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     Sirius Black was over the moon when he found out that he would be spending a lot of time with the ravenclaws this year. He was extremely excited to share more time with the Miller girl now that she had shown the slightest bit of interest. He obviously wanted to be with her romantically but he also understood she wasn't just anyone. If he wanted to date her then he would need to become her friend first. 

     While the grey eyed boy knew he wanted to date her and was excited by the prospect of having the chance to, he was also terrified. Sirius was the type of boy who enjoyed snogging girls and guys in broom closets. But he wasn't typically the boy that someone would think of when thinking of their ideal boyfriend. That type of boy is none other than Remus Lupin.

     Which is probably why Sirius felt so drawn to his friend in the first place. Sirius had a crush on the Lupin boy from the moment they met. At first he tried to hide it from everyone, even from himself. But as the years went on he only felt more for Remus. Especially after he got away from his blood supremacist family and moved in with the Potters.

     After many long talks with Euphemia Potter, Sirius realized that it was okay to like not only girls but boys too. Nobody even questioned it when he came out in October last year, deep down his friends knew all along but chose to give him time to come to terms with it himself. The only person who struggled with Sirius' realization was Remus. It's not as though Remus wasn't supportive of his friend because he was, but the idea of Sirius being able to like boys awakened something within himself.

     The green eyed boy began seeing everyone in a new light especially Sirius. He found himself paying more attention to him than he did to his other friends. It was just the little things about Sirius he would pick up on. Like how the boy would paint his nails on his left hand one color, but paint his right hand something completely different. Or how Sirius had taken to putting his dark hair into a bun and held it in place with his wand.

     No matter how hard either boy tried, they just couldn't shake their feelings for one another. This caused a lot of tension over the past summer which ended up eventually dissolving when Sirius took matters into his own hands. Sirius entered Remus' room in the manor and walked up to the sandy haired boy. Remus was going to ask why Sirius was there but he never got the chance to, because before he knew it Sirius' lips were on his.

     After many more nights of the two secretly snogging, Sirius had gotten up the courage to ask Remus what would happen when they went back to school. Remus desperately wanted to be with Sirius but with his condition he figured that he would rather be safe then sorry. Sirius wasn't about to lose what they had completely, so they made a deal. If they needed comfort they could find it in one another but there would be no label on their relationship.

     "Moony, wait up!" Sirius yelled trying to catch up to the lanky boy as they both headed to defense against the dark arts, which both boys were secretly excited for, seeing as they had it with the ravenclaws. Remus was still lost in his thoughts about seeing Celeste when Sirius had finally caught up to him.

     "What are you thinking about in that pretty little head of yours?" Remus' cheeks flushed upon processing Sirius' words. 

     "Nothing." He winced as he realized how quickly he had answered.

     "So you're not thinking about Celeste in that lace?" Remus' head whipped towards Sirius so fast that he felt as though he may have given himself whiplash.

     "What? No! Why would I be thinking about her in her bra? Are you thinking about Celeste in her bra?"

     "Yes, yes I am."

 Remus looked positively dumbfounded at the idea of Sirius thinking of Celeste in such a way. Despite the fact that Remus knew many others liked the girl, he never would have thought Sirius would take an interest in her. He typically went for blondes.

     "May I ask why you're thinking of my best friend topless? I mean I know she's hot but c'mon Black we both know you've never seen her without her shirt. You're probably not even imagining her properly." Natalia Davis' curious voice chimed in from behind. 

     "She truly is a magnificent sight to behold. Don't you agree Dorcas?" Sienna added as she smirked at the gaping gryffindor's.

     The three girls decided that they would do everything they could to get Black to snog Celeste. Dorcas agreed against her better judgement when Sienna pointed out it was all in the name of getting Celeste out of her shell.

     "I would be a fool not to Si, I mean look at her" Dorcas gestured towards the very red brunette on her left. "She's gorgeous with a shirt on. Without one she's a bloody goddess. Too bad we're the only ones to have seen it."

     Before Celeste could become any more mortified by what her friend's were saying, their new professor interrupted them. He was a very tall man, rivaling even Remus in height. With hair as dark as Sirius', and just as curly as James Potter's. He held himself as if he was above everyone else, almost the way a member of the sacred twenty-eight would.

     "Come now students, I have teaching to do." He instructed their small group towards the open door which led to the defense against the dark arts classroom.

     "Hello everyone I am Silas Selwyn. But you will only be permitted to address me as Professor Selwyn or Sir. If you choose to do otherwise then you will land yourself in detention. If you would gather your belongings and line yourselves up along the far wall it would be greatly appreciated. I will be assigning you to your seats, no changes will be made so do not ask."

     All of Celeste's friends had been given their assigned seats already and the numbers of students left standing were dwindling fast. The girl just hoped she would be seated by someone she knew or at the very least someone who would be kind to her.

     "Last but not least the pair who will be sitting at the top right table will be... Remus Lupin and Celestia Miller."

     The girl was thanking Merlin while the boy was cursing him. Out of everyone he had hoped he would not be seated next to her. On one hand he was happy because he would have the chance to truly get to know the girl. But on the other hand he was nervous he would mess everything up. Also now he had to worry about his best mate's feelings for Celeste on top of his own. Is Sirius just looking to shag a pretty girl or is it more?

     "Well with the seating arrangements made we can start our lesson. Today we will be learning about the shield charm. Typically this would be taught in your charms class but it has been moved into my curriculum. Can anyone tell me the incantation to cast this charm?"

     Many students raised their hand from both ravenclaw and gryffindor but Professor Selwyn called on Celeste. "The incantation to cast the shield charm is Protego sir."

     "Correct, ten points to ravenclaw for miss...."

     "Miller, sir." Celeste didn't know how he had forgotten her surname seeing as he had said it only a few minutes prior.

     "Miller. Ten points to ravenclaw for miss Miller's correct answer. Now everyone work on casting the charm with your seat partner. I will offer help if need be."

     The majority of the class was struggling with casting the charm and despite what he said, Professor Selwyn was just sitting at his desk smirking rather than offering any help. This went on for quite some time. But his smirk immediately turned into a scowl when Remus managed to properly cast the charm.

     "Um Remus." The boy turned towards Celeste still wearing his triumphant grin. "Do you think you could help me? I just can't seem to get the hang of it."

     Remus' grin widened. "Of course I can Celeste."

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