The Skirt (Part V)

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Y/N's Pov

When I got home I went straight up to my room to process what just happened. Was I really going to have sex with my principal? Maybe it's a good thing that Susan interrupted us. I mean i'm not a virgin so it wouldn't have been that bad. What if i'm not the only girl he's done this too. He seems so calm about everything so I wouldn't be surprised if he does. But if he does this all the time i'm not sure if I want to be apart of it anymore. No. No. No. It doesn't even matter he's my principal I don't need to be jealous or worried, this isn't even serious. Just a bit of fun. Right?

I decided that Nathan- Mr.Gardner. I don't need to be on a first name basis with him. But he doesn't deserve my time. I shouldn't even be thinking about this, about him. It's getting late anyway i'll just go to bed and try not to think about any of this. I won't see  him at school tomorrow so i'll be fine. Just go to my classes then go home. He probably already forgot everything that happened. Just using me for his amusement. Like i'm some play thing some pet.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up he wouldn't leave my mind. Everything that he did, his touch, the way his hands felt on my body. I wanted him, I wanted him to do what ever he wanted to do to me.

  Charlie came into my room breaking me out of my thoughts. "Get dressed! School starts in an hour!" I looked over at my clock seeing that he was right. I must have been to much into my thoughts. "Get out so I can get dressed." I said and he walked out slamming my door in the process. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" I yelled through the door.

  I was looking through my closet for at least five minutes trying to find something to wear. I looked in the corner of my closet seeing a skirt that still had the tag on it. I picked it up and immediately realized why i've never worn it before. It was short, very very short. My old school had a dress code but no one really followed it so it didn't matter what I wore. I know that Summit High had a dress code but i didn't know what it was exactly. I knew this skirt definitely wasn't encouraged tho.

  I put the skirt down looking through my jeans but realizing the power I could have in that skirt. I'd definitely get sent to the office tho... Wait, I'd get sent to THE OFFICE. I could tease him, I finally have something that might make him flustered. Payback.

   I put on the plaid skirt with a long sleeve black shirt and slipped on some black converse. I was still going to school so I don't need to put on heals or anything fancy. I looked myself over in the mirror one more time before grabbing my bag and going down stairs.

  When I got down the stairs Charlie gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything

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When I got down the stairs Charlie gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything. That actually surprised me, given that the skirt just barely covers my ass. He can be a dick sometimes but he's really overprotective of me. Which I don't mind but sometimes it gets on my nerves because i'm older than him by a year. I got held back in 7th grade so that's why we're both in the same grade. Charlie is sixteen currently but his birthday is in a month so he'll be seventeen. I just turned eighteen about two months ago.

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