Frustrations (PartXII)

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   "Y/N! Wait up!" I turned around and saw Susan running down the hall behind me. I stopped and lightly laughed when she tried to catch her breath, once she reached me. "You.... Me.... Charlie.... House." She let out between breaths. I looked at her confused and she took a deep breath. "I'm having a party at my house tonight." I hummed in acknowledgment and turned around to keep walking. The day was over and i was on my way out of the school.

"Annddd." She continued, while walking next to me. "You have to come." I pushed the door open and started walking in the direction of my house. "And why do i 'have to come'?" I smirked at her as i talked. "Because my dad won't be back until later. We have the house to ourselves." My attention peeked at the mention of her dad. "Just curious, but why won't your dad be there." I wasn't looking at her but i could feel her eyes on me. "Sure just curious. Definitely not because you have a fat crush on him." I huffed and pushed her shoulder. "I already told you i don't." She rolled her eyes at my words and stopped walking. I looked at her and stopped too. "Party's at 7. Don't be late." She warned before walking back towards the school. She probably drove.

    I got home rather fast and decided to start on my homework. In some way i seek validation from Nathan, more specifically from my academics. I want him to know that i can accomplish things if i want to. But him knowing isn't enough. I want him to tell me that he's proud, that i did something right, for once. Maybe Susan and Nathan were right about the whole daddy issues thing. But it's not because i like older men, it's because i need the sort of parental guidance in my life. I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked down at my phone. "Oh fuck." It was already 6:45. I pushed myself up and started searching through my closet.

     I pulled out a form fitting light pink cocktail dress. It was probably too much for just a high school party but, maybe i was going for that. I did light makeup and grabbed the keys to one of my dads old cars and started heading towards Susan's house.

  When i got to her house, there was already a significant amount of cars outside

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When i got to her house, there was already a significant amount of cars outside. It took some time but i found a spot and parked, before making my way to the house. The door was already opened, and people were dancing, drinking, making out , pretty much the party usual. I walked around for a little trying to find Susan to let her know i'm here but i couldn't find her.

   I made my way to the kitchen to get something to drink but i accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, i'm sorry." The person turned around and it was the same guy that i saw leaving Mr. Gardner's office. "No worries, i don't mind beautiful women getting close to me." I laughed lightly at his comment before walking over to the beer keg that was on the counter. "Can i have a name?" He asked as i grabbed a solo cup to fill up. "Y/n." I filled the cup and leaned against the counter facing him. "Zane." He replied with a smirk before taking the cup out my hands and setting it to the side. I looked at him confused and he closed the distance between us, putting his hands on the contour on each side of me. "What are you-" Before i could finish he moved one of his hands the my lower back and pulled me into him, pressing his lips to mine.

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