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(Guys! I just found the legendary cure for cancer!

*insert Ali-A intro bass boosted meme*

It's official. I've run out of ideas to come up with these dumbass author's notes. I just stole this from a Fitz PUBG video for crying out loud…

Okay bye.)

Yuki, reeking of sewage, entered the Omnitech building where he pulled out his ID badge. He quickly swiped the badge into a machine which allowed him to enter the building before placing his badge back into his pocket. He straightened his clothes as he fixed his hair. He walked passed many Omnitech employees as they gave him disgusted expressions from the sewage smell he was emitting.

"Yuchi." said a voice behind him. He turned around to see a person in a black business suit walking beside him, not giving him eye contact. "You're late."

"Mr. Tawagoto. The trains are so slow and there was a villain attack. I'm sorry." Yuki quickly apologized.

"Don't you realize that Omnitech is producing a QDA? A Quirk Disease Antidote?" Mr. Tawagoto asks, still giving Yuki no eye contact.

"Yes. I'm well aware of that, sir." Yuki replies.

"And you come in late." Mr. Tawagoto continues. "Dr. Kurutta is not really pleased that you're late. He needed you in the lab an hour ago, Yuchi."

"What does he need more for?" Yuki asks.

"He's created a device that allows liquids to be turned to gas within minutes." Mr. Tawagoto explains. "Not only that, but we also have a staff meeting later on today. Do not be late this time."

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Tawagoto, but you know I have school. I've already came to school late for three days. I can't keep doing this-"

"You will do as I tell you to do. Otherwise you will be fired." Mr. Tawagoto suddenly turned to Yuki and gave him a cold, hard stare. "You are Quirkless, correct."

"Y-Yes sir." Yuki stammered in slight fear.

"Then you will listen to me without question. Understood?"

Yuki gulped. "Yes sir." he says.

"Good." his boss responds. "You know how I like my coffee."

With that, Mr. Tawagoto walked away leaving a degenerate Yuki behind. At that moment, an Omnitech employee walked passed the teen, catching a whiff of his smell.

"You smell like crap." the employee says.

"I'm well aware." Yuki replies in a saddened state.

Yuki finished brewing his boss' coffee in the staff lounge as he read an article in a magazine explaining how snow can be converted into electricity. As the coffee maker ding, Yuki placed the magazine in his jacket as he grabbed the cup. He stirred it around for a few seconds before walking out of the lounge.

Eventually, he made it to his boss' office, which was on the top floor of the Omnitech skyscraper, giving Mr. Tawagoto an overview look of the city. Currently, Mr. Tawagoto was writing some business papers on his desk when he noticed his intern/assistant.

"Took you awhile, Yuchi." Mr. Tawagoto says coldly.

"I'm sorry, sir." Yuki apologizes as he placed the mug on the counter.

"You know you're lucky I gave you this job in the first place." his boss reveals.

"Well how else am I supposed to pay for my rent, pay for my grandmother's nurse when I'm not at home, and various other things. Between those necessities, I barely have enough spending money for myself." Yuki explains.

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