Sweet (Part XIV)

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Nathan's pov-

    Y/n fell asleep a little over an hour ago so I went down stairs to finish that coffee I was making. As I went to take a drink I heard small footsteps on the tile of the kitchen. Smirking over the rim of the cup when i felt hands come around my waist. "Good morning." I set my cup down and grabbed her hands, turning around. Her hands went back around me and she set her head on my chest. Warm. I moved one of my hands to the back of her head, and the other around her.

"Your bed is really comfortable." I felt her lips move against me. "Well you can stay as long as you'd like piccola." Her hold tightened, it was more of a hug than anything else. I looked over my shoulder at the clock on the stove, 12:07. "Are you hungry?" She looked up at me, she was biting her lip. "Not what I meant." I pulled away from her and grabbed my coffee again. Trying to hide my smile I brought the cup up, taking a drink. She moved next to me and pushed herself up onto the counter. She's still in my shirt, nothing else. Her hands came out and she grabbed my cup. "Excuse you." I turned towards her so i was standing in between her legs. I set my hands on her thighs and started rubbing small circles.

Y/n brought my cup up, taking a drinking, i could tell she was smiling. Reaching up I grabbed the cup and set it down. "You should put some clothes on." She's so distracting, I can't think around her. Absolutely fucking beautiful. "I have clothes on." Sliding my hands up i pulled the hem of the shirt she was wearing. "I think i'm fine just how i am, old man." That fucking mouth. Pulling her against me I picked her up, she let out a small yelp and held onto me. "No! Nathan i'm sorry." I walked into the living room and laid her down on the couch, climbing over her. "Old man?" A smile spread across her face, I could see her trying to hold in a laugh. Bringing my hands down to her side I started moving them up and down. "That tickles Nathan, stop it." I continued, ignoring her protests, pinching her sides here and there. "I'm sorry! Nathan! Please!" She started wiggling under me, she's blushing. "Take it back." Trying to steady her breathing she started taking again. "I'm sorry! You're not old. Nathan! I'm sorry, I love you! You're not old!" That's right i'm not ol- Did she just...

I stopped tickling her and she calmed down, smiling up at me. She didn't know what she said, she was just screaming things. "Nathan." I looked at her and she slid her hands to my thighs. I followed her hands with my eyes. They kept sliding up, one stopped at my hip while the other stopped at my- fuck. "I wanna taste you." She started rubbing me through my boxers, slowly sliding out from under me. "Stop." I clenched my jaw as she started moving to the floor. Repositioning myself so that i was now sitting on the couch, she moved in front of me. She's on her knees, for me.

     Her hands reached for the hem of my boxers, she started pulling them down, too slow. Anything she does makes me hard as a fucking rock. She stopped pulling once my cock sprung out. So innocent, she looked so innocent down there. Her hand came down and she started teasing me. Her tongue came out and she leaned forward, taking me into her mouth. "Fuck y/n." My head fell back, my neck against the back of the couch. She can take all of me and she wasn't, she needs to. Just the tip, that's all she was taking, over and over. My hand came down to the back of her head and I pushed down until i felt the tip of her nose hit my stomach. She gagged, but i kept her there feeling her throat. When i did let go, she pulled completely off me. I looked down seeing her try to catch her breath, a string of saliva connecting her to me.

    Pushing her head back down, up, down, up, down... "Look at me." Her eyes flashed up to me, wide and innocent. Tears were starting to stream down her face. "Such a good girl for me." I felt her hum around me, so fucking good. "Taking me  whole, such a good fucking slut." She started moving her head faster without my help, her nose hitting my abdomen every time. "Fuck." My head fell back again, she felt so good. "My slut, my personal little slut." I started brining my hips up, meeting her half way. My breath got quicker and my hands came back to her head. "You gonna swallow sweetheart? You gonna be good?" I couldn't hold back anymore, she started humming around me sending vibrations through my body.

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