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I stared up at the ceiling as Alison laid beside me, the day's events spinning around and around in my head. I couldn't believe all of that happened in one day - actually, I kind of could since stuff like this seemed to be happening in my life, but it was still crazy.

Mom, Dad, Alison, and Derek were understandably nervous and scared about dead shapeshifter crows falling from the air and were staying the night here. Mom and Dad were occupying the guest bedroom, Derek was on the air mattress in Grandma's room, and Alison was sleeping in my room with me. In my bed. Right next to me. Why she couldn't have just slept on another air mattress in Grandma's room, I didn't know, but the stern look Grandma and my parents gave me kept my mouth shut.

As we were getting ready for bed, I gave Alison a spare set of my pajamas after she cleaned up from Dad accidentally spitting on her, which he profusely apologized for after the excitement died down. The whole time we got ready for bed, she went on and on about how terrifying the crows were while I silently changed, trying to get the scene out of my head as she raged on about it.

It was weird, sleeping in the same bed together. We hadn't done that since we were little girls, where we lived in such a small house with such little room that we had no choice but to share bedrooms until our parents could afford a bigger and better house. We were a lot closer back then, and it felt strange to be in the same room together after so much had changed recently.

We talked for a little bit before going to bed. She was going to graduate this year and she said she was applying for every scholarship she was eligible for and was talking to another shapeshifter at our old school named Drew, applied to three colleges, and was waiting for their responses. Apparently, a lot had gone on since I'd been gone.

I gave her a brief overview of what was happening, of working at my job, how school was going - though leaving out certain parts - and my ever-growing friendship with Ruben. She questioned if we were dating and I told her no, but I secretly wished we were.

We'd been talking more and more every day and there was something there between us. I wondered if he was going to ask me out soon and I would be thrilled. I was starting to have an intense crush on him and found myself either thinking about him or eagerly waiting for him to text or call me. I liked him. A lot. 

I smiled as I thought about him. I'd never felt anything like this for anyone before and it was. . .nice. It was such a basic word to use, but it was the best way to describe it.

A sharp elbow jabbed my side, causing me to flinch. "You awake?" Alison whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm totally asleep with you elbowing the crap out of me. Yes, I'm awake."

"Sorry. I can't sleep."

"Me either."

"I can't stop thinking about those crows."

"Me either."

"It's happened around my house too, around my school. It's so freaky. I thought it was just a freak thing at first but now I think something else is going on."

I knew she was talking about my old house and old my old school, which I'd shared with her. It stung, the way she said my instead of ours. I debated whether or not she thought I wanted to stay with Grandma, but I strongly suspected that she didn't really consider me a part of the family anymore. I wanted to believe the first part, but from how much things had changed between us, I had no idea what to think.

Before I could stop myself, I said, "Your house? Your school?"

She was quiet for a moment. "You know I meant our family house and the school you went to with us. I didn't mean anything by that."

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