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     Immediately after arriving on the platform Celeste was engulfed in a hug by her mother. The older woman had missed her daughter dearly and couldn't wait a moment longer to have her in her arms. Unbeknownst to Celeste, her parents had been staying informed on the happenings of the wizarding world. Despite being muggles they still had made a few magical friends due to their daughter. Including Mr. Meadowes, Dorcas' father. He had agreed to keep them in the loop with the threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named looming over them. 

     Both Eleanor and Zachary had been apprehensive on sending Celeste to school this year. Considering their daughter is muggle-born she would be at a higher risk to be harmed. Neither of the parents could comprehend why there was so much prejudice against muggle-borns, but this was of course due to their own muggle heritage. 

     Soon Celeste found herself in the car with her parents. Zachary was in the drivers seat whereas Eleanor was in the passenger. She was messing around with the stereo system. Also known as trying to find the perfect jam. It took her far too long to do so. By the time she was satisfied with the music they were already half way to Stratford. The song that won Eleanor's heart was a favorite of the entire Miller family. Rocket Man by Elton John was very popular within Celeste's household.

     Upon seeing her home for the first time in four months Celeste began to tear up, but was careful to not let them fall. She had missed her home more than she had in years past. The girl hadn't a clue why. It seemed as if she should cherish this moment. She felt the need to commit it to memory. Her mum laughing in the background as her dad slipped around on the ice. The way the wind blew frost onto her face; giving her a snow kissed look. It felt as though it was a happy beginning to a sad end.

     As she entered the front door of her brick house she felt immediately at ease. The girl grinned as her father slung an arm around her shoulders. "It's good to have you back, kid. It's good to have you home." She leaned into her father's warmth. "It's good to be home dad. Truly, there's no better feeling than being here with you and mum." The father and daughter shared a smile.

     Three sharp knocks sounded on her door. "Come in." She called from underneath her purple covers, not taking care to look up from her reading material.

     Unsurprisingly it was her mother who walked in. The older woman's eyes lit up upon seeing her daughter snuggled in bed with Pride and Prejudice in her hands. It had been a favorite of Eleanor's growing up; The battered copy within her daughter's hands was actually her copy from her teen years. It delighted her to see so much of her own self in Celeste. She could recall telling her mother, Celestia Harris, of her ambitions to start a family when she grew up. She could also recall how supportive her mother had been of that dream.

     Sadly Mrs. Walker née Harris did not live long enough to see the birth of her first and only grandchild. She did however live long enough to write a letter which contained her last wish; She wanted to be remembered. So Eleanor did what she could to honor her mother and thus named her first and only child after her.

     "How's the book?" Eleanor asked already knowing the answer.

     "Same as always. Infuriatingly perfect." Both women laughed. Celeste gestured for her mother to join her on the bed. Eleanor complied. 

     "Well then how's my husband doing?" She winked at her daughter.

     "I don't know, love. Maybe you should ask him." 

     The women simultaneously looked towards the door with wide eyes. The only difference Zachary could see in his wife and daughter was the laughter threatening to spill out of Celeste. Whereas Eleanor's mouth was opening and closing like a fish. Besides that they looked scarily similar. Both mother and daughter shared their fair skin, dark hair, and ice blue eyes. All of these traits could also be found on Celestia Walker before her passing seventeen years ago.

     Zachary stepped out of the doorway and entered his daughter's room. Trekking his way across her hardwood floor he launched himself onto the bed in between Celeste and Eleanor. "Let's see which husband my wife has traded me for today." He snatched the book from the sixteen year old's hands and read the title. "Ah, Mr. Darcy." He looked at Eleanor. "Why am I not even surprised?" He turned back towards Celeste. "You're mother has been gushing about him ever since I met her. Hell, I'm sure she had been gushing about him a long time before she met me."

     This time it was Eleanor who stole the book. "You leave my husband alone. He has done nothing to you." Celeste and her father shared a look before breaking out into laughter.

     "What? What's so funny?" Eleanor questioned.

     Once again blue eyes met brown, though this time the blue eyes belonged to a much older woman. "Darling, you do know Mr. Darcy is fictional right? You do know i'm the one you really married?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm. 

     Without so much as a second thought Eleanor closed the book and smoothed down the curling edges of the blue cover. Then without even so much as blinking slapped her husband on the side of his head with it. "Yes, you numpty. I. Am. Well. Aware. Of. The. Idiot. I. Married." Making sure to take the care to give him a love tap with the book in between her words.

     "Do you see what I put up with? And she has the audacity to hold other men in her heart." He told his daughter.

     "Oh the audacity!" They broke into another fit of laughter.

     "Piss off you lot." Her smile betrayed her angry words. "Now who wants to help me ice the gingerbread men?" This got the father and daughter duo to stop laughing as they jumped out of bed and raced down the stairs.

     "I'm so lucky." Eleanor said to herself as she walked down the stairs to begin the Miller family holiday traditions. 


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