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Trigger Warning: Underage drinking

     The months of September and October flew by quicker than Celeste had expected them too. She was doing well in the majority of her classes, except for astronomy. She currently had an acceptable in the subject. But with Celeste being the anxious girl that she is, she felt the need to change that. So when Sirius offered to be her seat partner and to help her study she was ecstatic. They had been slowly becoming friends since their first defense against the dark arts lesson. Which lead to her being invited by him to attend gryffindor's famous Halloween party that doubled as Sirius Black's birthday bash.

     The girl was very thankful when he had also said she could invite a few of her ravenclaw friends. So of course she invited Natalia and Sienna. She would have invited Dorcas as well, but the brown eyed girl had already been asked to attend by Marlene McKinnon. Nothing had been confirmed by either of the women but Celeste had a feeling there was something going on between them. They would be so cute together.

     "Has anybody seen my lip gloss?" Dorcas shouted at her three dorm-mates.

     "I've got it, I'll be done with it in a second." Came Natalia's voice from their bathroom.

     Natalia had chosen to attend the party dressed as a playboy bunny. She looked amazing in her white satin leotard and sheer black stockings which left little to the imagination. Her long curls had been french braided and bunny ears sat atop her head.

      "Holy mother of Merlin, Natalia. You look hot." Sienna's blue eyes were gliding up and down Natalia's body.

     "Obviously. But to be fair I look amazing everyday." The dark skinned girl handed Dorcas her lip gloss.

     "Damn Dorcas, Marlene's one lucky witch. I mean c'mon you look like an angel. Quite literally." She blushed at Natalia's words.

      Dorcas was also wearing white but instead of a leotard and ears, she wore a slip dress and a halo. Marlene was to be her costume's other half; She was to be attending the party dressed as a devil.

     "We're heading out now, unless you girls want us to wait for you?" Dorcas wanted to be early so she could meet up with Marlene and Natalia wanted to get to the drinks.

     Celeste looked towards Sienna who was adjusting her headpiece in the mirror. "No that's okay. We'll be right behind you, we just gotta add some last touches."

     "Alright, see you later then." 

     Celeste and Sienna entered gryffindor tower and were immediately in awe. Though Sienna and Celeste had been in the tower before, it hadn't looked like this. Now it had been covered from ceiling to floor in orange and black streamers. In place of the typical lion tapestry was a banner that read Happy Birthday Sirius! In front of the fireplace was a large wooden table full of assorted beverages. Most of them contained alcohol, but really nobody was surprised.

     Celeste was surprised to see such a variety of costumes. There was everything from muggle celebrities to random objects. Like Corey McLaggen who was dressed as a ketchup bottle. But nothing could compare to the Marauder's costumes. Peter Pettigrew was dressed as Scooby Doo. James Potter was in a muggle suit with a golden crown on his head; Celeste could only assume he was a prince for the evening. Both of them looked good but neither could compare to the boys who accompanied them.

     Remus Lupin and Sirius Black once again had outshone everyone else in Celeste's eyes. Sirius was wearing a red and back flannel in place of his usual leather jacket with black jeans. He held a plastic axe in in one hand and a red solo cup in the other. His long dark hair had been secured into a low bun with his wand. There was no doubt in her mind that he was dressed up as a lumberjack.

     Whereas Remus Lupin had taken a different approach. He had come to the party as a greaser from the fifty's. He looked absolutely breathtaking in his dark wash jeans and leather jacket combo. His sandy blonde hair had been slicked back with Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. Celeste was contemplating who looked better but decided they were equally attractive in their own ways.

     "C'mon, let's go get drinks." Sienna took Celeste by the arm and dragged her to the beverages.

     Sienna filled her cup with firewhiskey, her favorite. Celeste decided to go for her favorite as well, muggle vodka. Both girls had learned rather young that they had high alcohol tolerances.

     "I see Natalia, I'm gonna go dance with her, will you be okay?" Celeste nodded and her pink haired friend went to dance. The brunette decided to sit down on one of the couches and watch over her friends to make sure they were safe. It's not that she didn't trust the gryffindor's, she just was cautious when it came to her friend's safety.

     Upon sitting down she noticed a few more people she knew around the room. Standing by the portrait was Lily Evans in a green leafy leotard; she appeared to be dressed as Poison Ivy. To her left was the devil herself, Marlene McKinnon. Her blonde hair had been straightened and red horns had been placed atop her head. She wore a red slip dress and tail that matched her horns perfectly. Standing next to her with her arm around her waist was Dorcas. No surprise there.

     Caught up in all of her people watching Celeste failed to notice the two new presences right beside her. Remus and Sirius were both drawn to the girl as soon as she stepped through the portrait. It was as if an invisible string was pulling them towards one another. She looked gorgeous to both of the boys on any given day. But she looked radiant in her costume.

     She was dressed in a mid thigh length black sequin dress. Her dark brown hair had been curled to hold the headpiece in place. The headband itself was a silver moon with stars surrounding it. Her makeup had been done as well; silver sparkles adorning her eyes with a bold black lip. Sienna who was currently dancing had been dressed in gold, being the sun to her moon.

     "Hey Celeste, enjoying my party?" Sirius asked the distracted girl.

     She nodded, not really registering who it was talking to her. "Earth to Celeste?" Remus snapped his scarred fingers in front of her face. She finally shook herself out of her daze and looked to the boys on either side of her.

     "Remus! Sirius! How's the party going for you?" 

     "Funny you say that, because I just asked you the same thing not too long ago." Sirius laughed. 

     "Bloody hell! It's going good for me. I got my hands on some vodka." She waved her solo cup for them to see. "I've just been keeping an eye on my friends." Celeste pointed to Natalia, Sienna, and Dorcas who were now all dancing to the beat of More Than a Feeling. 

     "I want to be them right now." All three of them laughed at Sirius' words. "How come you're not out there with them?"

     "Someone's gotta keep an eye on them. I mean I'm sure nothing will happen here but I'd rather be safe then sorry, you know?"

     "I know the feeling well." Remus smiled but Celeste could see a hint of sadness in his green eyes.

     You're My Best Friend by Queen sounded through the room. What could he be sad about? What can I do to help? Does he even want my help? Probably not. Am I going to try anyway? No, it's not my place. She looked towards Sirius and couldn't help but notice his grey eyes held the same look. Oh Merlin. Screw it.

     She downed her drink and slowly stood up, extending her hands toward the boys. "Would you like to dance with me?" The two Marauders shared a look and accepted her offer. She guided them to the middle of the makeshift dance floor and they begun.

     That's how the trio spent the rest of the night. In a tangle of limbs upon the "stage" as they had taken to calling it. With Celeste's arms around Sirius' neck and Remus' woven around her waist. Swaying back and forth into the early hours of November first.

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