Chapter twenty one

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"who's this" JJ asks me while we're all standing in the door frame.

"a friend from Nassau" i said look at dylan. i'm so confused, why is he here? he's the one who broke up with me.

"this is probably a bad time to catch you, but rafe said i'd find you here" dylan says looking at JJ then me.

"yeah it is" JJ says, trying to shit the door.

"J i'll be inside in a second" i said putting a hand on his chest slightly pushing him back.

i close the door and i'm on the porch talking to dylan now.

"what do you want" i asked him crossing my arms looks up at him.

"to see you. y/n i couldn't get you out of my head the day we broke up. i was jealous of rafe and i should've admitted that but instead i lashed out on you and i shouldn't have. i'm sorry, can we please start over" he says as he grabs my hand.

"no. don't touch me." i told him trying to shake my hand out of his. he grabs my arm as i try to go inside.

"Y/n please!" he says and he squeezes my arm really tight.
"I said no. ok?! get over yourself." i told him with concern in my voice.

"we can start over i promise it'll be okay please" he says pulling me. at this point i start to get scared that he won't let go.

"NO! let go of me now dylan" i said as i start crying.
"dylan please" i'm sobbing.

"hey dylan why don't you get out of here" jj says as he grabs me from him. dylan immediately let's go and apologizes to jj and leaves.

"thank you" i said as i walk us into the house.
"no need to thank me" he says leaning down for a kiss. i kiss him back. this one was more passionate than the other times we've kissed.

"hey i think we should throw a party" i told j.
"i agree. can i ask the pogues to come over" jj asked. "ofc!!" i said.

by now they were at the house and jj wasn't talking to me now that john b was there. i was getting really annoyed so i went and sat with kiara and pope.

"hey guys" i said as i sat next to kiara. "what's up y/n?" asked pope. "quick question. what does it mean if a guy doesn't talk to you around his friends but won't shut up when it's just you guys" i asked out of breath. "uhh that's oddly specific. but uhm then he probably doesn't want his friends to know you guys are a thing" pope said while looking at jj then me.

"oh okay thanks pope! hey kie did you wanna go swimming? i can open up the pool real quick" i asked kie. "yeah sure but i didn't bring a swimsuit" she said. "if you can fit into mine you can borrow one of mine" i told her.

jj walks in and says "i don't think she'll fit into it y/n at least the top. there's definitely a significant difference. kiara's got bigger uhm uh how do i say this?" "tits, boobs? is that the word you're looking for? what else does she have that i don't jj go on tell me!" i said standing up and crossing my arms.

at this point everyone had left the room and i started tearing up. i hated when people would comment on my body especially comparing it to someone else's.

"hey i didn't mean it like that y/n" jj said as he walked up to me and hugged me as i tried not to cry. "i'm sorry" he said

"can we throw the party now?" i stated as i wiped my tears.


i'm so sorry i'm not quick with updates. i keep deleting and redownloading the app 😭😭

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