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Celeste and her parents arrived at Kings Cross Station at ten thirty in the morning, or in other words, just on time to find the perfect compartment. The older two of the trio never stopped being amazed at just how different Celeste's world was from theirs. Neither of the Miller parents would have ever believed running full speed at a brick wall would turn out well; nonetheless end up with them on a whole different platform. But here they stood on Platform 9 and 3/4 once again.

"I swear I have a mini heart attack every time we have to do that." Said Zachary hunched over trying to catch his breath. "I'm telling you one of these times we're just gonna go splat!" Both of the Miller women laughed deeply at Zachary's exaggeration.

"I don't know how many times I have told you this. But I'll say it once more. No, we won't, it's magic." Celeste had a hard time finishing her sentence due to the continuous laughter spilling out of her mouth.

"Well, when we all go splat next time, I won't be having any of this sass." Now it was Zachary's turn to start laughing at the mixture of shock and amusement on his daughter and wife's faces.

"On that note, I think I will be leaving now." Celeste said in a mocking posh tone. All of the Millers shared another laugh and decided it truly was time to say goodbye. Especially if Celeste wanted to see her friends before the prefect's meeting.

With a hug from her father, tears from her mother, and her trunk in hand, Celeste set off to board the express. She almost made it to the train with no trouble. The key word being almost. That changed when she felt a body slam into her own. In turn sending herself and her trunk to the ground, which caused the contents to spill out of it.

"Watch where you're going next time!" She yelled from the ground attempting to pick up the large mess that was once her carefully packed trunk.

Two shadows appeared above her and simultaneously they knelt down to help her. "Sorry about them. James caught a glimpse of Lily and took off. Peter just happens to follow where he goes." When Celeste looked up, she was met with the green eyes of Remus Lupin.

"It's not your fault that James is crazy, Remus. You have nothing to be sorry for. It's him who should be apologizing, not you." Celeste then realized not only one but two of the Marauders were in her presence. "Oh, and it's not your fault either, Sirius. You guys can go. I've got it from here."

"Well, we know it's not our fault. You just looked like you needed the help, Miller. Plus, Moony and I are available." Both boys smiled at Sirius' words and began to place items back into the girl's trunk.

"Y'know it's been years since you started using those absurd nicknames and I've still yet to figure out what they mean. Mind giving me a hint?" She continued reloading her trunk with the help of the two Marauders.

"Ya hear that Moony? She thinks our nicknames are absurd. Absurd! How dare she mock us in such a way? And to think we've been so kind to graciously get on our knees for her. Never again I say. Never again!" Sirius feigned anger but Celeste and Remus could tell by the sparkle in his gray eyes that he truly was just amused. It grew brighter as Sirius realized his words made not only Remus but Celeste blush.

Still red in the face from his best mate's words, Remus blindly reached for the last of the items spilled from Celeste's trunk. Much to her horror and Sirius' amusement, that so happened to be her dark blue lace bra. As that was the last item, all three of them stood up.

"Uh, thank you." Celeste said to the boys in front of her. Still in a horrified daze at the thought of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black seeing her intimate apparel.

"You're welcome." Remus said, looking down at his black boots, praying to Merlin that neither Celeste nor Sirius could see the blush on his face. Both the boy and the girl could, but thankfully for Remus, neither decided to comment on it. Or at least not yet anyway.

"Any time." Sirius grabbed Remus' arm and began to drag him away but stopped and turned back towards Celeste. "Oh, by the way Miller, I think you'd look really fit in that." He winked and the boys walked away for good.

After a minute or so of contemplating on whether or not she should just Avada Kedavra herself right where she stood, Celeste picked up her trunk once more and realized she would not have time to visit her friends before meeting with her fellow prefects. With a slight frown on her face due to the fact that she would much rather be with her friends, she walked through the slim corridor and made her way to the prefect's compartment just on time.

Just The Three Of Us - SiriusxOCxRemusWhere stories live. Discover now