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     Celeste Miller had once again been awoken in the middle of the night due to a nightmare. This time she had seen Dorcas' body drop after being struck by a green light. Celeste knew what the green light was, the killing curse. She had heard it be muttered by a raspy voice. Only a second later had Dorcas succumbed to death. Typically Celeste would just roll over and attempt to find sleep once more. But she couldn't get the look on Dorcas' face out of her mind. After laying in her bed for a few more minutes, she decided to try and walk it off.

     The hallway's of Hogwarts were practically deserted this late at night. Of course there were a few stray teacher's who may be out on patrol, but if she were caught, she could pull the prefect card. As a prefect she had to know the patrol schedules. Tonight it was to be Aaron Cole and Amelia Bones. So when Celeste saw Severus Snape she felt the need to see what he was up to.

     Years of sharing a dorm with Natalia had taught her how to move silently. Natalia was a tremendously light sleeper. She would wake at the slightest noise. So Celeste had learned how to maneuver her body in a way that would make her movements practically soundless. A perfect skill to have when following Snape.

     Celeste had been following the greasy haired boy through the halls for around fifteen minutes. He hadn't done anything of interest and she was about to give up when he made a beeline for the door that led to the courtyard. She bit her lip as she thought of whether or not she should follow. Against her better judgement she did. Bloody Marauder's turning me into some sneak.

     The chill of the January air had Celeste shivering and wishing she had worn warmer pajamas; She had worn her typical nightwear, a white tank top with navy silk shorts. Thankfully she had the mind to throw on trainers rather than her fuzzy slippers. She had been having a hard enough time trying not to slip in the mud beneath her feet. 

     Severus seemed to be looking for something or possibly someone. But for what or for whom, Celeste did not know. She was beginning to get fed up with her confusion when he abruptly stopped, only a few feet ahead of her. In front of him stood the whomping willow. She saw him wave his wand and the tree froze. Celeste stood astonished but a howl broke her out of her trance.

     "Snape, stop!" He whirled around to face the witch. "Didn't you hear that? It sounded like a werewolf. We have to go and get a professor!"

     "They won't care. They already know he's here. Or at least Dumbledore does." He hissed.

     "He?" She questioned.

     "Don't play dumb Miller."

     "I don-"

     "Lupin. Lupin's the werewolf who stalks these grounds. Don't believe me?" He grabbed her arm. "Come see for yourself." He dragged her down into the tunnel with him. She tried to fight him off but his determination kept his grip strong. Upon entering the tunnel he led her up a few steps. As they got closer to the door they could hear a plethora of things. Heavy panting, growls, and a few almost playful barks was what Celeste could identify through her fear.

     She blinked and then the door was open. A rat, a stag, a black dog, and a brown werewolf were suddenly in front of her eyes. Snape leaned forward to get a better look and then the floor creaked. Time seemed to speed up as Celeste was thrown to the floor. All of a sudden Snape was being ushered out the door by James Potter and the black dog was standing in front of her. The rat was nowhere to be seen. But the wolf was, and he was angry.

     The wolf's eyes locked onto Celeste's and her heart broke. There they were. Remus' beautiful green eyes. The eyes she had been so entranced by, on the face of a wolf. A wolf who wanted nothing more than to rip her to shreds. No. Remus would never hurt me. She thought. Well not intentionally. She couldn't believe it. Snape was right. Remus is a werewolf. But one night a month doesn't matter. He's still the Remus who helped me learn the shield charm. He's still the Remus who cuddled up to me and Sirius when he was sloshed. He's still the Remus who gave me his scarf when I was cold. He's still Remus, just a little more furry.

     Despite the truth behind her thoughts. Remus still couldn't control himself in wolf form no matter how hard he was trying. And he was fighting harder than he ever had in his life. The wolf who Celeste had now identified as Remus lunged but he was intercepted by the black dog. Both canines fought tooth and nail but in the end Padfoot was thrown across the shack. He slammed into the wall with a whimper and fell unconscious. 

     Slowly the wolf turned towards her once again. Celeste scrambled up and reached for her wand, only to find it not on her. Shit. I left it in the dorm. She began to recall everything she had been taught about werewolves. But there was no way it would be useful seeing as all they were ever taught was how to kill not subdue.

     "Remus." The wolf tilted its head and began to pad towards her. "I know you're in there." He bared his teeth. "Rem.. Please." Tears began to flow from her icy eyes. Remus lunged and his claws tore through her left thigh. She screamed out in pain as Remus went for the kill. Just as his jaws were about to snap, a stags antlers rammed into his side.

     "C'mon Celeste, I have to get you out of here. I have to get you to Pomfrey." Peter hoisted her up by her shoulders and wrapped his arm around her waist. "You're gonna be okay." Was the last thing Celeste heard before she fell unconscious. 

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