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AN: Very long chapter ahead :) Also the gown Celeste is wearing is the black version of the 'Priscilla Scalloped Lace Boat Neck Mermaid Dress' by Windsor.

"Wow, Padfoot, you clean up nice." James said, looking over his brother's outfit. Though James and Sirius were not technically brothers, they treated each other as such. Sirius was practically a Potter anyway with how Euphemia and Fleamont treated him.

"I could say the same to you Prongs. You ready?" He asked whilst fiddling with his black tie.

"Yeah. But the real question is are you? I mean you've been talking nonstop about Celeste being your date since she agreed. Though now that it's the day of said date, you are being a lot quieter than usual. I guess what I'm trying to ask is are you nervous?"

"Do you want the truth or the lie I've been telling myself since I woke up this morning?" James shot Sirius a look that basically said don't even think about lying to me. A look that Euphemia Potter frequently used with not only her sons but her husband when they got up to their mischief.

"Quit giving me that look. I'll tell you the truth but stop staring at me like Mia when she's cross." James looked taken aback at the comparison between himself and his mother but Sirius ignored that and began speaking. "I'm honestly freaking out inside. I've liked her for quite some time now and I've never felt this way about a girl before." Sirius chose not to include the fact that he's felt this way about Remus before. "She's just so smart, and funny, and don't even get me started on how beautiful she is. I guess I'm just worried that I'm gonna screw everything up tonight."

"Oh come on Pads. You're a wonderful guy and I've seen how you look at her. Anyone with eyes can tell that you fancy the pants off of her. Celeste is very lucky to have someone like you at her side tonight. Besides if all else fails we can do what we usually do."

"Sneak off and get absolutely pissed?" Sirius asked.

"Sneak off and get absolutely pissed." James answered.

At nine o'clock on New Years Eve was when the festivities were set to begin at Potter Manor. With the arrival of not one but both of the missing Marauders they did. James had run off with Peter mumbling something about charming mistletoe to follow people around and screech until they kissed, but neither Lupin or Black batted an eye. Both boys had been too busy staring at the door from their spots on the sofa, obviously waiting for a certain girl to arrive. Sirius checked his watch for the time; it was a quarter past nine. The same watch that had been gifted to him by Euphemia and Fleamont for his seventeenth birthday.

As he was too busy fretting over the time, he would have missed Celeste's entrance if it weren't for Moony. Remus had caught her scent before he saw or even heard her; She smelled of vanilla and peppermint. Quickly he elbowed Sirius to get his attention before directing it towards the door. There she is. They both thought.

She looked absolutely breathtaking in her black gown. It was floor length with a lacy boat neckline. It was tasteful enough to appease Euphemia and Fleamont along with the other elder guests but still very attractive to Sirius and Remus. Adorning her neck and ears were her Christmas present from Sirius; A sapphire necklace and a matching pair of earrings.

"I'll be right back, Moons." He stood rather hastily and made his way towards his date for the evening. Remus was left sitting on the sofa staring after not only the wizard but the witch he fancies. Without so much as a second glance he stole a shot of whiskey off of the end table and downed it. Clearly at least one of the Marauder's was going to keep to tradition tonight.

Just The Three Of Us - SiriusxOCxRemusWhere stories live. Discover now