New Girl (Part III)

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Y/N's Pov

After I left I realized that I forgot to grab my phone off of Mr. Gardners desk before I walked out. I'm not going to go back and get it, at least not right now. I'll just get it back when i'm in detention.

The way to third period wasn't that confusing, I found the classroom pretty fast. I had English this period and Charlie had history so I was a complete loner. I walked into class and sat down in a empty chair in the back of the classroom, not looking at anyone. About a minute later the bell rang and for the first time I actually wasn't late.

The teacher walked into the classroom and looked directly at me before turning and writing his name on the board. "Mr. Turner" I said under my breath reading the name he wrote. "It looks like we have a new student." He stated with an excited clap. "Why don't you stand up and introduce yourself." Exactly what I didn't want. Attention. I stood up from my chair and looked around before I started talking. "Uh, i'm y/n." I kept it short and sat back down. " Come on y/n give us a little more than that. Tell us something about yourself." Mr. Turner is just an over enthusiastic person. I stood back up and looked at the teacher. "My name is y/n Bartlett, and every school i've been in i've been kicked out of." He should LOVE that fact. "Can I sit down now?" I honestly don't know where my attitude comes from but it's very entertaining. "Yes, go ahead and have a seat Miss Bartlett." He sounded so uncomfortable. That's hilarious.

The class was pretty boring, just a regular high school english class. As soon as the bell rang I walked out and went to my locker to put away my books. "Hey. y/n right?" I turned around and a girl was standing in front of me. "Yeah why?" Did I know her? "I'm in your english class." Well that answers my question. "I'm Susan. Nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand and I shook it. "Likewise." I stated letting go of her hand. "Not trying to be rude, but was there a reason you came up to me?" I was genuinely just curious. "Not really, you just seem like a cool person." Well then. "Plus, I know you're new so a friend can't hurt right?" I mean she's right, someone to talk to in class wouldn't be that bad. "Yeah, why not." I'm not always an asshole. I can be nice when I want to be. "You wanna hang after school at my place?" She seems like a cool person. Not exactly giving off murderer vibes so. "Sure."

Susan and I exchanged phone numbers really quick than headed off to our next classes. I had science, which you guessed it, I was alone in this class too. The teacher of this class was a girl so that was a relief. It wasn't anything special, I had to take some notes for this class tho. Coming into a school in the middle of the year isn't exactly fun. Even tho i was what most people consider "a rebel" I was actually really smart. I always did good in school, I just got bored by it. The class went by fast and I went directly to my locker to put all my books away.

I told Charlie that I was going to someone's house so he left and I waited for Susan outside of the school. She walked out and came right over to where I was standing. "Hey, is it cool if we walk?" It wasn't that hot out side and a walk could be nice I guess. "Yeah, that's cool." She gave me a small smile and started waking. I didn't exactly know where to go so I just followed next to her. It wasn't that long of a walk, we just made small talk on the way there. When we got to her house there wasn't any cars in the drive way which means there probably wasn't anyone home. Susan walked in and I followed behind her. "We can just chill in my room." She said walking up the stairs. "Alright, cool." On the way there and was looking around the house, there was two bedrooms, a bathroom, and what looked like an office.

We got into her room and it actually looked really nice. "I love you're room." I said turning towards her after looking around. "Thanks." She answered smiling at me. "Who do you live with? If you don't mind me asking." We we're here alone so I wanted to know if she lived with anyone. "My parents got a divorce so it's just me and my dad." Okay now I kinda feel bad. "Oh sorry, I didn't know." She looked at me with a confused expression. "What? No, it's completely fine. It was her fault anyway." I just answered with a small "oh" and gave her a small smile. "If it makes you feel any better it's only my me, my brother, and my mom at home." I could kind of relate to what she was going through. "So we do have things in common." She pointed out.

After about twenty minutes of us talking and getting to know each other I heard the front door open from down stairs. "Susan! I'm home!" A deep voice yelled from down stairs. It must have been her dad, but the voice sounded familiar for some reason. "In my room!" Susan yelled back. "It's just my dad, he had to stay after school for some reason." After school? What did she mean by after sch- My thoughts were cut off by someone opening the door which caused me to turn around to see who it was. "No way." I'm dreaming right. That's not her dad. It can't be her dad. Out of all peopl- "Well hello Miss Bartlett." Her dad was MR FUCKING GARDNER! "You know her?" Susan asked while I was still in shock looking at N- Mr Gardner. "Of course I do. She's a new student." He answered her. "Why didn't you tell me HE was your dad?" I turned towards Susan with a confused face finally snapping out of my haze. "I thought you knew, everyone knows." Well obviously I didn't.

"Can I borrow your friend for a second." Mr. Gardner said more as a statement than a question. "Just wanna make sure she's settling in at the school alright." He was looking at me in the eyes the whole time he was talking. "Yeah I guess. Just don't take forever." Why did she say yes? I don't want to be alone with him. "Follow me Miss Bartlett." With that he walked off.

Here's part three ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ Leaving you guys on a cliff hanger. Sry not sry ☻︎
                                                     ~𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝚂𝚕𝚞𝚝✍︎︎
Words: 1162

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