The rise of Frostbite

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(I deleted my Tik Tok app cuz it was cancer and cringe and I made my home screen unbalanced because there was an empty space and I have a low form of OCD so I wanted to fill my homepage with apps just so no spaces would be left. So I re-downloaded Clash of Clans, played it for like 20 minutes, got bored and deleted it and just downloaded the NHL app…

I don't even watch hockey.)

Mugs of alcohol and various other beverages clinked together as everyone in the Z.E.A.L. group all cheered for their new member and leader. Yuki, now going by Frostbite, stood next to Hikari who smiled at her group all cheering.

"Here's to Yuki for setting an example to the Quirkless." toasted a member.

"Here. Here." says another member.

"Alright, everyone, put your mugs down." Hikari tells her group. "I think Yuki- No… I think Frostbite needs to say something."

Everyone was silent as Frostbite stepped up on the open mic stage; he took in a deep breath before speaking.

"Before all of this, I was a nobody." he tells the group. "But now… I'm a somebody. I'm the leader of this group and I will make your dreams and fantasies come true. You want to show the world the power of the Quirkless in order to obtain respect and dignity? Sometimes you just gotta do things by force and through extreme measures, and I am willing to help my allies. Koru Yuki died in the accident. Now… I'm Frostbite, and I will make that a name people will fear throughout this country, if not the world. I was denied respect and recognition before but now, I will obtain what I yearn through force and extreme measures and along the way I will help you with your dreams! I am not going to give up on you guys like the world has done to the both of us. At first I thought these powers were a curse but now I realize I was wrong. They're not a curse… they're a gift and I will use my gift to get what we deserve. For Z.E.A.L."

"For Z.E.A.L.!" cheered the members.

Everyone started clapping and applauding as they all cheered and shouted; Frostbite stepped off the stage as he approached Hikari as the two of them walked away from the group to talk to themselves in private.

"I can't thank you enough for helping us with our cause, Yuki." Hikari says.

"I'm your hero… it's what I do." Frostbite says in a venomous tone.

"You're already a better hero than those Pro Heroes out there. Speaking of Heroes, what are we gonna do about them? Once we get ourselves known to the public, those Pro Heroes will step foot to stop us."

"You forget, your leader defeated the No. 1 Pro Hero in the most brutal manner ever today." Frostbite arrogantly replies. "Leave those wannabe halloween costume wearers to me. Right now, we need to focus on our goals and I'm thinking we change it up a bit."

"Go on." Hikari says.

"Like I said in my half ass speech just now, the things we want most are the things we often need to go beyond to get. Even if it means breaking the law." Hikari raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his idea. "We'll fight for our rights, that's for sure, but we need to put up one hell of a fight with no morals whatsoever in order to stand up to those Pro Heroes."

"What are you saying?" Hikari asks.

"We need weapons."

Hikari seemed to be taken by surprise by this with visible shock on her face. "Jesus, Frostbite." she says. "I mean, I'm not against the idea, it's just… extreme."

"Sometimes you need to do extreme things to get almost impossible." Frostbite replies.

"Even if we have weapons, we still need money to fund our operation."

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