(1) Chapter 9

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I promised to protect you,
So do not fret.
You will never have to see,
What I am seeing.

Keeping your eyes closed,
Listen to the lullaby.
Do not look behind you,
Or you'll get yourself-


Jennette had grown well in the past couple of years ever since, Nox shown up.

Nox had been reading books, teaching, feeding, fixing her routine. Enough that Jennette would never do all these by herself.

When she first tried to write it looked as if she didn't know how to spell. It was also her first time speaking words, she could barely say a word.

When she was two she could barely write or talk. When she was three she was slightly able to speak small sentences.

Her big brother taught her how to say those hard words by syllables. Sounding the letters out and then teaching her how to full say the word slowly.

When Nox had first made an appearance, she was able to say complex sentences and write. She was being taught etiquette by Nox.

But, her skills were not great.

To her Nox's etiquette were impeakable, it was as if she had laid her eyes upon a god.

Even her Uncle's manners wasn't as good as Nox's manners.

Then, when she was seven years old, she was finally able to walk with elegance but, she had a long way to go.

She was still learning how to correctly do things that are lady like. For example, she would play in the garden but, she would come back dirty from playing.

She was able to eat and speak as a mature woman but, when she's alone with Nox. Her inner child self had broken through her barrier. But, whenever she ate steak- she would have a hard time cutting it. So much that her caregiver would always cut it for her.

When she was eight years old, she was able to go around the mansion alone. But, she stilled liked being carried by Nox. Nox knew that she couldn't follow him due to the height difference. Well, also because of his long steps comparing them to those of a penguins steps.

When she was nine years old, she bought her own doll in a town with Nox. She was extremely excited but, her excited died down when Uncle Roger started to tell at her. He went as far to throw away a 'dirty doll'.

That very age, she was complimented multiple of time but others.

Nox as well.

She couldn't hold her excited, and cried.

Exclaiming that she was extremely happy, that he finally complimented her actions.

But, what he didn't know was that she had always followed his foot steps.

It was as if she was being guided down the story with no thorns in her pathway. Like it was a game, she felt as if she was the main character of this world.

When she was ten years old, she was able to recite the entire book that Nox had read her years ago.

She said with all her heart, that the book Nox read her when they had there first tea time together. Was engraved into her heart, and she couldn't bare to forget that memory.

So she decided to treasure that memory and enjoy it. She still dreamt of that very day.

Every night, before Nox out her to bed; she asked if he could read her that very exact book that he first shown to her.

She was delighted when he said yes, but there was a slight problem. Her Uncle would try to spend more time with her. And telling Nox to stay 6 feet away from them.

She hated that feeling, she hated her uncle for this. She never wanted to spend time with her Uncle nor, be in the same room.

But, she knew deep down in her heart that- he was doing what's best for her. But, not really. Hearing from Nox, that she was being used to kill the emperor of Obelia.

And get rid of the heir to the throne by taking that attention away from her.

She cried in his arms while asking, "WHAT DID I EVER DO WRONG?! I'VE NEVER WANTED ANY OF THIS!?"

She cried while gripping his jacket, all he did was soothe her.

Never telling what's really going on, all she heard is.

"Your safe now, you don't have to worry anymore..."

Those words made her tear up more, she begged and begged for Nox to take her away so, they can live together far away.

He only shook his head, knowing that Jennette's father and Uncle would look for her.

She sniffed one last time before, falling to sleep due to the headache.


The next day, she had gotten herself a fever, from the crying.

Too much stress can affect children's bodies. If not cared for they could die from the fever.

Thankfully Nox was there for her, taking care of her. Treating her as if she were his own sister.

Lying down in the bed, she looked a at Nox's direction, softly mumbling words.

Nox eyes widened and he quickly looked at Jennette expression. His expression showed only pain and grief.

But, he quickly hid those emotions away.

"Big brother Nox......"

Looking over to her, he brushed away the strands of hair away from her face.
He didn't say anything besides, caressing her face.

She was in so much pain, and it reminded him of his own sister.

Jin-ah was in the same pain when she had a fever. He didn't say a thing, but rather he just stared down on Jennette's face.


After those painful days, Jennette's health was almost back to 100 percent.
He woke up in his bed, only seeing Jennette next to him.

She was peacefully sleeping, like there were only clouds around her. He didn't want to wake her up so he silently got out of bed.

Nox sat down on the chair next to the bed, softly holding her hand in his palm.

"If only you knew, my real self...."


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