Chapter Five

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I woke up to sunshine in my eyes. Which is odd because my window in my house never gets light in it. Not to mention I hear lot of talking and a shower going. "good morning" Rafe says with a towel around his waist. I try not to stare for too long. "oh uhm good morning" I say yawning.

I walk downstairs and see my parents talking to Rose and Ward. Sarah and Wheezie are sitting on the couch laughing. "nice shirt Y/N" Sarah yells over to me. I look down quickly to see what im wearing. Rafe's Shirt with his football number on the back. I feel my cheeks heat up. WHY WAS I BEING LIKE THIS.

" Seems like you enjoyed staying in his room last night" Ari walks in the house laughing.

"I hate him I wouldn't be in the same house with him for a day if I can help it."

"You might not wanna say that Princess..." Rafe said as he came downstairs

"what?" I questioned

"Were going to the Bahama house soon." he said

"are. you. kidding." i said in disgust.

"princess i'm not to thrilled about it either" rafe said whispering in my ear. Sending anger through my body.

"CAN YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT" i yelled in his face in front of everyone. "Y/N THORTON. GET OVER TO THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW AND SIT IN YOUR ROOM YOUR MOTHER AND I WILL BE OVER SOON." My father yelled in my face.

"Rafe if you'd like to join her that would be wonderful." ward told Rafe calmly. "Yes sir" rafe said quietly. "you guys can go to her room and talk about this then we'll be over to all talk about it." my mother whispered in rafe and i's ear.

My mother has always been my favorite. It didn't matter who was around. She would still be kind. though i knew i wasn't her favorite. It was Topper. he's her baby. Don't get me wrong i love my brother but sometime it would be nice to be known for something other than my brother and my dad.

"Are we going to your house are not?" Rafe asked annoyed. "Yeah i guess" i said quietly.
as we walked over to the house rafe was on his phone. all the sudden he got a phone call. from a girl. "hey mia" i heard rafe say into the phone. my heart sunk. i knew Mia. She would always put horrible notes in my locker. i hated her. "Ok i got to go. Love you bye" rafe said before hanging up. "Mia huh?" i asked walking up to my house. "yeah we've been a thing for a little bit now." Rafe said walking up my porch steps.

As we got inside Sarah called my phone. "Hey Y/n our parents will have you talk this over at the Bahamas house." She said. "Ok yeah that's fine" i said even more mad that i already was.

"She said  you can go back over." i told rafe as i walked to the kitchen to get a drink. "ehh i don't feel like walking that again" Rafe said paying attention to his phone. i rolled my eyes. "HEY idiot go to your own house" i said playfully while grabbing his phone. "give me my phone. y/n seriously. please." rafe said practically begging. "No-" i said while laughing. "Y/N GIVE ME MY GODAMN PHONE BACK RIGHT NOW. Or i'll tell your dad." Rafe  knew i didn't have the best relationship with my dad yet he said something hurtful. as always. the house wen silent. until rafe got a text.

           Topper: I know dude she's so annoying. Sometimes i wish i had a different sister. or no twin sister at all.

I saw the text. i wanted to see more. so i looked.

Rafe: I had to go over to your house because your sister just screamed in my face. what's up with her omfg.

Topper: she all up in your business yet?

Rafe: definitely she's getting on my nerves.

I needed to stop looking at them. I was hurting myself. i felt tears in my eyes. my own brother wishes i was never born.  "get out of my house" i said calmly at first. "Y/n i'm sorry he didn't mean it." rafe said. "i don't care i want you out of my house. don't talk to me." i said sternly. That's all it took. and he was gone. i was left sobbing on the kitchen floor. questioning of my brother had always been like this.


a/n: 😝 toppers not being very nice

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