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     Celeste, Sienna, Natalia, and Dorcas entered the great hall arm in arm. Together the four girls walked to their seats at the ravenclaw house table and sat down. Sienna and Natalia choosing to sit with their backs to the slytherin table whereas Celeste and Dorcas had their backs to the hufflepuff's. Sienna who was the most talkative of the group began regaling them with a story about her eight year old brother from over the summer. 

     Nathan looked exactly like his older sister. They shared the same nose, mouth and blue eyes. The only difference in their appearance was Nathan's blonde hair was nothing in comparison to Sienna's hot pink. Over the years Sienna has held many hair colors, ranging from her natural ash blonde to navy blue to what has now become hot pink. Some people found it to be a provocative choice but Sienna had no care for what others thought of her.

     Just as the sorting of the new first years was about to begin the doors to the great hall slammed open. Of course the Marauders were the ones behind the disturbance. They usually are, so no one was surprised. But Celeste was surprised that as they walked by Sirius Black winked at her. Celeste was not the only one who caught this, causing the majority of the witches in the hall to glare at her. What surprised her even more was that a few boys did as well.

     It's not as if Sirius kept his bisexuality a secret, but it was odd for so many of the other boys to admit to their attraction to him in such a public setting. Nobody would say anything bad about it. At least nobody Celeste was friends with. Anyone who knew Celeste knew not to. When Natalia came out to the public a group of slytherin's decided it would be funny to call her a slur. Let's just say Celeste got them to shut up real quick. She earned two months detention for it but it was worth it in the end. 

     "Celestia May Miller!" Dorcas yelled once the Marauders were out of hearing range. "Why in the name of Merlin is Sirius Black winking at you? Please tell me you didn't sleep with him!"

     "First of all don't call me that, you know I hate being called Celestia, I feel like my grandmother when you do. Second of all what the fuck? Dorcas you know I would never." Celeste felt like banging her head on the table but chose not to in fear of having a bruise for the first day of classes tomorrow.

     "Why not? From what I remember he was quite good at it." Sienna slept with Sirius at the beginning of last year. She claims to this day that he was the best she ever had. Natalia snickered.

    "Are you kidding me Si? Black's practically a walking STD. He's slept with the majority of the school." Dorcas then felt bad thinking she upset her friend, but Sienna gave a deep laugh instead of what the girl was expecting to be an angry grunt. 

     "Oh please, I could care less. Have you seen him? Don't tell me you've never found him attractive." Sienna replied whilst reaching for a napkin. 

     "I mean I don't even like guys and even I think he's a pretty fit bloke. There's just something about his devil may care attitude that's alluring." Natalia's curls shifted as she shrugged. 

     "See even Lia thinks he's fit. I'm not the only one." 

     "I never said you were the only one. I just said that it wouldn't be a good idea for Celeste. She's not like you Si. She's a good little girl." Dorcas, Natalia, and Sienna all laughed but Celeste didn't seem to find it funny.

     "I am not! I do plenty of bad things."

     "Oh yeah? Name one and we'll drop it." Sienna's gloss covered lips lifted into a smirk.

     "I.. I went into the kitchen's after hours in fourth year."

     Once again the other three girls broke into laughter. The group had been best friends since they met in first year. If anyone knew Celeste it was them. After what was now six years of friendship they had all learned Celeste was a strict rule follower. If anyone so much as brought up skiving off a lesson she would immediately shut the idea down. For Celeste to even go into the kitchen's after hours it was a big deal. But it wasn't good enough to stop the teasing she received from her friends.

     "Oh sweet sweet Celestia. You're so innocent that it's cute. But we're sixth years now. You gotta break out of that shell. And I know just what you can do." Sienna went to continue but was silenced by Dumbledore's voice echoing throughout the hall.

     "Now that the matter of sorting has been taken care of, I have a few brief announcements before you will be dismissed to your dormitory's. First and foremost, Welcome to the first years! This school will be your home for the next seven years so do get comfortable. Also if you need anything remember the staff and our prefects are always here to help. Now for all of the returning students, welcome back! As always Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the forbidden forest is off limits. As well as the fact that any students caught out of bed will be given detention." He shot the last sentence towards the gryffindor table. "With that being said, I believe it is time to retire to the dormitory's. Prefects, if you would now please guide the first years to the common rooms."

     Celeste rose from her seat to fulfill her duties but as she was leaving, Sienna spoke once more. "I hope you know we're talking about this later Celeste. This is important."

     "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you girls in a bit." 

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