(1) Chapter 7

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"I'm scared of Uncle Roger!
He's starting to scare me!"
Don't worry, I keep you safe
No one will touch you
You and Ijekiel are safe with me.


After coming back from the long conversation with Felix. The man had promised him not to say a word about him.

He didn't want to take the chances of being caught by the emperor.

He's been told all these stories from Athanasia, apparently he's like a tsudere.

Even if he doesn't show his emotions, he still does care for her. In the original storyline it wasn't like this though since, some has been reincarnated as the princess. It's likey that the plot has changed but, not the villain of the story.

From what he can interpretrate, Athanasia's father is very protective of her. But, there was a rumor that the young crown princess has become sick.

I know it was Anastasia's plan to do this, make his younger brother lose his memory of her.

Make it seem that Jennette was his daughter but, this time I'm sure both of us would not like that.

We would stop him, and I will protect Jennette from that disgusting man.

He wouldn't be able to touch her, but I have to stay low. I don't want anyone to find out or they will drive me out and kill me.

But, they can't kill someone that has reached the state of immortality.

I have a black heart, the Shadow monarch's heart. I am able to regenerate, change my appearance and much more.

It would be impossible for them to notice.

Unless Jennette does.

She would beg them not to take me away.

She has grown to fond of me already.


"Sir Nox, look I managed to complete my studies!"

Jennette sprinted towards me and jumped into me. I groaned slightly when she made impact my side stomach.

I turned myself to her direction and looked straight ahead.

Signing, I pointed at her mistakes and said, "You did better than last time."

She looked a lost at first but, she brightened up when I told her that she was becoming better.

"Then, I'll study hard! Only for you!"

I silently chuckled, she was very much alike Jin-ah but, the difference is that there personality.

Jennette jumped on her bed and bounced, flailing her hands around like a flightless chicken.

"Big brother Ijekiel, went like swoosh!"

She moved her arms in different directions, seemingly causing confusing towards herself. She really didn't know what he did but, she was his sword play.

His sword play wasn't as good as the Knight's but, she could tell that it was improving.

Unlike Nox's, his were always like water. It looked as if he flowed like a river but, it became violent as the waterfall.

She liked watching him, it was as if she saw a beautiful black butterfly.

She sometimes wondered why his glow would change colors.

His glow was always purple but, it changes to golden. Then, back to purple- though she never complained. Both colors were very beautiful on him.

Jennette heard rumors that Nox's eyes can change colors. She asked her caregiver and the maid's yet, they couldn't tell her. Nox had erased that memory so, they didn't remember a thing.

Jennette just sadly pouted, but her sadness vanished. It was replaced by pure joy when Nox picked her up and held her in his arms.

She giggled, he brought his hand out to caress her cheek. Wiping away the tears that spilled down her cheeks.

But, for now she didn't need any answers. She felt alive while he was here with her.


"Jennette, when are you going to introduce me to your Uncle?"

He asked, flipping through the pages of the book before, stopping. Looking up, he saw that Jennette has frozed up.

"I don't know...."

She played her stuffed animals on the floor before looking up to Nox's gaze. She bit her bottom lip in frustration, not knowing what her Uncle would do. Even though her Uncle has never yelled at her. She always heard him talking to big brother Ijekiel.

She heard his harsh words, she didn't want to feel big brother's pain. So, she turned the other cheek. But now she couldn't turn her cheek nor, run away to Nox.

She had to face him, head on.

She was only ten years old right now, and Nox was in his twenties.


He looked as if he were the same age when she first saw him.


Confusion has struck her, she always wondered if he was just doing some kind of routine. But, she never bothered to ask him.

It all felt foreign to her, she felt as if he was leading her down a pathway.

She felt confident.

She felt confused.

And she felt joy.

Nothing else mattered now, now she felt complete.

Jennette thought about the possibilities, running away with Nox.

Or maybe Nox will take full custody of her.

After all, her Uncle never took care of her.

Her Uncle was merely a dog.

She heard it from Nox, he said that, "Roger Alpheus, may be your Uncle but, he is just a mere ant waiting to be squished."

She listened to every word Nox said, he was always right. She saw him talking to a man. She heard that man was her actually father. Her father wanted to take advantage of her.

Jennette will not be used again, she will stand up right behind of Nox.


"Sir Nox, I've always wanted to ask for your family name. I wondered what family you come from."

"Louise De Lecardio."

She stopped everything she was doing and turned her head so fast that she injured her neck by doing so.

She was shocked, she heard about that clan before.

The Lecardio clan had a short term, they were called, "DIO" meaning god.

She never fully understood for what it meant but, now she had completely looked at a different side.

She was shocked, they were once a powerful clan. They all had gone to immortality, since then it was only a myth.

They say, if you bump into a DIO then, you will have god's blessing and protection.

They would protect you from any black magic and curses.

But, they would also give extreme misfortune to you.


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