Chapter 21 - Three Down

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Adrien was bouncing his leg up and down, nervous as to what was awaiting him when the next akuma attack came.

They had made a plan and decided to carry it out as soon as the next akuma struck. They would get transformed and go to the Agreste Mansion and look for Hawkmoth. Once they found where he was, they would confront him and ask him to get back his miraculous. If he doesn't do it willingly... well, Adrien didn't want to think about that. Not yet.

Marinette was sitting in her usual spot, listening to the teacher and taking notes. Every now and then she would glance at Adrien, sensing his stress even from a seat away.

The alarm went. Everything became dull for Adrien, the shouts and screams turning into an unfocused buzz as he mindlessly looked around at the panicked faces that surrounded him. Only when Marinette grabbed his hand did he shake his head and focus. Now was not the time to zone out.

He looked at Marinette and together they silently agreed to head to the nearest alley and transform.

The plan had started. The five heroes met up on a rooftop just next to the Agreste Mansion.

"Ok, I'm glad we're all here," Ladybug nodded in gratitude to the three in front of her. "Everyone ready?"

They all nodded though with slight reluctance. Ladybug grabbed Chat Noir's hand and squeezed it. He gently squeezed back but his face stayed in a frozen mixture of grief, anger and confusion, as if he wasn't sure why they were doing whatever they were going to do.

The heroes jumped over to the house and snuck in through Adrien's window, which was, as usual, open. They landed and gave a small nod to signal their split; Ladybug went with Rena Rouge and Carapace, while Chat Noir went with Queen Bee.

As they slipped around the house, unnoticed, they listened for any sounds of voices.

There was a gasp.

"Chat Noir, was that you?" Queen Bee looked around the corner to see the black clad hero frozen in his tracks. "Did you hear something?"

Chat quietly nodded, "Yes. He's this way." He turned around and led her to Gabriel Agreste's office. He headed towards where he heard the sound. It came from.... the painting of his mother?

Queen Bee entered closely followed by the other three heroes who she had obviously gone to get. They all quietly went to stand in front of the painting.

"Could it be behind the painting?" Ladybug, with her usual ideas, had started wondering aloud how the voices could be coming from the painting. "Maybe there's a hidden door...?" She trailed off as she walked closer to the painting and felt her hands over it to see if there was anything irregular about it.

"Oh!" Ladybug had felt something. The painting seemed to be going inwards in a few places. "Ok, I can feel something that might be buttons. I'm going to guess we need to press them all and then a secret door will open," She looked at Chat.

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