted uneasily, unsure of what to do.

Something caught my eye and I stepped out, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I caught the glimpse of the auras that glowed around the crow's body and all the air was knocked out of my chest.

These crows were shapeshifters.

EDITED: 7/7/21

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