The Breakout

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(Everyone gangsta until there's water droplets on the bench.

Bench: I will endure a thousand deaths before I yield.)

"This is 7 News Network and we bring you breaking news of a bank robbery downtown where the Musutafu Bank has just been struck by what is believed to be the most devastating heist in recent years." the news anchor on the TV says. "Only 20 minutes ago just before the lunch hour rush, a single man entered the bank building through the main doors posing as a paying customer. The intruder has been identified as Koru Yuki, a wanted young criminal who is responsible for the attack on Horikoshi Plaza less than a week ago. It is unknown why he stole the money, what his reasons behind the robbery were and exactly how much money was stolen from the bank. The police have updated his wanted status where they would like him apprehended with the large reward of 30,000,000 ¥."

The TV was turned as Archimedes pecked the blank TV screen; Dr. Kurutta gave an impressed smile after hearing the recent news. At that moment, several gym bags fell onto the floor behind him followed by Yuki floating down before landing on the ground.

"I must say I'm impressed with you, Yuchi." Dr. Kurutta says as he turns around. "You took on the No. 1 Pro Hero yet again and came out triumphant. Unlike last time when you fought with him, you actually managed to knock him out and overpower him, even though he has a natural advantage to your own powers."

"I nearly died." Yuki informs. "I got lucky and thought quickly enough to maneuver out of the way while tricking him into thinking I was just blocking his attack. Next time I won't be so lucky. So as long as I have my condition and Endeavor is still alive, I will be hunted down more times than there are stars in the entire universe before eventually I will succumb to a brutal, fiery death. I have the money and now the ball is in your court now."

"Thank you a lot, Yuchi." Dr. Kurutta says as he approaches the money bags. "This amount of money will definitely go pass the funding required for me to rebuild the chamber. If it wasn't for you and your villainous actions in stealing the enhanced control rods and stealing money to fund this project, you would never achieve your dream into becoming a human again."

"Yeah. Yeah." Yuki replies in an annoyed manner. "Just hurry up and start rebuilding already."

"Oh, I will." Dr. Kurutta bent down and grabbed a money bag, which proved to weigh more than he anticipated. "Umph! It's heavy!"

He used all of his strength to lift up the money bag and carry it back to his workshop table. As he did so, he accidentally knocked down a bunch of blueprints which were lying on his table. Yuki approaches the blueprints and started picking them up to put them back on the table. He suddenly stopped when one certain blueprint caught his eye. It was the blueprint for the demolecularization chamber.

He grabbed it and placed it on the table as he started examining it. He stared to scan the various measurements for the chamber along with the tools and the equipment that was needed to build it. However, one thing was off about the chamber. Under the list of equipment, "enhanced control rods" were missing. He checked the design for the chamber and noticed that it was lacking any control rods whatsoever.

He suddenly turned around to the broken demolecularization chamber behind him and started to scan it. To his sudden realization, he found out that the previous chamber had no control rods. Add to the fact that the blueprints lacked any control rods in general made the whole thing even more weird and suspicious.

Yuki's eyes suddenly lit up as a horrifying realization dawned on him. He grew a small scowl as he turned around to face the doctor, who was busy placing money on his workshop table.

"Dr. Kurutta." he says.

"Hmm?" the doctor asks as he continues taking money out of the bag.

"Exactly how much energy and the number of control rods would be needed for the control rods?" Yuki asks.

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