chapter nineteen

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after the going out on the boat my phone was completely dead. so the obvious thing to do was to go plug it in. as i was walking into my room i hear rafe and mia arguing.

"it's always about her rafe! you always are defending her" is what i heard mia shout.

"not it's not! it's you mia!" was rafe's response

"okay so when was it about me?! tell me please rafe! i'm very curious when anything was about you and i and not you and her!" mia shouted.

who are they talking about?

"When i flew you out here, the boat trip today, you being with me 24/7, us studying together for school, me teaching you how to surf! EVERYTHING MIA!!!" rafe screamed practically.

mia chuckles at him.

"rafe that's the thing. you flew me out here because you knew she was talking to someone else. we only went on the boat trip today because you knew she was going to go also. me being with you 24/7 is because she's not with you 24/7. us studying together is because she's not in the same classes as you. you teaching me how to surf isnt because i wanted to it's because you wanted to teach Y/n but she already knew how to! so rafe nothing was really ever about me! these are all selfish acts because you can't have her so you settled for me! and i cant stand it much longer!!!!" mia screamed back.

"You're right mia is been about y/n this whole time and i should've told you. i'm sorry" rafe says in a low tone. almost like he was scared to admit it.

woah. this is all my fault then?

i could hear mia opening and closing drawers aggressively like she was getting her stuff to pack up and leave.

"mia what are you doing you cant leave you don't have a flight" rafe asks.

"i booked one a little bit ago because i was getting sick and tired of this shit rafe." she says throwing clothes by the sound of it.

"mia don't leave" rafe cries

mia grabs the door knob and i could hear it moving so i sprinted to the living room. she walked out to the living room with all her stuff

"mia where are you going?" i asked actually concerned.

she walked up to me and hugged me. i stiffened at the touch of her. it was almost surprising she even got close to me.

"thank you. thank you for helping me realize he's a douche bag" she says hugging me a little tighter.

"i'm confused" i was not confused one bit.

"long story short he settled for me because he couldn't have you" she said walking away.

"really?" i asked

"do you have any felling for him" she asks me

kinda a dumb question.

"maybe i don't know" i said shrugging.

"he wants you and only you. go talk to him!!" she said acting excited but clearly hurt.

"you won't be upset?" i asked

"i'll get over it!" she says smiling

we say our good byes and i walk to my room first to plug in my phone and i see jj has texted me a bunch. but that's the last thing on my mind right now

i knock on his door.

"WHAT" rafe asks

fine if he wants to act this way i'll just barge in.

"what the fuck was that with mia" i ask him

"i don't know" he says with his hands in his hair sitting on his bed.

"so why is she coming up to me saying i'm the one you wanted the whole time?!!" i ask him.

"because you are" he mumbled faintly. he doesn't think i heard him but i did.

"what's that?"i ask

"I DONT KNOW Y/N OKAY?!!! GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" rafe screams at me.

"mk" i simply say walking out the door and slamming it and going across to my room.

i pick up my phone and realize i totally forgot that jj texted me

Snapchat from JJ🔥
what's up

nothing, just sitting here


i know. i'm sorry i was responding my phone was dead!

it's okay!

i think i'm leaving tomorrow morning i'll be home really soon then we can hangout!

i'm excited. do you need a ride back from the airport?

maybe i'm not sure yet i think i'm the only one coming home this early
so you have the house to yourself? 😏
yes lmao but don't think like that
i'll see you soon 😅


God this boy.

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