Yuki vs Endeavor

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(Just like my life, I've lost control of this story.

Anyway, I imagine Yuki's theme to be kind of dramatic, cynical, and traumatic. Like, the main instruments would probably be the drums but also will use like the guitar and the overall theme of the… well theme, would give off these various vibes of hate, anger, rage, and overall revenge driven, just like Yuki's character.

At least, that's how I imagine Yuki's theme would be like.

Anyway, time for the shitpost:


Dr. Kurutta sat at a small table with a chess board in front of him; he was currently playing as the white pieces as all but the King of the black pieces were gone on the other side of the board. He grew a confident smile as he moved his bishop to a spot.

"Checkmate." he triumphantly says.

Archimedes, his opponent, cooed as he tilted his head. The sound of a vent opening was heard behind him as a pile of snow got dumped onto the ground. Said pile started forming itself into Yuki, who had a serious expression on his face.

"Dr. Kurutta." he greets.

Dr. Kurutta smiles as he stands up. "Yuchi, my boy! Have a seat! Wanna play some chess?" he asks.

"No thanks." Yuki declines.

Dr. Kurutta responded by violently flipping the chessboard, flinging away the many pieces as Archimedes flew away. "You're not fun." he declares.

"So I've been told."

"Anyway, shut up, and listen to what I have to say." Dr. Kurutta says as he walks over to Yuki. "The Musutafu Bank… Not that impressive of a bank but the only bank our city has."

"And you want me to rob it?" Yuki asks.

"Precisely! There is a brain in that living pile of snow after all!" Dr. Kurutta happily exclaims.

"I don't think there are any inner organs or entrails in my body anymore." Yuki states.

"You do this for me, and I guarantee that you will become normal again!"

"That's all I care about. I don't care about the money at all. Speaking of which, how much money do I have to steal?"

"Well," Dr. Kurutta started. "my original projects had a funding of 600,000 yen. But since we're rebuilding an already destroyed project, the price goes up. Not to mention we're building it in secret, meaning the price keeps getting higher, along with other factors I might add. I would say somewhere between…. 69 million."

"Six to nine, million?" Yuki asks, genuinely surprised at the cost.

"No, sixty-nine million." Dr. Kurutta clarified.

"69 MILLION?!" Yuki shouts in utter disbelief. "I'm gonna have to clear the entire vault!"

"Correct!" Dr. Kurutta shouts with a smile. "And you know what the best part is. YOU can't be defeated. You can't die. You're immortal, I think. Point is, you're no average villain. You're a supervillain. This job is like a walk in the park for you while walking your dog."

"I'm actually allergic to dogs, well I used to." Yuki reveals.

"Walking your cat. Bird. Tortoise. Alligator. Children. I don't care!"

"Wait, what?"

"Point is, this should be easy for you." Dr. Kurutta says. "Note that I said 'should be', because as we both know, this city is FILLED with nothing but villains, chaos, hipsters surprisingly, and most of all, Pro Heroes. That's what you need to look out for. That and the hipsters. Bunch of hypocritical know it alls. Makes me sick with their trends and unstylish clothing and their elephantine love for coffee!" Dr. Kurutta suddenly took a sip of coffee from a lime green mug that said EVIL GENIUS on it. "Ooh, that's good. You want some?"

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