The Yakuza

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(Hey, wanna see a cool picture I took.

( . Y . )

Ah, shit! I accidentally posted my ex's boob pics! She's not gonna be happy about this :c Can I have an F in chat boys?

Big thanks to gtv56jam on Tumblr for helping me with this chapter. More specifically, granting me the idea of having Z.E.A.L. give protection to teh Yakuza from the heroes. What took me days to think of, took him only a matter of minutes. Seriously couldn't have completely this chapter without him... no seriously. I had a huge case of writers block at the time and he helped me.)

Frostbite was perched on top of a ledge as snow continued to fall down the nighttime sky as he watched over the city. He suddenly stood up as he took a single step off the ledge and fell towards the ground; as he got closer to the ground, he activated his snowstorm blasts to stop his fall. He landed on the ground feet first as he took in the sight of the empty street. He turned around behind him to see a set of TV's inside of a store, which were currently playing a news report.

"The city is in terror," the news anchor begins. "as a total of 39 people have been brutally murdered in the span of a single day within half hours to a single hour of each other. 26 Pro Heroes and 13 civilians. All have one connection: Koru Yuki, or as he's going by the alias Frostbite. Here we have some footage of the No. 2 Pro Hero, Keigo Takami, aka the Wing Hero: Hawks, who gave chase to Frostbite just hours ago at the scene."

"He's fast, I'll admit that." Hawks says on the television. "He's also smart. Smarter than any other villain I have faced before. But it's not his speed or his intelligence that scares me. It's his lack of remorse for his killings. After Overload's death, he has been continuously finding Pro Heroes during either scenes of current crimes or accidents where he just freezes the dudes. Then he writes his name at the scene: Frostbite. He's taunting not only the police and Pro Heroes, but he's taunting the city itself. He's ruthless, sadistic, and has a cold heart. No pun intended. I promise, me and the remaining Pro Heroes will capture him and he will pay for his crimes and the deaths of our beloved heroes… as well as my friends."

Inside the TV shop, the owner was hiding behind his booth as he held a phone to his ear. "Yes, police. I have a situation here." he says over the phone.

"Koru Yuki, or now known as Frostbite, is currently in the Top 10 Most Wanted Criminals in the entire country of Japan, ranking at #9."

Frostbite scoffed in response. "Only at #9? Get real." he says to the news anchor on the television set.

Before all of this, back when he was still Yuki, Frostbite would've been horrified at his actions. But now, he's excited. He's now known throughout the public with a new name and no doubt he has struck fear onto the city.

"If you think I'm stopping at only 39… you've got a bigger surprise waiting for you." he goes on to say. "And to think, it's only Christmas Eve… I love the holidays."

He then flew up into the air, just as the police cars showed up, though he appeared to not have noticed as he continued to fly away.

Frostbite entered the Z.E.A.L. 's hideout as he immediately saw numerous members of the extremist group wearing similar clothes. Black jackets with either hoods or lack of hoods with all of them having the acronym Z.E.A.L. sewed onto the chest part of their tops. They all wore dark colored pants while all wore combat boots and to top all of this, most of the members were wearing blue and black masks with skull designs while some had their masks lying on the table.

Each of the members turned to the newcomer, which was their leader. "Frostbite!" they all cheered.

"Nice job on the murders, man." says a member.

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