Wanna Ride? (Part VIII)

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Y/N's pov

I went through the rest of my classes as if nothing happened. The last bell rang about five minutes ago and i was on my way out of the school. I started to walk home because i got tired of waiting for Charlie to come out. I honestly have no idea what always takes him so long. I only lived about 20 minutes away so i wasn't really complaining about waking.

Five minutes into my walk a car pulled up next to me. I kept walking not looking at the car for safety reasons. "Need a ride Miss Bartlett?" Oh no. I stopped walking and slowly turned around making eye contact with the driver of the car. "Get in the car Y/n." Should i? I feel like it's questionable to get into your principals car. "That's okay Mr. Gardner. I can walk." I tried to steady my voice so it would seem like i really didn't want a ride. "To bad, i don't want you walking home. Especially not in that skirt." He smirked at me and put his car into park and got out. I froze and looked down not wanting to make eye contact with him. He makes me feel like a little kid. I saw his shoes stop directly in front of me and he brought his hand up to my cheek making me look at him. He kept his hand on my cheek and leaned down leaving a soft kiss on my lips. When we broke apart i slowly opened my eyes and looked straight into his dark brown ones, for some reason i felt safe. "Okay, i'll get in." He smiles and walked to the passenger door opening it, motioning me to get in.

I walked over taking off my backpack and got into the car. He lightly closed the door and started walking over to his side. He slipped into the car and took it out of park and started driving. I leaned against the window and spaced out. After about five minutes of driving the car stopped and i snapped out of my daze realizing we weren't at MY house. I turned towards Mr. Gardner but he wasn't in the car anymore. My door suddenly opened but i was leaning against it so i started to fall out. I let out a small yelp and prepared for the impact of the ground but it never came. I fell against someones... chest? i slowly opened my eyes and there was two arms around me holding me up. I looked up and saw Mr. Gardner staring down at me with a smirk on his face.

I quickly pushed myself off of him and straightened out my clothes. "Uhm, why are we, uh, at YOUR house?" I questioned him avoiding his eyes. I know i was blushing and i didn't feel like being called out on it. "I asked you for your address and you didn't answer so i brought you here." Was i really that zoned out? How could i not hear him ask a simple question? I don't get how- "Y/N!" I jumped up and looked at him. "You're doing it again, are you alright." I cleared my throat and gave a nod. "I'm fine." Just a lot on my plate at the moment. "Okay, then?" I gave him a small smile and looked back down. "So are we gonna keep standing here or do you want to go inside?" Okay this was really awkward, or at least it is to me. "What about Susan? Isn't she here." I asked not wanting to get caught 'hanging out' with the principal. "She stated after school for a club, no one's home." He smirked and stuck his hand out in front of me. I looked at his hand debating on what to do.

What's the worst that could happen? I grabbed his hand and looked up at him. "I have homework tho, so i can't stay for very long." I stated with a sad smile. He let go of my hand and moved me to the side grabbing my bag out of his car. "You realize i'm the principal of the school you go to and that i used to be a history teacher right?" He laughed and started walking to the house. "I- Wait up" I ran after him to catch up. He walked really really fast. He walked into the house and left the door open door me still caring my bag. I walked in shortly after him and closed the door. I looked around realizing i didn't know where he went. "Nathan?" I started walking up the stairs looking around, trying to find him.

"Where the fuck did you go!?" This feels like the intro to a scary movie. As i continued to walk down the hallway a door opened and i got pulled inside. "AHH!" I opened my eyes and saw Mr. Gardner laughing his ass off. He sat down on a bed and just kept laughing. "Oh my god, you should have seen your face." Why does he find this so funny. "Don't ever do that again!" I walked up to him and smacked him on the shoulder "That wasn't funny." My heart was beating 100 mph. He looked up at me given the fact he was sitting down trying to keep a straight face. "I hate you." I turned around and started walking towards the door. I heard him get up and he grabbed me by my waist so i could move. "I'm sorry." He pushed himself against the back of me getting as close as he could. He brought his head down and i could feel his breath on my neck. "How can i make it up to you?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.

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