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I spoke to Grandma as I got ready for work. We'd moved into the same cabin after she joined the Clan. I'd asked her if it was okay if I lived in a cabin of my own, but she shot that down immediately, telling me there was no way I was living in a home unsupervised. I didn't bother arguing that I would be eighteen soon because it was a lost cause. You never won an argument with Kim Cremer - ever.

I did think the fact that Ruben lived in the cabin right next to us also made her shut down the idea of me living alone so quickly. She knew we were dating down and made sure nothing nasty was going on between us. Not that there was, but she didn't need to know that. Other than kissing, it never moved beyond that.

Grandma worked real early in the morning to four o'clock in the evening, around the time Ruben and I arrived at the Clan and got ready for work. She would stay awake long enough to make sure I got home safely then had to crash as soon as I walked through the door, so the only time we really got to see and spend time together was on Sundays.

"Georgia said the place might shut down soon," I told her as I got my purse ready. I had already put my uniform on and just had to wait for Ruben to pick me up. "She's been putting Help Wanted signs everywhere to get people to work there, but no one's wanting to work, and Ruben and I are struggling every night. And the fact that she's behind on a lot of her bills and other stuff isn't helping. She said this might be the last week it's open before she shuts it down for good."

Grandma frowned. "That's such a shame. Does she know what she's going to do?" 

"She said she might have to move back to her parent's house. She said she's so behind on her bills that she might lose her house. Basically, she's out of money for everything. She said she'll have to go back to her parent's house and start over."

"That's terrible. Do you know what job you're going to get after it shuts down? And Ruben too?"

"I'm pretty sure he might work with his friend at the car shop. I might work as the bookkeeper."

"So I take it you and Ruben have it figured out."

"We think so. We'll figure it out on the way."

She was quiet for a moment. "Are you happy with him?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes. I'm very happy. I'm glad I met him. He makes me happy and he's been there for me through a lot of things. I really care about him."

She smiled back. "I'm happy to hear that. I think he's a nice young man and he's been wonderful to you. I haven't seen this glow in you before. I think he's just what you needed."

"He is."

She went silent. "Have you thought about Peter any?"

My happy mood died down a peg. Curiosity, confusion, concern, frustration, and even anger swirled around me. There wasn't a day this past month that I hadn't thought of him and wondered where he was and if he was okay. I was worried about him, wondered what was going on with him to make him disappear not once, but twice, frustration and even anger that he would randomly appear in my life again only to take off before I could get my answers. Why come to me for help if you're just going to run off again? It made no sense. No sense whatsoever.

"Yes," I answered, suddenly finding the makeup in my purse interesting. "I think about him every day. I wonder where he is and if he's okay. Has the police ever gotten back to you about where he could be?"

"No, I haven't gotten one call. Right now, there are so many people going missing ever since Caius appeared that they're overcome with missing people and they don't know where to start. So whenever you go to work or school, stick with Ruben and never travel alone. Always stick by someone."

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