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     Sirius Black was very happy with his seat in defense against the dark arts, he was sat next to James Potter, his best mate. But the boy became even more thrilled when Remus Lupin and Celeste Miller were assigned to the table behind them. To Sirius this meant he would be able to mess around with James but still get the chance to admire both Remus and Celeste.

     He was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't just himself struggling with casting the charm. It's not that he wasn't good at defense because typically he was. But more often than not James was better. So when his friend was also struggling he felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. Looking around the classroom he noticed a lot of his peers were having a hard time and their professor was eating it up. What a prick. Not that I should've expected any better. He's a Selwyn. A member of the twenty-eight. What's Dumbledore up to with hiring him of all people? He thought.

     He was drawn out of his thoughts when the hazel eyed boy next to him began speaking. "Oh for Merlin's sake. I'm gonna go see if Evans will help me. Wish me luck Padfoot." He messed up his hair and walked towards Lily and Marlene. Poor Prongs, she just doesn't like you mate. Gotta give her time like Moony said.

     "Um Remus. Do you think you could help me? I just can't seem to get the hang of it." Came the soft voice of the girl he fancies.

     "Of course I can Celeste."

     Upon turning around he saw the most beautiful sight. Remus Lupin and Celeste Miller side by side with shining smiles adorning their faces. They looked absolutely radiant beside one another. He could only fantasize about being in between the two. He hoped one day he would know the feeling.

     "Hey Moony, would you mind helping me too?" Sirius didn't miss the dark look that passed over Remus' green eyes. But that only made him smirk. 

     "Yeah, just c'mere." 

     "Okay so what am I... well what are we doing wrong?" Celeste asked Remus with a nervous smile gracing her mouth. Sirius' eyes were practically attached to her lips, that was until Remus' started moving.

     "Neither of you are necessarily doing anything wrong. From what I've seen all you need to do is adjust your wrist and you should be fine." She followed Remus' instructions and still couldn't manage to cast the charm.

     "Let me help." Remus walked behind Celeste and took hold of her wrist, turning it ever so slightly. Her breath hitched when her back collided with his chest. It would have gone unnoticed by anyone other than Sirius, who stood to the side mesmerized by the beauty of the pair. "Now try."

     With Remus' help Celeste managed to cast the Protego charm perfectly. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy as she turned to the two boys. "Oh my Merlin! I did it! Thank you so much Remus." With the adrenaline coursing through her veins from finally casting the charm she took a risk. She captured Remus Lupin in a hug. 

     Due to their height difference her head rested in the middle of his chest and her arms wound around his middle. He was shocked to say the least. He hadn't been hugged by someone other than his parents or the Marauders in a long time. He tended to not like receiving affection from anyone else. But when it's coming from Celeste Miller, he didn't seem to care. Not only was he happy but so was his inner wolf. That realization was all it took for him to wrap his arms around her small frame and hug her back.

     She pulled away much to quick for his liking but he brushed it off. Remus looked down at his scuffed leather shoes and replayed the hug in his mind over and over. Memorizing what it felt like to be held by her. In his entire sixteen years of life he had never felt such joy from something as small as a hug. Then again he hadn't felt much joy in his life anyway. He was always too busy dealing with the curse of lycanthropy to bask in happiness.

     "Well now we both can help you Sirius. That is if you don't mind having my help as well." She let out a nervous laugh. Both boys smiled upon hearing it, whether they realized it or not.

     "I don't mind at all. Y'know what they say.. The more the merrier." Sirius' grey eyes held amusement.

     "Okay Padfoot, if we're gonna help you then you have to try and cast it for us. That way we can assess what you're doing wrong and devise a plan to correct it."

     "As you wish, Professor Lupin." 

     Remus sucked in a breath at his friend's words and their eyes met as Sirius attempted to cast the charm, failing to do so once again. Both boys successfully missing the way Celeste looked them over. Holy mother of Merlin, they're hot when they're focused. She thought.

     Remus cleared his throat and brought his gaze towards Celeste instead, surprised to find her blue eyes already on him. "What do you think Sirius should work on?"

     "Hm. I think his problem is similar to mine. He needs to turn his wrist a bit. But his pronunciation was slightly off as well. If he fixes that, then I think he'll be able to cast it perfectly." Celeste hoped that her input would be helpful just as Remus' was for her.

     "I completely agree." He turned towards Padfoot once again. "Maybe you should start calling her Professor Miller. Remus said, trying his best to imitate Sirius' previous tone.

     "Maybe I will." Sirius smirked.

     Celeste couldn't help but smile at the interaction between the two Marauders. She was happy to witness it, seeing as the banter between them was so naturally laughable. I suppose I should expect nothing less. I mean c'mon they're literally apart of the Marauders. The biggest pranksters Hogwarts has ever seen. Well, besides the Prewett twins. Those boys were pretty hilarious from what I remember. 

     "Alright boys, c'mon we gotta focus. Sirius still hasn't cast the charm and class is over in.." She cast the tempus charm. "One minute." She grimaced realizing there was no way Sirius would be able to fix his mistakes in only sixty seconds.

     "Is there any way we can meet up sometime to do this? I'd really like have this charm in my arsenal with everything going on." Sirius asked looking between his two classmates.

     "I already promised to meet up with a few of my mates after class. I'm sorry Sirius." Celeste's pink lips turned downwards.

     "Plus we have rounds after dinner so we won't be able to do it then." Said Remus.

     "Bloody hell, you two are this busy on the first day? I can only imagine what it's gonna be like for you during the rest of the year." All of them let out huffs of laughter at Sirius' words.

     "I'm free Friday night if that works for you Sirius." She smiled as the boy eagerly nodded at the prospect of being with her outside of class.

     "That's great, because so am I." Remus added, wanting nothing more than to join the pair outside of class.

     "Perfect. We'll meet you outside of gryffindor tower after dinner. I know just the place for us to work." Sirius was very excited at the prospect of being completely alone with Celeste and Remus. Even though he knew nothing was likely to happen between the three. It was still something he would be looking forward too.

     "It's a date." She said.

Just The Three Of Us - SiriusxOCxRemusWhere stories live. Discover now