I'm not a Villain

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(Many of you are wondering why the officer pulled a gun on Yuki two chapters ago and here's my explanation.

Yes, it's true that there are a bunch of weird physical features in the My Hero Academia world. That doesn't exclude that people are not affected by these features. One can still be startled by another person's appearance, especially if it's a stranger, in the My Hero Academia world. Furthermore, the officer was told that he was a suspicious person with facial features hidden, which only escalated the surprise of when he got a close up of Yuki's face.

Anywho, that's all I wanted to say. That and please stop nitpicking all the minor details like, "Why didn't Yuki just fly from the alleyway instead of turning into a snowman." or "Why did the police chase Yuki instead of calling some Pro Heroes?" because here are two questions to that question… "Who cares?" and "Does it matter?" because it's not relevant to the plot at all…

Okay, now THAT'S all I wanted to say. Now it's time for the daily shit post part of my author's note…

You guys remember O Entertainment and DNA Productions at the end of every Jimmy Neutron episode and that three eyed chimp would always come out and say, "Hi! I'm Paul."? I remember that. I miss those good ol' days…

Wait, I never watched Jimmy Neutron…

*sounds of angry fans furiously typing intensifies*)

Several cars drove down the street as Yuki turned the corner of the street as he concealed his face under his hood, wearing the same sky blue ski mask with red goggles underneath his hood. He kept his head down to hide his already hidden face for precaution as he passed many people who walked by him. A few of them even bumped into him, only to comment a rude remark to him, though Yuki did not listen.

He approached the Omnitech building as he entered the front doors, getting trapped in the revolving doors as an employee exited the building. He was suddenly approached by a security guard standing by the door.

"Sorry. No outside visitors unless you have a pass or you're here to see someone." the guard says.

"I need to see Dr. Kurutta." Yuki replies.

"What's your name?" the guard asks.

"Nise Namae. I'm from the International University of Japan."

"Can I see your school ID?"

"Uh. I was told I wouldn't need it. Just call Dr. Kurutta and say that there's a student from the school that's here to see him."

The guard rolled his eyes as he turned around to grab the radio attached to his shoulder. "Dr. Kurutta, I have a Nise Namae from the International University of Japan." he says.

"I don't know who that is."

"He says he's here to see you."

"Sorry. He must have the wrong guy."

The guard sighed in annoyance as he turned around. "Sorry kid, he says he hasn't-…" The guard suddenly stopped mid sentence to see that Yuki was no longer there. He looked all around him to see if he snuck passed him, but couldn't find him anywhere. "Where'd he go?"

From above, a few snow pellets climbed inside the air vent before disappearing inside completely.

Dr. Kurutta, down in his lab, looked through a microscope as he watched some cells bond with a host organism. At that moment, the air vent from above started to rain snow before it eventually landed on the ground. The snow started to shape shift and materialize into Yuki. Dr. Kurutta was still oblivious to his intruder.

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