Chapter fourteen

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y/n pov-
Today Rafe, My dad, my mom, Rose, Wheezie, Aria, and i are all shopping around. It pros wasn't the best idea to leave sarah and topper at home by themselves.

"Yes we so should!!" i heard Ari shout from the way back seat in the car.
"you should what?" Rafe asked aria with a grin.
"nothing....hehehe" wheezie said pushing her brother a away.
"no tell us" rafe said, Very sternly.
"guys it's nothing leave them alone" Rose and my mother said looking back at us.
"So you know?" rafe said rolling his eyes.
"rafe leave it they said it's nothing. Your making a big deal out of this." Ward said looking at rafe through the rear view mirror. Ward knows.
"y/n do you have any dramatic response to any of this?" me father said turning around to look at me. I can't believe him.
"no even if i did you don't need to point it out" i said rolling my eyes.
"there's the attitude i knew we were gonna get" my dad said turning back around.
"Dad can you maybe not." i said getting a little embarrassed.

————————-time skip to when we get there——

"Mom, Wheezie and i wanna go to those stores over there" Aria said while practically begging.
"fine with i want those two with you" sue said pointing to rafe and i.
"us? no way!" i said getting in my phone to text dylan.
"Y/n let's just go" rafe said grabbing my arm.
"ugh fine" i said trying to act annoyed.

A little while later the girl walked into some random store, and i heard rafe and it's name in their conversation

"all we need is to get dylan out of the picture and rafe in it." i heard my sister say. Did she really not like dylan?

"i think their starting to catch on to this whole plan" wheezie said with quotes around the word plan.

"good thing sarah and topper stayed home. Y/n would have saw what they did plus what the store from rafes room" Wheezie said whispering to my sister.

"Hey y/n!" Dylan said as he walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"hi" i decided to not give dylan any physical attention right now because of rafe right next to us.
"wanna come home with us?" i asked him.
"duhh" he said hugging me.

—————-time skip to the house—————————

on the car ride home Rafe didn't say a thing. As soon as we got home rafe sprinted for the door.

"what's his problem?" rose asked me.
"not sure" i said opening my door.

We walked inside and almost immediately our parent s went on the boat and left us kids here.

"so uhm y/n" dylan said grabbing my waist.
"yes dylan" i said hugging his neck
"would you like to be my girlfriend" he asked me. He looked so scared for my answer. So i did something i might regret. I kissed him.
"does that answer your question?" i asked him.
"is that a yes or..." He asked me sarcastically.
"yes dylan i'll be your girlfriend" i said kissing him again.

——————————time skip a few hours————

Dylan and i got bored so we went to my bed room. And it was a hell hole. My bra was on the floor along with a pair of underwear. A t-shirt and spandex were too.

There were more clothes but definitely too big to be mine.  i picked up one of the t-shirts. On the front it had number 4 on it so i looked on the back. On the Top it read 'CAMERON'.

"what the fuck y/n" dylan said as he grabbed the boxers that weren't his. Dylan and i had never done 'It' so they couldn't be his laying on the ground. This whole set up thing made it look like i had slept with rafe cameron.

"Dylan i promise i didn't do anything with him" i told him looking straight at him.

"I knew i shouldn't have trusted you. Or him. I see the way he looks at you. y/n he's just gonna use you for a quick fuck then drop you. That's what he did with lily isnt it?" he was furious.

"Dylan that's not true. Rafe Doesn't look at me like that." i told him. I tried to sound unfazed by the situation, but clearly i wasn't.

"y/n tell me this. Do you have feelings for him?" He asked me. He put his hands on my shoulders.

"do you?" he said leaning forehead against mine.


cliffhanger bitches.

jk. y'all thought.

"i don't know yet" i said with tears falling out of my eyes.

"y/n this won't work out if you have feelings for him" he said walking out of my room.
i balled my eyes out while walking over to my bed. I pulled my knees into my chest and put my face into my knees.

"y/n?" rafe asked knocking on the door.
"what" i said looking up.
"are you ok?" he asked closing that door, and walking over to me.
"no" i said using my sleeve to wipe my tears.
"can i uhm hug you?" he asked. i nodded my head yes.
"why'd you do it rafe" i said hugging him back.
"y/n i swear i had no clue they make it look like that. not going to lie i'm happy they did. Dylan was a douche" he said looking at him with a grin.
"easy for you to say" i said making our hug last longer.

————time skip———————————————-

at some point him and i fell asleep cuddling and taling about anything and everything. And that's when i realized I had feelings for Rafe Cameron.


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