Mr. Smith (Part II)

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Y/N's Pov

I can't believe he said that. Did he actually say that? Maybe i was just imagining things. Maybe this is just all a dream and i'll wake up soon. "Y/N!" Charlie yelled pulling me out of my thoughts. "Huh? What?" I said turning towards him. "You've been standing at your locker staring at nothing for like a minute straight." I must of lost track of- TIME. "Holy shit." I can't be late to second period. The teacher is probably an asshole and will send me to the principal. "What's wrong." Charlie asked oblivious to everything that happens after he left the office. "How long until second period star-" I was cut off mid sentence by the bell going off.

"What's your class right now?" I asked hoping I wouldn't have to walk in alone. "Science. Why?" Fuck. I have history. "No reason." I answer obviously lying. "We should probably go, given the fact we're already late." I'm trying to sound casual and not make my worry to noticeable. "Yeah, you're probably right. See after class." With that he walked away and I let out a breath of relief. I looked down at my phone realizing that I was already five minutes late for class and I had no idea where the history room was. "Fucking great."

After another five minutes of walking around I finally found the stupid history classroom. I decided not to knock and just walk in. NOT a good idea. "Excuse me!" That must be the teacher... "Hi?" I knew I was late, just get to the point and send me to the office. "Do you have any idea how late you are!?" Okay, why was he yelling so much. "Do you have any idea how loud you are?" If i'm already in trouble might as well have some fun with it. "You do not talk back to me young lady!" God, I already hate this guy. "Principal's office. Now!" And there it is. "It's better than being in here. See ya." With that I walked out of the classroom.

  It didn't take me that long to find the principal's office given that i've already been there. "Okay, I should definitely knock this time." I thought to myself. I knocked on his door and immediately heard a "Come in". I slowly opened the door and stepped into his office. "Close the door and have a seat Ms.Bartlett." His sudden words making me jump slightly, but listening to what he said i closed the door and sat down not looking at him. "You gonna tell me why you're here?" He sounded amused, why was he enjoying this already? "You're the principal, shouldn't you know why i'm here." Fuck, why did I say that to him. He lightly chuckled and I could hear him lean back in his chair. "Mr. Smith called me and told why you're here." He ignored my attitude? Wait, Mr.Smith? "So that's the assholes name?" I heard him chuckle again, still not daring to look up at him. Oh my god, i said that out loud didn't I? "You're getting very bold Ms. Bartlett."
Oh fuck. I did say it out loud.

I looked up at him only to see that he was staring directly at me with a small smirk on his face. "Are you gonna give me detention, or what?" I just needed to get out of here. "Are you going to cut that fucking attitude?" His face changed to straight and serious. Why was him cursing so hot. Do I like giving him attitude? Maybe in my mind I just want to get a reaction out of him. As I was caught in my daydream I didn't notice Mr.Gardner get up and stand right in between where I was sitting and the edge of his desk.  "Are you going to ignore me?" Him saying that snapped me out of my thoughts and caused me to look up and him. He was towering over me because I was sitting and he was standing. I was speechless, i couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. He smirked again, why is he smirking? "Do I make you nervous Ms.Bartlett?" What is he trying to get me to say? I'm not going to admit it.

"Why would you make me nervous Mr.Gardner?" I had to look down again because I blushed, I fucking blushed. "Oh I don't know, maybe because you can't even look at me." He brought his hand down and grabbed my chin in between his thumb and index finger, making me look up and him. His hands were ruff but soft at the same time, I don't know how to explain it.  "Aww, you're blushing. That's cute." Did he just say I was "cute"? What is this man doing to me? I tried to look back down but that only made him change his hold on my chin to my jaw so I couldn't move my head at all. "You look at me when i'm talking to you. Do you understand?" Why is he so fucking dominant? And why is it turning me on? When I didn't answer him he tightened his grip on my jaw. "I believe I asked you a question." Why was he so calm about this? "Y-yes, I understand." It was hard to talk with how tight his grip was. After I said that I could see a light smirk on his face. Why was this man always smirking at me? "Good girl." What. The. Fuck.

