Sit Down (Part IV)

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Y/N's Pov

After Mr.Gardner left Susan's room I didn't know what to do. He said to follow him but maybe if I just ran out I would be fine. I'll see both of them at school tho so that won't work. "He's not all big and bad as everyone says he is." Susan's voice made me jump from the sudden break of silence. "I mean people always say that he's scary. He's really not." Well obviously you think that, he's your fucking dad. "I just don't have a good track record with principals." Which clearly wasn't the actual reason why I didn't want to be alone with him. "Just come back in here when he's done talking to you." If only it was that easy Susan.

After having a mental argument with myself I walked out of Susan's room and in the direction that Mr.Gardner went. I kept going until I reached a door that was slightly cracked open. I peeked my head in and saw Mr.Gardner at a desk looking at some papers that were in front of him. I slowly pushed open the door and walked into the office looking room. "Door." I looked over to him and he was pointing towards the door, but still looking at the papers. I didn't know exactly what he meant so I took a guess and closed the door before turning back him. "Sit." What's up with all these one word commands? "I'm fine. I'll stand." That made him look up at me with a stern expression. "Sit down." I did tell him didn't want to right? "I said i'm fine." I don't want him to have the same power he had over me at school.

"I don't believe I was asking y/n." God, this man is always so dominant and commanding. "I don't care what you were doing. I don't want to sit." I can't let him have that much of an effect on me. He clenched his jaw and slammed his hands on his desk pushing himself out of the chair he was in, now standing looking at me directly. The sudden action made me jump but I quickly recovered not wanting to give him any type of satisfaction. His eyes burned into mine as he started to walk towards me. My heart started pumping faster with each step he took but I never broke eye contact. He finally got over to where I was and stood directly in front of me so I had to look up at him. He was so close that I could smell the warm, masculine cologne he was wearing.

"Sit the fuck down." He never broke eye contact and his voice was deeper and more stern than any other time he's talked to me. For some reason it sent a wave of butterflies through me. Maybe he was right. Maybe I do like getting him mad...

"I can't. You're in my way." I mean I wasn't wrong. He was standing in my way. He let out a light laugh and started walking closer to me as if he wasn't already as close as he could get. It caused me to take a step back but he just kept going and going until I hit the wall behind me. My heart was beating a hundred miles per hour while I tried so hard to keep my eye contact with him. He put both his hands against the wall on either side of my head trapping me. He leaned his head down so his mouth was right next to my ear, finally breaking our eye contact. "One, stop being a brat." His voice sending shivers down my spine as he talked. "Two, you missed your detention." FUCK. I knew I forgot something! How could I be so stupid!? "And three. Sit.Down.Now" With that he pushed off the wall and walked back to his desk sitting down.

I feel like I should probably sit down now. I walked over to the chair that was in front of his desk. "Oh no no no." What does he mean no? He said to sit down. "You didn't want to listen to me the first time so you get to sit here." He smirked and tapped his fingers on his lap. What!? A blush immediately fanned across my face. "I-Uhh. Mr.Gardner." That made his smirk get even bigger. "Don't get all shy on me now. You wanted to act tough right?" Yeah, he's right. With my face still red as a tomato I walked around the desk and stopped in front of him debating my next move. Before I did anything he grabbed my hips and pulled me down onto his lap, which caused me to stable myself by putting my hands on his chest.

"You were taking too long sweetheart." He moved his hands off of my hips and down to my thighs. What was he doing to me? What was I doing? I'm straddling my fucking principal, this is so wrong. But yet it feels so right. "If we were alone right now you'd already be bent over this desk." I turned my head trying to look at anything but him. "That was a bad move baby." Why all the pet names. He brought one of his hands up and grabbed my jaw making me look at him. His grip surprisingly wasn't that tight. He pulled my face closer to his until our lips were almost touching. "Stop holding back y/n. I know you want me." Did he forget the whole we're not alone part. "I'm not holding back." That was a complete lie.

He smirked and pulled my face as close as it could get without our lips touching. Any movement from either of us and we'd be kissing... He kept his hand on my jaw but slowly moved the other one up my thigh. I let out a short breath as he got higher which caused our lips to graze. He stopped the hand on my thigh right before he got to where I wanted him. To be honest...where I needed him. He pulled me in the rest of the way smashing our lips together. It shocked me at first but I quickly kissed him back. The kiss was passionate and needy. He lightly bit
down on my bottom lip which caused me to gasp letting his tongue slip into my mouth.

He moved both of his hands to my hips grinding me against him. I could feel his growing bulge through his trousers. We both pulled away from the kiss and he stood up placing me on his desk. He leaned down and started to kiss my neck, one hand on my thigh and the other on my hip. I let out a slight moan and started to unbutton his shirt. I got to the last button before someone knocked on the door. "You know she's my friend not yours!" Susan yelled from the other side of the door. I hopped off his desk which made him step backwards and look at me. "You might wanna cover that up before you leave." He whispered pointing at my neck. "Oh my god. Did you really?" I whisper yelled back. "What? You liked it." Now we were just in a whisper battle. "Just button up your shirt." Now looking at him he is actually really fit. "You sure you're done staring?" Damnit. I blushed and walked towards the door not looking at him anymore. I heard him chuckle and sit down in his chair.

Just as I was about to leave I heard his voice again. "You left this in my office by the way." I turned back to him and he was holding my phone. "Oh, thanks." I walked back over to him but when I went to grab my phone he pulled it away from me. "No goodbye kiss?" He said fake hurt. I scoffed and looked towards the door then back to him. I leaned down and so our faces were centimeters apart. "Maybe next time. Nathan." I grabbed my phone and quickly walked out of the door before he could do anything.

Luckily Susan wasn't still in the hallway so I slipped into the bathroom and started looking for something to cover up this stupid hickey. I found some concealer and did my best to make in not noticeable before walking out and into Susan's room. "It took you long enough." She said getting off of her bed. "Yeah sorry, we were just talking about all my classes." I can't tell her that me and her DAD were about to have sex before she knocked on the door. "It's not a big deal I get it." That's a relief. "I should probably get going. It's late and everything." I needed sometime to think about what just happened. "Oh yeah, of course." She's actually really nice. " I'll see you at school tomorrow." With that I grabbed my stuff and walked out.

Uh🧍🏻‍♀️ sry if this is bad i'm not good at writing this type of thing🙂. Also, do you guys want me to put warnings at the beginnings of chapters? 😀🤚🏼
~𝑁𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛'𝑠 𝑆𝑙𝑢𝑡✍︎︎
Words: 1537

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