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Author's Note: This is my longest chapter so far. Hope you like it :)

     The days leading up to the Friday night study date had flown by. Celeste was going crazy with anticipation of being alone with the two gryffindor boys, later that night. She had no clue why she felt so flustered at that thought. They had known each other for years. What could have changed between them to make her feel this way? Maybe the fact that puberty hit them like a freight train. Remus no longer had acne and had grown into his lanky limbs. Whereas Sirius' voice had significantly lowered and his height had finally reached a solid five foot ten.

     From the moment she had laid eyes on them at the train station she knew things would be different this year. Well at least on her end. She had no clue what the boys were feeling. I knew I should have worked on legilimency. Seeing the way Remus' tawny curls fell over his forehead and how Sirius' grey eyes raked over herself and her belongings made her swoon. Something she had never felt before and certainly did not expect to feel from them. She just wished she knew how they were feeling.

     Celeste may be a ravenclaw but when it comes to romance, she is completely blind. Then again teenage boys aren't exactly the brightest when it comes to that situation either. Well unless you're Sirius Black. He practically has a doctorate in flirting, or at least that's how he makes it seem. 

     Sirius Black could not stop thinking about what would happen during their 'study date' as he had taken to calling it. When the words "It's a date" fell from Celeste's lips, he felt as though his chest had exploded. Everyone thought of him as a heart breaker and that he did it out of pure pleasure. Sure, he had broken a few hearts over the years, but truthfully he did it to protect himself. Nobody could break his heart if he broke their's first. Nobody could shatter his heart the way his mother and father had anyway. At this point it was a defense mechanism that he used as a crutch. 

     One person had beat him to it though. Rather one boy had beat him to it. Remus Lupin unknowingly broke Sirius' heart when he revealed his reasoning on wanting to stop their summer romance. His lycanthropy. Something that he nor anyone else had any control over. But Sirius wasn't about to let the best thing that ever happened to him go. Not without a fight anyway. Thus the agreement to support one another had been made.

     Sirius believed that having Remus even in such a small way, meant that he may still have a chance at loving the wolf long term. He was absolutely thrilled anytime Remus would blush at his words or laugh at his antics. Each time something like that happened, a piece of his heart was put back into place.

     Nothing anyone else was doing helped heal the boy's broken heart. That was until Celeste Miller's soft laugh rang out on the platform. It was like a song attuned perfectly to his ears. Almost as if it was made for him and him alone. He couldn't wait to hear it again, he could only hope he would be able to make her laugh later.

     Remus Lupin felt like time had slowed down just to spite him as he and Sirius awaited Celeste's arrival. Sirius had yet to tell Remus where the were going to practice the charm, but he had a good idea of where the black haired boy may take them. Sirius insisted that they bring the map with them claiming he didn't want any unwanted visitors. Remus took this as Sirius not wanting Prongs and Wormtail poking fun at him for actually caring to learn the charm. But in reality Sirius wanted to make sure nobody would be barging in on his alone time with Remus and Celeste.

Just The Three Of Us - SiriusxOCxRemusWhere stories live. Discover now