Did he just say that? God, i'm blushing so hard, I must look a fucking tomato. He let out a light laugh while letting go of my jaw and walking back to his chair. He sat back down in his chair and started talking again. "You can give attitude to your teachers all you want, but that's not going to roll with me. Do you understand y/n?" There's another question. I don't really want to make him mad again. "Yes." Short answer, straight to the point. "Yes what?" And the smirk is back. What do i say? Daddy? Nathan? Mr.Gardner? Do I just repeat his question? " Yes what y/n?" Oh god. "Yes s-sir, I understand." Mr.Gardner hummed in satisfaction at that answer. For some reason I feel like that's not what he wanted me to say tho.

Mr. Gardner looked down at his watch and back up at me which caused me to look down and my hands which I was fiddling with in my lap. "Second period ends in ten minutes." Does he really want me to go back? Or does he want me to stay... "You can start heading to your third period now so you aren't late this time." Of course he had to say that. "Or, you can stay here until the bell rings." Oh great. "Your choice Ms. Bartlett." I kinda want to stay, but on the other hand I don't know if I should. Nothing will happen, he's my principal, i'm just over thinking things. But I should probably go. "Alright, looks like your staying." That caused me to look back up at him with a surprised but confused expression. "You took to long to answer so I answered for you." With that he turned towards his computer and stared typing immediately.

The room was dead silent except for the sound of his keyboard as he typed. Why is this so awkward? It's probably just me thinking about things too much. I went to grab my phone out of my back pocket but got interrupted by his voice. "No phones." What does he mean no phones? "What?" Since when can I not have MY phone. "I said no phones, you shouldn't need any further explanation." Is he serious right now? "I was just looking to see what time it is."  I continued to take my phone out but as soon as I did he reached across his desk and grabbed it out of my hands. "What the fuck!?" Right after I said that he slammed my phone down on his desk and tightened his jaw while looking at me directly in the eyes. I jump slightly from the noise but quickly realized that he could have broken my phone. "Why would you do that!? You could have broken my phone you asshole!" That made him tilt his head slightly like he was confused but his expression changed. It was like he was amused but still mad.

"I don't know what makes you think you can talk to me like that Ms. Bartlett." He sounds mad, but he's smiling. "You already have detention. What other punishment do you need?" That's not a serious question right? "Hmm?" He's actually serious. "I- uhh." Why does he make me so flustered. I shouldn't feel like this with my principal. "I think you need to be taught how to control that mouth of yours." After he said that he started to walk back over to my side of the desk. "Put that dirty mouth to good use?" I couldn't keep eye contact with him anymore and looked back down to my lap. "You don't listen, do you?" He sounded mad again but I couldn't look at him. He walked in front of me and grabbed my jaw again but harder than before, making me look up at him. "I told you to look at me when i'm talking didn't I?" Fuck. My brain just forgets everything it knows when i'm close to him.

"Answer my question y/n. I don't like to be ignored." Okay, he was actually mad now. I think. "Yes." My one word answer made his grip on my jaw tighten as he pulled me out of my seat so I was standing. Even standing he was still taller than me so I had to look up. "Y-yes, you told me to look at you Mr. Gardner." I don't know what he was planning on doing but for some reason I didn't care. "Where'd the attitude go? Why does me doing this make you stop?" I know what he wanted to hear but I can't say it. I can't say anything right now... I don't know what to say. "I'm starting to think you like making me mad." What? I mean I don't try to do it, it just happens. "I-" Right before i was going to answer him the bell rang, signaling that second period was over. I saw him clinch his jaw again before he let go of me and looked me up and down like I was his prey. "Get to class Ms. Bartlett. I don't want to see back in here until detention." The sternest in his voice as he talked gave me butterflies. "Yes sir." I turned away from him grabbing my bag and walking out before he could say or do anything else.

Sry this took so long i had no motivation 🧍🏻‍♀️ I'll try to update more regularly ❤︎❤︎
~𝑁𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛'𝑠 𝑆𝑙𝑢𝑡✍︎︎
Words: 1840

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑙'𝑠 𝑃𝑒𝑡 Where stories live. Discover now