(1) Chapter 8

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I'll protect you from anything.
Even if, it's me.


That very night, when Nox did the daily night stories and forehead kisses. She thought to herself about his family.

She wondered, if his family was still alive- would she even have met him?

Would he guide her way out of misery?
Or maybe if she'd nevered encountered him, she would live her life being a puppet.

But, she was grateful for him.
She wanted to run away with him- live out there lives as commoner's.

But, her high hopes would soonly be crushed because of her Uncle.

Even though he looked as if he wouldn't harm a fly, he made Jennette feel unsafe.

But, now that Nox is with her- she felt safe in his arms. Safe enough that Jennette would do something childish.

Closing her eyes, her lips twitched ever so slightly upwards. When the first image she saw in her dream was Nox.

She had always been dreaming that's sort of things ever since he, appeared right before her eyes.

This was another safe haven.

She felt warm when he held her.

Even though she felt like her blanket had been pulled away from her- just thinking of Nox, made her feel warmth through the coldness.


Nox silently walked out Jennette's room and slowly closed the door; a soft click could be heard when fully closing it.

He softly signed feeling exhaustion hitting him in the face; he hasn't felt this way in a long time.

It felt nostalgic- not because he was worn out but, because of Jennette's wreakless behavior.

He never saw her act this way before, she would often be a quiet, obeident girl. But today she threw tantrums as if she wanted something.

But, she really didn't want anything besides Nox carrying her, feeding her, cooking, baking, reading stories to her and etc.

Right now all he could think off was sleep.

After, his necessities he plopped down onto his bed. His hair was disheveled and wet from his bath.

He laid on his bed while, his lids were slowly closing from the heaviness.

He finally closed his eyes, sleeping away without any care if he was attacked.


He felt heavy- no his chest felt heavy.
It felt as if he was suffocating, the lack of oxygen.

Opening his eyes, he took a deep breathe in. He was breathing harshly while gripping onto his chest.

He didn't feel the heaviness nor pain on his chest but, he felt a small movement beside him.


Why was she here?

How did she get into my room in the middle of the night?

No matter how much he thought about it, he felt slightly dizzy. As if he were being spun around like a potato sack.

He couldn't recall any memory from last night.

'I'll ask Jennette, when she wakes up.'

Nox breathed out as he laid back down onto the soft bed sheets.

Placing his left hand over his eyes, he closed them again after being awoken by Jennette's habit's.

Her habit would usually be, sneaking in while he's sleeping, looking through his books and much more.

But, today seemed to be the worse. Since she turned 10 a few months ago, he felt that she was somewhat independent with herself.

But, he was wrong she became more dependents when time passed by. He didn't dare say a word that would hurt her feelings. Now that she was 10 she could walk on her own.

But, she mostly has been carried by Nox himself.

Nox felt as if she were being spoiled by him but, he couldn't help himself to bring it up. Due to Jennette being very naiive and young still.

So he didn't say anything hoping that she would understand when she's older.

But, that day never came when she turned 10. She still acted as if she first met Nox, hugging his shirt.


She was now eat breakfast with her Uncle ands brother. They were silently chewing on there food while the soft clicking noises came from the utensils.

That silence had changed when, Robert had asked Jennette to do a favor for him.

"Jennette, I know this will be hard for you but I very much think you should start having tea parties with friends."

Robert placed both his utensils down onto the table while looking up towards Jennette. She didn't say anything but, all she did was continue eating.

Without an care in the world, her brother finally spoken up.

"Jennette, your Uncle is speaking. I think it would be better if you'll look at him while he's speaking."

Jennette older brother, Ijekiel had spoken up in the akward situation.

Jennette didn't speak nor, look at her Uncle- instead she turned to look at Nox.

"Brother Nox, uncle Roger is being mean!"

Nox signed as he just stood still, him being a guard for her only. Well, he was slightly a caregiver as well. But, all in all he wasn't really a noble anymore nor on top of the food chain here.

He just kneeled down next to her chair and cupped both her cheeks.

"They are just doing what's best for you, Jennette."

Nox said to Jennette as she never let her eyes leave his form. She didn't move but, she only continue looking at him and breathing.

Her only response was nodding slightly, it was silent in the room.

The maid's were trying to clean up the mess Jennette had caused.

Only to just give a look of concern to the family.

The Alpheus family wasn't really a picky family nor, short tempered.

They used to be a calm family, well not until Jennette started acting like what she is acting today.

The maid's could only stare tiredly at Jennette but, they didn't say a word nor make a sound.

They stayed silent like Nox, only standing by the door or standing by the person they are serving.

Not many would stand next to Jennette since, she only wanted her knight to stand next to her.

They didn't question her nor, ask her why with her decision. They just agreed with her every action.

All but, Roger Alpheus.

He may look like a kind man, but deep inside he manipulated Jennette and used her for his own succession.

But, now that Nox came in he couldn't even get close to Jennette without being interrogated by Nox.

It was as if his skull was being drilled open by Nox himself.


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