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AN: Another long chapter! This one has to be my favorite so far. Be sure to let me know what you think of it :)

     "Hey Celeste! How was your break?" Asked Lily Evans from beside Celeste. The two girls had been partnered up for potions at the beginning of class. Slughorn had muttered something about testing out a theory, which they both had chosen to ignore. Lily had also chosen to ignore the fact that James Potter and Sirius black were the partners sat behind them.

     "My break was pretty good. Yours?" 

     "Same. I had to deal with my sister and her obnoxious boyfriend but other than that, it was good. Get anything nice for Christmas?" She asked while putting her red hair into a ponytail.

     "I got a really cute pai-" Celeste was going to tell Lily all about her new jewelry but she was cut off by a deep voice.

     "She got some sapphire earrings along with a matching necklace. They go perfectly with her eyes." Sirius shot Celeste a wink. Lily's gaze landed on Sirius, and her emerald eyes narrowed.

     "She can tell me about her gifts herself, Black. Besides, what would you know about Celeste's presents?" Sirius scoffed at Lily's tone.

     "Well considering I was the one who gifted them to her, I think I might know a thing or two."

     Now Celeste and Lily Evans had never been very close. But they had been friendly, and in six years Celeste had never seen her whip her head around so fast. "He gave you a necklace and earrings?" She began to whisper. "He's never given anyone a gift that wasn't a Marauder. At least he's never given any of his gryffindor girlfriend's any presents."

     "Woah. Slow your roll. We're not dating."

     "Not yet, at least." Once again Sirius winked at Celeste. Her cheeks matched the shade of Lily's hair. Both girls chose to ignore his statement and get to work on their potion. After only five minutes of peace were they interrupted by none other than James Potter.

     "So Lily-Flower, are you gonna come and watch me play?" Now this caught Celeste's attention. Everyone knew of the will - they - won't - they relationship that was known as Jily. Well known as Jily to everyone but Lily.

     "I'm going to the game, Potter. But not for you. I'm going for Marlene." She sighed.

     "Well you're still going, so that's a win in my book." He high-five'd Sirius. Lily turned towards Celeste.

     "Are you going? I know Dorcas is because Marlene asked her too, and I know you guys are friends so..." Lily asked, secretly hoping she was. She had overheard James and Peter talking in the common room about Sirius being smitten over Celeste but didn't believe it to be true. That was until the whole Christmas gift reveal a few minutes ago. Lily honestly thought they would be cute together, but she had also been hoping for Remus and Celeste to become a couple.

     "I don't think so, quidditch has never really been my thi-"

     "You have to come!" Sirius scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, I'm playing, and I'd really like for you to come watch." After a moment of thinking about it Celeste had her answer.

     "Sure Sirius, I'll come watch. But only if you can find somewhere for me to sit."

     "You ca-" Lily would have told Celeste she was free to sit with her and Dorcas but someone else beat her to it. 

     "You can sit with me Celeste." Came the voice of Remus Lupin. He had picked up on the conversation from across the room and decided it would be the perfect time to put back his ingredients. Especially when he realized the opportunity to spend time with the girl arose.

Just The Three Of Us - SiriusxOCxRemusWhere stories live. Discover now