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I sat next to Laura and Katherine at lunch, thinking about what Jonathan told me three days ago. I tried to focus on what Laura was telling Katherine and me, but I couldn't get the warning he gave me out of my mind. I wished he would call me and let me know what he was doing, but of course, he hadn't called after we met up near the creek. I tried calling him, but of course, he didn't answer.

I thought about getting Laura and her grandmother and finding a way to get underground, to hide. For the first time in my life, true fear coursed through me. I saw with my own eyes what that monster could do. I didn't want that to happen to me or someone I cared about.

Soon the bell shrilled and we got up to head for class. I followed Laura and Katherine out, my mind still on what Jonathan said. Jonathan had warned me to never tell anyone about what he was telling me or that I even knew who he was, but at this point and time, I knew I had to tell Laura, Mrs. Cremer, and Ben. I had to make sure that the Clan knew about this and that Laura and her grandmother were safe.

I headed for my next class, but Laura gently took me by my arm and led me to the bottom of the stairwell, her eyes full of concern.

I cleared my throat, trying to fight back the feeling of guilt for being so distant from her. "What's up?"

"Is everything okay? You've been acting really weird."

"Yeah, I'm -" I started to say but paused. I couldn't lie anymore. I took a deep breath and said, "There's something I need to talk to you about, but we can't talk about it here."

Her eyes widened. "How serious is it?"

"Pretty serious."

I looked at the thick crowd of students. The perfect way to sneak off.

I nudged her towards her locker. "Go get your stuff real quick. We need to talk about this with Ben."

Her jaw dropped but luckily she didn't argue. We rushed to get our stuff out of our lockers and out the exit door unnoticed while the huge crowd of students was still making their way to class.

We quickly drove back to the Moonblood Clan and ran to Ben's cabin. Ben was in his front yard, watching his five-year-old son, Flynn, play with his small toy cars. He looked up and grinned as we approached. I hadn't seen Flynn very much since we moved here, but anytime we saw him he was always smiling and laughing and wanting to say hi.

Laura smiled down at him and ruffled his hair, murmuring a quick hello as we quickly walked to the porch.

Ben frowned and stood up from the rocking chair he'd been sitting in. "What are you two doing here?"

"We have to talk to you." I wasted no time getting to the point. "It's important."

"Important enough to skip school?"

I winced at the scowl on his face but stood my ground. "Yes. It's about Caius."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Laura snap her head around and stare at me in shock and horror but I kept my gaze on Ben.

For the first time since I'd met him, fear drifted across his face for a brief moment before the mask of cool composure he always wore came back.

"Amber," he called out.

Amber immediately came out, her red hair falling in waves along her face.

"Watch Flynn for a moment," Ben ordered, still gazing at me. "I need to talk to Ruben and Laura."

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