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     When Remus had woken up, the first thing he saw was Sirius sitting in a chair next to his bed. The second thing he saw was Celeste. She was lying in the bed to the left of his with bandages wrapped around her leg. His mind immediately went to the worst scenario. I bit her. I'm a monster. I promised I would protect her, and I did the opposite. He started to hyperventilate from the thoughts that were bombarding him.

     "Moons, you need to calm down." Sirius said as he lightly pushed Remus' shoulders back onto the mattress. 

     "Calm down? You want me to calm down? I hurt her!" 

     "She's gonna be okay. Poppy already confirmed it."

     "How is she gonna be okay? I bit her. She's going to be like me. She's going to be a monster."

     "What? You didn't bite her. She just got scratched." He gestured to the bandages that were encircling her left thigh. "Poppy just put those there to help stop the bleeding. Besides a scar or two, she'll be the same girl she was."

     "Oh, thank Merlin." Remus let out a sigh of relief. "Wait, if she was there, then she knows what I am. She knows of the monster I become. She'll never look at me the same. Not that I'd blame her bu-"

     "Remus John Lupin, if I hear you say one more idiotic thing, I'm going to jinx you." Celeste said as she sat up in her bed. "You are the same person I've always known. Just because you get a little furry once a month, doesn't change how I see you."

     Tears gathered in Remus' green eyes at her words. "You really mean that?"

     "Of course she does, Moons."

     "Sirius, I can answer for myself." She shook her head exasperatedly. "But he's not wrong. I truly meant what I said. Rem, you're still the boy who helped me pick up my things at the train station. You're still the boy who helps me in class when I don't understand the topic. You're still the boy who gave me his scarf when I was cold. You're still you, just with more fur." She let out a small laugh. Remus and Sirius echoed her action.

     "Thank you."

     "What for?"

    "For being you. For being perfect." 

    "Nobody's perfect." 

     "Except for me." Sirius added with a wink.

     Celeste and Remus shared a glance. Both the wizard and the witch thinking the same thing. What have I gotten myself into?

     "Sure, Sirius. Nobody's perfect except for you." She replied. This time it was Remus who let out a laugh.

     "Moony! That's mean, don't laugh at Celeste." 

     "Sirius, I'm gonna put this as nicely as I can. He's not laughing at me..."

     Sirius whipped his head towards the sandy haired boy. His grey eyes glinted with mischief as he raised his eyebrows. "You were laughing at me? How dare you! After everything we've been through together?" He wiped away an imaginary tear. "I see how it is. You've replaced me! With a girl! You wound my poor heart." He turned towards Celeste. "And you, how dare you be more perfect than I am!"

     "I just said nobody is perf-"

     "What is all this ruckus?" Madam Pomfrey said as she walked out of her office door. "Oh! Mr. Lupin, I see you're awake. Miss Miller, nice to see you are as well." The matron gathered a numerous amount of potions and set them on the table next to Remus' bed. "You know the drill, drink up."

     'Yes, ma'am." He said as he began to down potion after potion. He took them as if they were shots. Celeste could only wonder how long Remus had suffered from lycanthropy. But despite her curiosity, she would never ask. That was his story, and he was the only one who could choose to whom he told it. 

     "Miss Miller, are you feeling better? Or do you need more pain relief?"

     "I'm feeling alright. I won't be needing that, well at least I don't need it yet."

     "Okay, well just let me know if there's any changes in how you're feeling."

     "Will do." She said, and the matron nodded.

     "Well in that case, I will be in my office."

     As soon as the matron was gone, she was replaced. Peter Pettigrew had now stood in her spot. Celeste recognized him as one of the Marauders. Or in other words, a best friend to Remus and Sirius. The boy had a slight roundness to his pale face, but he was still handsome. His blonde hair and blue eyes were a good combo to have.

     "Hey Moony, how are you feeling?"

     "I'm alright. I've definitely felt worse. How's Prongs?"

     "He's doing good. He actually sent me over here to ask you guys something."

     "And that would be?" Sirius chimed in.

     "He wants to know if you'll come and play exploding snap with us. He said it gets boring when there's no audience to cheer him on." All three of the boys let out booming laughter.

     "I'll come, but only if I get to go against Prongs. It's always fun to see the little vein pop out in his forehead when I beat him." Peter nodded and the two began to walk towards James' bed.

     "You coming, Moons? Do you need help walking?" Sirius asked.

     "I'm coming, and no, I'll be alright."


     "Do you want to play, Celeste?" Remus asked as he ran his fingers through his messy hair.

     "I wouldn't want to intrude." She bit her lip.

     "Pete, pull up another chair. Celeste's gonna join us." Came the voice of James Potter from the bed on her left. He grinned at her cheekily.

     "In that case, yes, I'd love to join you guys."

     Remus nodded. "Padfoot, c'mere and help me." He wound his arm around her waist as Sirius came up and wrapped his under her shoulders. With the help of the boys, Celeste was able to make it into the chair without applying any pressure to her leg.

     After getting comfortable in her chair, that was conveniently next to both Sirius and Remus, she spoke. "What are we waiting for, boys? Let's play."

Just The Three Of Us - SiriusxOCxRemusWhere stories live. Discover now