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     Celeste groaned as she fell to the floor beside her bed.

     "Wake up birthday girl! You've got gifts!" Sienna said, now perched atop Celeste's bed.

     "As much as I'm sure I will love whatever it is you got for me, I can assure you, I would have loved not waking up on the floor even more."

     Sienna twirled a strand of her now violet hair around her finger. "Oh, these aren't from me." She gestured to the pile of neatly wrapped presents beside her.

     "They aren't from me either." Dorcas called from across the room where she sat cross-legged on her bed.

     "Or me." Natalia walked out of the bathroom, already dressed for the day in her uniform. "I would never use that wrapping paper."

     With a yawn, Celeste stood up and took a closer look at the large stack of presents laid out in front of her. One glance told her everything she needed to know. She didn't even have to read the labels. They were without a doubt from the Marauders and the sixth year girls of gryffindor house.

     "Oh, shut it, Lia. You're just mad that they wrap presents better than you." Dorcas snickered.

     Natalia stuck her tongue out in retaliation. "Whatever. At least my wrapping looks unique."

     This time it was Sienna who let out a laugh. "Unique? I think you mean horrid."

     "C'mon, back me up here Celeste. My wrapping skills aren't horrid."

     "You're right." The blue eyed girl winked at her friend. "They're absolutely atrocious."

     "I hate you. I hate all of you." She sent a pointed look at Celeste. "Now open up your presents birthday girl. We have breakfast in fifteen, and none of you are even dressed."

     A chorus of cuss words rang through their dorm as the other three ravens scrambled to get ready for the day.

     "Today we will be brewing one of my favorite potions. Does anyone have any guesses as to what that might be?" He scanned the room. "Miss Smith?"

     "Is it a poison, sir?"

     "No. Have any other guesses?" He had a hopeful look in his eye that dimmed as the seconds passed in silence.

     "No, sir."

     "Anyone else wanna take a guess? It can't hurt to try." The hopeful look returned as he called on Lily Evans. Gryffindor's resident potions prodigy.

     "Hm, Is it your favorite to brew or your favorite to teach?"

     "I must say it's a bit of both."

     "Well, if I'm right-"

     "You usually are, Red." Drawled Marlene from her seat.

     "As I was saying." She playfully narrowed her green eyes at the blonde. "If I'm right, I do believe you said Veritaserum was a favorite of yours. And it's one we have yet to do."

     "That is correct! Miss Evans, you have just earned your house fifteen points! Now, class, open up to page two hundred, we'll be starting with a short passage on the effects of this potion."

     It was two o'clock in the morning when the celebration really began. Students from every house had gathered in ravenclaw tower's common room to honor Celeste's birthday. Well, most of the people were there for Celeste. Though, some came just for the free alcohol, she appreciated their presence nonetheless.

     "Well, would ya look at that? The woman of honor is finally here!" An already drunk Marlene McKinnon yelled at the top of her lungs. 

     Celeste and Natalia walked down the stairs and into the common room with their arms linked. Both of the witches wore all black, but two very different outfits graced their frames. Natalia had on a pair of black flared pants. She also wore a black blazer with nothing but her skin underneath. Celeste chose a slightly different approach for her attire. She had on a black mini dress layered with a leather jacket gifted to her by Marlene. The back of the jacket had her last name embroidered onto it in white thread. Underneath that, was an embroidered version of the ravenclaw crest. Both girls topped their outfits off with silver rings, and their matching diamond necklaces. Which was one of the many gifts that Celeste had received.

     "Damn, Miller, you're looking good." James Potter said as he swaggered towards the two ravens, shots of firewhisky in hand. "You as well, Davis, though I'm sure you knew that."

     "Obviously, Potter. I mean look at me."

     James let out a booming laugh and handed each of the witches a shot. "You two have some major catching up to do."

     Six shots of firewhisky later and Celeste found herself sitting on Remus' lap with her legs sprawled across Sirius'. The three of them were sitting on the floor of the common room with all of their friends. After the majority of people had either left or passed out, the group decided to play a game. The Marauders of course had the perfect idea. Veritaserum or Dare. Something they had been dying to play but never had the access to the potion.

     Much to the annoyance of those around her, Celeste used her 'birthday girl privilege' to sit out. She decided early on in the night that she would do her best not to ruin her sixteenth birthday especially by embarrassing herself, even if it was just in front of her friends.

     She also used such 'privilege' to coax her boys into doing the harder dares and answering the deeper truths. Neither Remus nor Sirius objected to such requests. They were Marauders after all, a little truth or dare wouldn't scare them.

     Each member of their rag-tag group had been dared to do crazy things, such as Peter doing a back-flip off of the couch; Unsurprisingly he was not successful. Or Marlene having to serenade a member of the group. In her sloshed state, the blonde had chosen Dorcas without a second thought. Thus began a sing-off between Marlene and James, where the two ended with an off-key duet of Ain't No Mountain High Enough

     With all of the ruckus going on nobody noticed as Celeste took a swig of the Veritaserum, before returning to her boys and announcing their leave. The three of them stumbled up the stairs into Celeste's empty dorm, and plopped themselves down onto her bed. The boys had immediately sprawled out and waited for Celeste to get comfy between them.

     "So, princess, did you enjoy your birthday?" Remus asked as he ran his scarred fingers through her long and dark waves, effectively untangling them.

     "Very much." She answered honestly, the veritaserum already taking it's effect.

     "I'm glad. D'you enjoy the party, Padfoot?"

     "Mhm. Though I wish Celeste would have played veritaserum or dare with us. It was quite fun." 

     Celeste yawned and then rolled over to face Sirius. "Ask me anything. I'll answer whatever you want."

     Sirius huffed out a laugh. "Hm, okay. I'll start with an easy one. How much do you like us?"

     "I don't."


     "I don't like either of you. But I do love you both." She murmured. 

     Remus and Sirius gawked at her and each other. Though, before either of them could come up with a response, she was out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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