Chapter 86

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Sirius dramatically gasped and drew attention to himself. Everyone looked at him.

"Wait! I knew that! Haha!" He released a deep chuckle. He really believed he was funny.

Lidia did not look amused. Her arms remained crossed, and she refused to acknowledge Sirius's existence. I didn't blame her.

Dakota went next. He cleared his throat.

"Ulrich. You have been an incredible leader. Err. Leader as in older brother. You've been distracted for a long time. I thought it was  impossible for you to find someone again. Now look at you. She brings out the best in you."

Lidia studied his unsteady words carefully.

The wolf's speeches were sweet and considerate. Nadine's smile didn't fade for an instant, neither did my father's.

Pax and Dante went.

"You know. This isn't where I expected you to go in life, but it seems like a pretty sweet life here you found for yourself."

"Yeah. As long as you're happy, we're happy." Dante put his hand on Pax's shoulder.

Lidia remained cross.

"Lidia. What about you? I think it's your turn." Pax said.

"I don't think so." She growled.

"C'mon, Lidia. Don't make a scene." Dante, her ex boyfriend said.

"Really, Dante? Don't tell me what to do. And fine." She stood up and balled her fist on the table.

"Nadine! I thought you were smarter than this! What is wrong with you?" Lidia exploded like a short fuse.

"There's nothing wrong with me!"' Nadine called back.

""You've gone insane! I don't know what that Erin has done to you. But you're not even marrying him, you're marrying HIS DAD?"

"Lidia. Please. Try to understand."

"Wake up, Nadine! This place. It's a cult! You've literally joined a cult! And you're not even just marrying a cult member, you're marrying the cult leader!"

"You know, she's kinda not wrong." Sirius muttered in a joking manner. Everyone ignored his comment, it was not the time for jokes.

"It's not a cult! We're a family!"

"That's what cults tell you! I can't believe you let the weird kid into our friend group. Hes ruined your life!" Lidia pointed her polished finger at me.

"He hasn't ruined ANYTHING. He made my mundane life better. He is the reason I found the love of my life."

"You've turned pathetic. If you ever decide to wake up, let me know. I'm out of here."

Lidia stormed off and returned to the lodge, before heading to the car.

"Well. There goes our ride back." Pax said.

I looked over to check on Nadine. Her eyes were watery. She let out a bust of tears.

"I have to go." She said, separating herself from my dad.

"Nadine! Wait!" My dad called. She didn't stop.

"Erin, you should go to talk to her." Bayne suggested.

"Okay, I will. I'll be back." I said, getting up from my seat.

"Don't worry about it, I think the dinner party is over." He said, tossing his cloth napkin onto the table.

I chased after her. She was sitting on the pier down by the lake. Her head was on her knees. She was sobbing.

"Hey." I said. She jerked her head up as if she was scared.

"Don't worry. It's just me." I joined her at the pier. My legs dangled off, my dress shoes hovered the water.

"It's Lidia. You know how she is. She'll come around. And if she doesn't, it's her loss." I said.

"It's not just her. It's my parents, too. Maybe they're right. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Everything is falling apart."

"Hold on. You love my father, right?" I asked.

"Yes." She sniffled.

"And you want to be with him, have a life with him, and the baby?" I said.


"Then it's just cold feet. It's normal to be nervous, I think."

"You think?"

"I don't know, they talk about it all the time in rom coms."

"I haven't watched a rom com in a while."

"Let's do that soon." I draped my arm over her in a friendly manner.

She lifted her head up and took a deep breath of the fresh air. She unclenches her knees, and let her legs free over the water. The wind pushed her king dress up. She shoved it down.

"This stupid dress! The only reason I even bothered with it." She pulled up the dress and revealed her bite mark on her ankle. She wore it in attempt to avoid exposing us, or questions being asked.

"Wow. Things almost felt like they used to for a second. Before babies. Before werewolf bites." She wipes her tears away.

A breeze attempted to tackle us.

"I was always jealous of how you guys never got cold. It didn't make sense to me. But I get it now. It's like, you can tell you're supposed to be cold, but you're not. I know, odd thought."

"No. I get it. I sometimes miss being cold." I admitted.

Times like that made me almost forget Nadine was a werewolf. The past month she had spent most of her time in wolf form with Ulrich. He guarded her.

"How does it feel? In wolf form?"

"Still terrifying. I'm not remembering much. Your father is good at watching over me, making sure I don't do anything dumb."

"That's normal. It takes time. It's different for everyone."

The setting of the sun was beginning. The lake was a reflection of the sun's golden honey.

"Erin. I know it's the night before the wedding, but since my parents aren't coming... Will you walk me down the aisle?"

"Nothing could make me happier."

"Thank you." She hugged me, I felt a line of tears dribble on my shoulder onto my dress shirt.

"We better get going back. Your fiancé is probably worried that you've ditched him." I stood up and extended my helping hand.

We returned to the set up. Everyone had left, except Ulrich. He stood upon our arrival.

"Nadine. I'm sorry." He said.

She jumped into his arms and hugged him. His large hand pulled her hair out of her face. I saw a tear fill his eye.

"I thought you left again." He said.

"No. I won't be leaving you. Ever again."

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