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     "I've said it once and I'll say it again, I don't want to have a party for my birthday."

     "C'mon Moons, even our darling Celestia wants to have one for you."

     Remus and Sirius were sat on Remus' bed in the boys' dorm as they had been for the past hour, whereas Celeste had taken to pacing the length of the room.

     "Please, love? It would be fun and you know it!" Celeste wanted nothing more than to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday in a big way but if he didn't want that, then she'd respect his choice.

     "All I want is to spend the day with you both." The sandy haired gryffindor linked hands with his boyfriend all the while his eyes never left his girl.

     "And you can!" The grey eyed boy exclaimed. "You'll just also spend it with the rest of gryffindor tower," He winked at Celeste. "And maybe a few ravens if our princess would like."

     "Pads, can we please just spend the day relaxing? It's my birthday after all."

     "I'm well aware that it's your birthday, Moons." He got off of the bed and walked towards Celeste. Sirius planted a soft kiss on her lips, causing both Celeste and Remus to smile. "But I'm also well aware that you only turn sixteen once, and I want it to be special. I know my last birthday was."

     "Besides don't you want to recreate what happened at Sirius' party? We drank and danced till the sun rose."

     "We can still do that." Remus sighed from his place on his bed. "Plus it will be more romantic if it's just the three of us. Don't you think?"

     "He does have a point."

     Sirius' jaw dropped as he took a step away from Celeste. He drew his arm up to his chest and let out a dramatic gasp. "How dare you betray me this way!"

     "C'mon love, don't be that way." She laughed at Sirius' antics per usual. Both Sirius and Remus were amazing at that, no matter the circumstances they could always make her laugh.

     "Fine." He threw his hands up. "We can be boring and not throw a party." His gaze went immediately to Remus. "But you can bet your sweet arse that next year we will, and it will be absolutely spectacular."

     "Okay, Pads. Next year it is."

     The three sixth years lay atop a mountain of blankets strewn across the floor of the astronomy tower. Remus was in the middle as both Celeste and Sirius wanted to cuddle up to the birthday boy. Sirius had his head on Remus' shoulder as he looked towards the sky. Celeste had her head on Remus' stomach as she looked at her boys. They were far brighter than any of the stars in the sky and in her opinion they were hotter too.

     "D'ya like your gifts, Rem?"

     "I loved them, darling. Thank you for the books and the ring is lovely as well." Celeste had gotten Remus a few of her favorite muggle books and a gold signet ring with his initials carved into it. Sirius on the other hand had went a different route.

     Remus placed a kiss on Sirius' hair. "And thank you for the delicious chocolate as well as that jumper. I'll be sure to wear it tomorrow."

     "Of course, love, only the best for you."

     Remus had received plenty of other gifts but the jumper and ring had to be his favorite. From James he had gotten chocolate. Peter gifted him a satchel to hold all of his books. Lily got him a new scarf seeing as she noticed Celeste was always wearing his. Marlene couldn't think of anything so she threw him a few galleons along with a wink. And the ravenclaws that invaded his life banded together to buy him a new quill and ink set that he had his eyes on.

     "Did you have a good birthday overall?" Celeste asked from her spot settled on her boyfriend's stomach.

     "One of the best I've had in a long time and it was all thanks to the both of you." He ran his fingers through her dark hair. "Honestly the only thing that could have made it better was my parents being here. But we'll be seeing them soon enough."

     "We?" She sat up immediately.

     Sirius let out a booming laugh. "You didn't tell her?"

     "Didn't tell me what?"

     A deep red bloomed onto Remus' cheeks. "I-"

     Sirius was practically crying from how hard he was laughing. "I can't believe you didn't tell her."

     "Once again I'll ask. You didn't tell me what?"

     "Well I sorta promised my mum that you'd both be staying at our house for Easter holiday."

     "And you didn't think to ask me first?"

     "No! I mean yes! I mean-" He ran his hands down his face and let out a breath. "I meant to ask you when I asked Sirius but I got caught up in the excitement of him saying yes and forgot to ask you. It's totally okay if you don't want to come, I can always just tell her you couldn't make it. I'd never want you to be uncomfortable."

     "Of course I'm coming you nitwit. I just have to owl my parents and let them know." She laid back down onto his stomach. "Oh, and Rem?"


     "Next time, ask us both, will ya?"

     "Of course, princess."

Just The Three Of Us - SiriusxOCxRemusWhere stories live. Discover now