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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned and wished my alarm clock would shut off already. Wasn't it the weekend? Why the hell would the thing go off??

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I growled and tried to reach for the clock, but something sharp yanked the skin of my arm, causing me to hiss and quickly lower my arm.

I finally opened my eyes and saw I was laying in a hospital bed, dressed in a white hospital gown, my arms hooked up to IVs and wires.

My mind immediately went back to what happened before everything went black - Caius, the car wreck, the hand reaching for me. . .

"Good. You're awake."

I jumped and looked up to see a woman dressed in blue scrubs, short brown hair cut in a bob, small, rectangle glasses perched on her nose, scribbling something down on a clipboard as she peered at a heart monitor - my heart monitor. 

It took my still half-asleep and pain-filled mind to realize I was in a hospital and this was my doctor.

A sudden pounding in my head caused me to groan and close my eyes again. "What happened?"

"You were attacked by Caius and your car was wrecked. A fellow shapeshifter saved you."

I frowned and opened my eyes again. "Who saved me?"

"He's not here right now, but he's been staying by your side to make sure you're okay. When he comes back I'll tell him you're awake and he can introduce himself. He shot him with an iron arrow to run him off. You're lucky, all things considered, for obviously getting away from that monster and saving your soul, but that was a terrible car crash. Your car was totaled beyond repair and it would've killed most people. You're not going to feel very lucky - even with your shapeshifting healing, you'll be in pain for a while and it'll take some time for you to heal one hundred percent."

"What kind of injuries do I have?"

She let out a scoffing laugh. "What don't you have? Your fingers on your left hand are broken, you have four broken ribs, a broken leg, broken toes, a ruptured spleen, a lot of internal injuries - and we're still trying to see what other injuries you might have."

Great. Terrific. Two car accidents within two months of each other. And it had been Nick's car I'd totaled. My car was still in the shop and I was borrowing his car in the meantime. He was going to kill me.

Of course, he'd be glad I was okay, but then he's me. That car was his prized possession, and you'd think he was married to the damn thing. It didn't matter that something had hit it or not, he'd still be pissed.

I rolled my eyes just thinking about how dramatic he was going to be once he found out that the 'love of his life' - I'm not joking, he's called that scrap of metal that before and nearly fought a seven-year-old when they accidentally hit his side while he was getting out of his mother's car - was totaled, because I knew, from the way the car rolled down the hill and the way that whatever it was that it hit struck it, it was going to be beyond repair, or if it miraculously wasn't, it was going to take forever to get it fixed.

I guess I'd help him repair it to make it up to him, even though it wasn't my fault. That is if I'd heal first.

I winced as a wave of pain shot through me. Even with the pain killers and the morphine that was undoubtedly given to me, I could still feel every bump, bruise, torn tendon, and broken bone there was. Yep, it was going to take a long while before I was healed.

I closed my eyes and let out an involuntary groan. Damn, but why did I keep having to end up in these car wrecks? Couldn't I just enjoy driving on the road for one day?

My mind wandered to Caius and hoped and prayed he was gone, that whoever had shot him with that arrow had killed him. But from how strong and powerful Caius was, I had a strong feeling that that wasn't the case. 

I knew it would take more than an iron arrow to keep him down. It may injure him and temporarily take him out of action, but it wouldn't keep him down for good.

My mind wandered to Laura and I cursed. Was she safe? Was she okay? Had Caius gotten to her? I had to warn her. I had to let her know what had happened, that he was out there and she had to be careful.

She was probably wondering where I was right now. I didn't know what time it was or how long I'd been in the hospital, but I knew it had to be a good while and I should've been there by now.

The next time a nurse came by, I was going to ask to make a phone call; I had to let Laura know what was happening.

Footsteps approached the right side of the bed and I looked up to see a tall man with light blue eyes, shaggy, light brown hair, a scruffy beard, a slight scar on his left cheek, wearing a leather jacket over a black t-shirt and had multiple rips and tears in his faded blue jeans.

I knew without reading his aura that this man was a shapeshifter due to his presence and the energy radiating around him.

He looked like a tough, badass biker that would knock someone's teeth down their throat if they looked at him for too long, but he smiled at me, and there was something warm in his eyes that told me he was a much nicer guy than he looked.

"Hey, Ruben, my name's Jonathan," the shapeshifter introduced himself. "I found you on that road when Caius attacked."

"Nice to meet you, man. Thanks for your help." I tried to extend my hand towards him to shake but winced when a blinding pain shot through it and I quickly put it down. "I would shake your hand, but. . ."

Jonathan laughed. "It's okay. I understand. That had to be one of the worst car wrecks I'd ever seen. It's a miracle you're alive."

"Again, thank you. You really saved my ass today."

"It's no problem."

"If you don't mind me asking - how did you know to shoot him with that iron arrow?"

His expression grew serious. "I can tell you all of this another time. I don't want to talk about this in public - ears could be listening."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Just know that not everyone around you can be trusted." He cast a suspicious glance around before pulling a small white card out of his leather jacket and placed it on my bedside tray. "If you want to ask questions, feel free to call and we can talk. This isn't the best place to talk about this." 

"Okay," I said cautiously, wondering what this shapeshifter was talking about and debating whether or not he wasn't the good Samaritan he portrayed himself to be. What was he talking about, people can't be trusted? Caius was out there, wreaking havoc. This was the time everyone needed to stick together. "Thanks for your help again. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem. If you lose the card or anything, just look up Jonathan Wayne on the website and use it to contact me. I'm always on my email."

"I will."

He gave me a nod and walked away without another word. I watched him go, curious about what he said. When he said not everybody could be trusted. . .

I had no clue what he meant and did plan on giving him a call when he had the chance. I questioned his motives, but if he had information about Caius that could help, then I needed to find out. 

I winced as I reached over and grabbed the card he left for me. It had his name, his phone number, his email, and an email for someone named Claire Wayne. I assumed Claire was his wife.

I stared down at the card, wondering what information he could possibly have and how it could help.

EDITED: 8/26/21

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