One bad day

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(The Heavy is Dead is a good video. Fight me. No please! I was kidding! Don't hurt my fragile body!

In my medical opinion ZAT HEAVY IS DEAD! My professional opinion *slaps desk, whiplash sound effect* Ze heavy was KILLED!

Also I apologize in advance over how shitty this chapter is. I tried to include as much plot and mention some future plot points in future chapters as much as possible. The only good thing I liked about this chapter was the end…

ok bai.)


The light turned on inside a bathroom as Yuki brushed his teeth, looking at the mirror, as he got ready for his horrible day ahead of him. He spat out the toothpaste into the sink as he turned on the faucet, draining it down the drain. He placed his toothbrush back inside it's holster before grabbing his comb to comb his hair.

"Hey, Yuki, how's it going?" Yuki asked himself in the mirror. "Oh not much. I'm just going to my horrible, horrible job filled with degenerate douchebags where I constantly get pushed around and abused just so I can take care of my sick grandmother. You?"

"Yuki? Are you talking to yourself in there?" his grandmother yelled from her room.

"No, grandmama! You must be hearing things!" Yuki shouted. "Stupid, crazy old hag." he said to himself.

He eventually finished combing his hair as he walked out of his bathroom and entered his grandmother's room. "Alright, I'm leaving." he told her.

"Can you bring me-"

"No." Yuki interrupted as he closed the door. "Just one more day and tomorrow will be my birthday. Hopefully I'll get the day off."

As he walked down the hallway, his phone dinged, indicating someone texted him. He took out his phone and looked at the message.

Nurse Yuma

hey, i'm gonna drop by your place around noon just to check with your grandmother. is that alright? (sent at 9:14)

Yuki texted his response.


Good luck with her. She's being extra grouchy today. I'm almost glad I'm not gonna see her all day… almost. (sent at 9:14)

You have the key (sent at 9:15)

Be careful with the doorknob. It's been acting up lately. (sent at 9:15)

Almost instantly he got another message from her.

Nurse Yuma

alright. Cool. (sent at 9:15)

hey, uh… i don't know if you want to or not but do you want to (sent at 9:15)

you know… (sent at 9:16)

well there's this new soba shop that opened up downtown and i was wondering if you wanted to come with me? (sent at 9:16)


I don't like soba… (sent at 9:17)

Nurse Yuma

Oh… (sent at 9:17)

what about ramen? (sent at 9:17)


I love ramen. (sent at 9:18)

Nurse Yuma

Do you want to go to a ramen restaurant sometime? (sent at 9:18)


Sure. (sent at 9:20)

Nurse Yuma

Nice! (sent at 9:21)

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