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"So class, I will be putting you into pairs for this project, but by my headcount there will need to be a group of three. Once I give you your partner or partners, I will explain more on the assignment." Said Professor Sinistra with a smile.

"First up is Sienna Smith and Frank Longbottom. Then we have Natalia Davis and Pandora Lestrange. As well as Peter Pettigrew and Dorcas Meadowes. Next is James Potter and Lily Evans."

A groan came from the ginger witch whereas James had yelled "Yes! I'm with Lily-Flower!" This had Celeste burying her face into Sirius' shoulder in an attempt to stifle her laughter. Sirius didn't care if he was disrupting and laughed heartily at James' luck.

Many more names were called and put into pairs. Except for a certain three. Sirius' heart was pounding as he realized who he would be paired with. Looks like Prongs isn't the only one with good luck. He had been working with Celeste in astronomy since the beginning of the year so that was nothing new, but to add Moony to the mix, that certainly was. This is gonna be fun.

"Finally for our trio we have Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Celestia Miller. Now if you would please move seats to be next to your partner or partners it would be appreciated." Remus moved into the empty seat on Celeste's left due to Sirius occupying the seat to her right. He smiled at her softly.

"I'm sure you are all wondering what your task is, so let me tell you. In your groups I would like for you to pick two or three constellations or singular stars and make some type of model to represent them. It can be just about anything. I will be grading this on effort, so be creative!"

"So what constellations or stars should we do?" Asked Celeste who was now seated across from the boys in the library. "Well we obviously have to do Canis Major. It would be a crime not to. It's literally me, and everyone wants to do me." Sirius inwardly smirked at the innuendo he made.

"This might surprise you Pads, but not everyone wants to do you." Remus stated in his sarcastic drawl. Celeste laughed at the boy.

"You certainly did last sum-" Sirius cut himself off as he realized what he had just said, in the company of someone other than Remus. "Shit" He muttered. He looked up and saw Remus' green eyes were brimming with tears. "Moons... Rem... I'm so sorry. It just slipped I-"

Just as Remus was ready to run out of the library a small hand grasped his wrist. "Remus it's okay. I'm not gonna tell anyone, I promise." Neither boy had ever heard Celeste speak so sincerely. Remus could no longer hold back the tears forming in his eyes. Now it's real. Someone else knows, and their's no taking it back.

"You don't hate me? You don't think I'm weird?" He cried even harder when she rested her hand on his cheek.

"Listen to me Remus Lupin." She pulled him down to her height using his tie. "There is nothing wrong with you liking boys. Absolutely nothing. And anyone who tells you different will be meeting the business end of my wand." Her blue eyes sparkled with rage at the thought of Remus feeling as if his sexuality was weird.

"I like yo-" He looked at Sirius who was currently staring at the floor as if it was the most beautiful thing in the world. "I like hi-" Remus cleared his throat and met her gaze once again. "I like both. Guys and girls." Celeste's smile shone brighter than Canis Major. "Well that's great too, Rem. Sorry, can I call you Rem?"

"After that whole speech, you can call me whatever you want." They both let out a laugh. Celeste reached up and used her sleeve to wipe the tears from his gorgeous eyes. "No more tears alright?" He nodded.

She walked over to the black haired boy and cupped his chin to make him look at her. Even though it hurt her heart she ignored the tears falling from his grey eyes. She had no reason to feel sympathy for Sirius. If he would have made this accident in front of anyone else, there's no telling what could have happened. He was lucky that it was only Celeste who heard. "Apologize. Now." The words came out in a hiss.

Sirius padded away from the table where Celeste had just sat down and towards Moony. "Remus I have no words to express how sorry I am. I'm such an idiot. I should just learn to keep my mouth shut. I never meant for it to come out like that. Hell, I never meant for it to come out at all. At least not without your permission first. I understand if you don't forgive me. But I truly hope you know how sorry I am."

Upon seeing the tears flowing freely onto Sirius' cheeks, Remus engulfed him in a hug. Running his fingers through Sirius' long hair as he knew it would calm him. "S'alright Pads. I forgive you." Sirius looked at him with wide eyes. "But only because it's Celeste. If it were anyone else, I can almost guarantee their reaction would have been way worse. This cannot happen again under any circumstances, understood?" Sirius nodded rapidly. "Then I forgive you. Let's get back to work." He guided Padfoot into his seat across from Celeste and sat in his own.

"I have a few idea's on some stars we could choose. I was thinking Asellus Borealis which is also known as the northern little donkey. I thought it was fitting considering how much of an arse Sirius is." Remus made eye contact with the boy on his left and smirked. The trio laughed heartily and began scouring the books for actual ideas to use.

Author's Note: Happy pride month! Always remember, no matter your sexual orientation(whether you are out or not), you are valid, and are always welcome on my page <3

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