Welcome To Summit High (Part I)

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Y/N's Pov

"Come on grandpa you can drive faster than this." Charlie was driving obnoxiously slow once again, and it was our first day at Summit High School. "At this rate we won't be there until third period Charlie." I honestly didn't care if we were late, given the fact I was the reason we're moving schools and all. I was just trying to annoy Charlie and get him to live a little. "I'm sorry i'm going the speed limit and DONT want to die!" Charlie practically yelled in my face. "Fine, fine. You do you grandpa, but if we're late it's your fault." Now I know I made him at least a little irritated so I decided to stop.

"This literally looks like a prison. Are you sure we can't just turn around and go back home?" As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of this so called high school, I immediately regretted all the life choices that brought me here. "You were complaining about how slow I was going, now we're here so get your ass in there and don't get us kicked out of this school." And with that he got out of the car and started walking in. I had to run just to catch up to him. "Maybe I did get him that mad." I thought to myself trying to hold in my laugh. "Now who's the slow one?" Charlie asked once I was next to him.

"Whatever asshole, what's your first class?" Even tho Charlie can be a complete idiot, i'd still rather have someone to talk to in my first period. "Math, but we have to meet with the principal before we go to class." Great we have to meet the fucking principal. It's probably another guy in his 60's who's a complete and utter ass. "Why can't we just go to class?" I don't have a good track record with principals so i'd rather that area be avoided for as long as possible. "No we can't, just don't say anything stupid. All we have to do is check in then we can go to class." Technically what he explained was true... but I don't think before i talk so it's going to be a lot harder than it seems.

As we were making our way to the principals office I was looking around the school and it really wasn't that bad. I mean the lockers were kind of dirty but it wasn't like it was a new school so i couldn't complain. From what I could see all of the classrooms were just like a normal classroom. The only thing that seemed kind of sketch were the bathrooms but it's a public school so it wasn't like they were going to have granite counter tops. "Will you get your head out of the clouds y/n!" That caused me to snap out of what I was thinking and realize that we were standing outside an office door that said "Nathan Gardner" on it. "Nathan.... Sounds like a old dudes name." That caused Charlie to slap me on the arm which I gave a confused look back to. Just as I was about to say something I heard someone clear their throat from behind us. "I'll have you know i'm not that old Miss Bartlett." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I slowly turned around and was faced with a man who was probably the principal. He couldn't be the principal right? He was actually... hot? He had on nice grey trousers, slick black dress shoes, a white dress shirt, which i might add had absolutely no wrinkles in it. All completed by a matching grey blazer.

"If you're done staring, we can step into my office." Fuck. Now i'm blushing because of the fucking PRINCIPAL. Me and Charlie followed behind him and sat down in the two chairs he had in front of his desk. "I'm Nathan Gardner your beloved principal." No way can this actually work the principal. "So why we're you two late on your first day?"  He got straight to the point. I like it. "It was her fault." Charlie said almost immediately. "What the fuck!? No it wasn't you asshat!" I was not going to get blamed for us being late. "So we're late and we're cursing?" After Nathan said that he wrote something down. "Sorry sir it just slipped out." I was trying to at least not be a complete ass on the first day. "Oh, well if it just slipped out I guess you're off the hook." Mr. Gardner stated while leaning back in his chair. "Really?" This is easier than I thought. "No not really. After school detention." Never mind. "Mr. Bartlett you're dismissed." Finally. As soon as I got up I heard his stupidly hot voice. "I didn't say YOU could leave." Why was that so hot? No. Y/N, stop he's your principal.

I slowly sat back down and Charlie walked out closing the door behind him. Mr.Gardner was looking down at the papers in front of him not saying a word to me. After what felt like forever in silence he finally said something. "You have a very interesting résumé Miss Bartlett... Is there a private school you haven't been kicked out of?" Of course he was going to bring that up. "I don't think so. But let me know if you find one." That whole be nice idea got thrown out of the window. "If I were you I would cut the attitude." Now he's getting serious, this should be fun. "And what are you gonna do about it? Nathan." I know for a fact anyone who works in a school hates being called by their first name. "Come here y/n." His voice got way deeper than it was before. Almost... lustful? "Why?" I wasn't giving up that easy. "Now." Okay that's kinda hot. But i'm not giving in yet. "What are you gonna do? Spank me?" That has to make him mad. "What the fuck did I say about the attitude?" He stood up and looked me straight in the eyes after he said that. And why did I get butterflies when he did? "I'm sorry SIR, did i upset you?" Being sarcastic is always fun. But all he did was laugh at what I said. Did he not get what i said? I want him to react, to get mad at- "Maybe bending you over this desk will fix that attitude." Holy shit. Did he really just say that? "Y-Your the principal Mr.Gardner." What was he trying to do? Whatever it is it's working. "That seemed to stop the attitude." He smirked at me. He fucking smirked. Just as I was about to say something I heard the bell go off. "That was the first period bell Miss Bartlett. Get to class before you're late." I didn't know how to feel, and for the first time i honestly didn't know what to say. I got up and started walking out and gave him one last look but he was already typing away on his computer.


Um🧍🏻‍♀️ Here's the first part of what i'm calling "The Principals Pet"  sry for any typos... Yeah idk what else to say so 😗✌🏼 
              ~Nathan's Slut
Words: 1215

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