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Chapter 7: Adjustment

(Roses are red

Violets are blue

i wanna fuck you)

In the middle of the day, three days after the Horikoshi Plaza attack, Musutafu was still functioning normally, even with a new villain on the loose.

A coffee shop in the middle of the city was busy with many customers, some idling sitting while having conversations with their friends or some standing in line to order their drinks. A man held his daughter's hand as the two waited in line while the little girl stared at her feet below, kicking them out of boredom. At that moment, the sound of a bell jingling and a door opening could be heard.

Koru Yuki, now dawning a light blue ski mask and red goggles to hide his face, walked into the coffee shop. Immediately, he looked all around him to see that no one was paying attention to him. Which was good for once. He didn't want to get caught immediately. However, he couldn't help but eavesdrop on a few conversations.

"I still can't believe the plaza got attacked."

"Yeah man, I know. It's only been three days but it feels like yesterday it happened.

"I heard they're calling him the Abominable Snowman or something."

Yuki turned his attention to the other side of the shop, eavesdropping on more conversations.

"I used to feel safe knowing the Pro Heroes could defeat any villain. But that guy managed to defeat five Pro Heroes, including the number one Pro Hero."

"I would've thought Endeavor would've defeated him since he could just melt him."

Yuki turned his attention to another part of the shop.

"I'm not afraid of many people, but that guy… he scares me."

Next thing Yuki knew, he started hearing every conversation around him and all were about him.

"I hope he gets captured one day."

"I've never seen a Quirk like that. It's so powerful."

"He was a freak! Did you see his face!"

"I'm scared of him. I'm starting to hate winter now."

Throughout all this, the voices inside Yuki's head continued to whisper to him.

Mind is racing. Body's aching. Pulse has frozen. Madness breaking... Paranoia. Quirkless loser. Can't ignore the mental torture.

Yuki turned to the line where he stepped in it, standing behind the father and the daughter. The daughter suddenly looked up and saw Yuki, whom looked down at her through his mask.

"Daddy," she tugs her dad's shirt. "what's he wearing?"

The father turned around to see Yuki glaring at him through his goggles. "Shhshhshh." he told his daughter as they stepped out of line.

Yuki was now the first in line as the barista simply stared wide eyed at Yuki's odd persona while holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

Mind is racing. Body's aching. Pulse has frozen. Madness breaking... Paranoia. Quirkless loser. Can't ignore the mental torture.

"Um, c- can I help you, sir?" the barista nervously asks.


Yuki slaps some yen on the counter before swiping the coffee that was in her hand. He turned around as he began to drink the coffee. However, instead of the coffee going down his throat, it entered his mouth only to quickly cause the snow that was all over his body to slowly melt, prompting him to stop drinking the beverage. He looked down to see some coffee stained snow sliding off his body as it spilled onto the floor.

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