What? (Part XI)

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   It's been a week or so since the last time i saw or spoke to Mr. Gardner. I've talked to Susan and hung out with her here and there, but i tried to avoid Nathan. After arguing with myself i decided that he was right, we had sex and that's all it was. It shouldn't be more, and it won't be more.

  I haven't seen him around school either, i've been doing fairly good in all my classes. I have pretty decent marks in all of them. Surprisingly, i haven't been getting in trouble for anything. That was until today of course.

   "Okay, pop quiz everyone!" The teacher announced as he walked in. The class let out a collective groan and began to get their pencils, and notes out. But, given my luck i might have forgotten to do my notes in the first place. I would be perfectly fine if it wasn't math. For some reason i just can't grasp what we're learning. I got handed my test and once the teacher walked away i pulled out my phone. I answered the questions i knew the answers to, and the ones i didn't i searched up how to do. I was almost done when the person who sat behind me raised his hand. "Sir, y/n is cheating." I turned around and glared at him. The teacher walked up to us and grabbed my paper of the desk. "I wasn't cheating." I stated looking at the teacher. "Go to the office Bartlett." Everyone in the class had turned their attention to us now.

"What? Why?" I looked between the teacher and the kid who told. "You're cheating. Simple as that." I mean he's not wrong necessarily. "No i wasn't, you have no proof." The teacher kept a straight face the whole time. "So you're saying that Mr Tomlinson here is lying?"

"Yes." I stated turning back to the front of the class. "No i'm not! I have proof." The boy yelled pulling it his phone. I turned slightly and the boy pressed play on a video. He recorded me... Why, how. "Office Bartlett. Not only for cheating but for being dishonest." The teacher announced, walking back to his desk. "You're a dick!" I stated turning towards the boy behind me. I grabbed my stuff and walked towards the door. "Just so you know, if he recorded me, that means he had his phone out during the test too." The teacher gave me a cold look before yelling at me to leave.

On my way to the office i realized how peaceful the hallways were. Somewhere that's always loud and crowded, empty and quiet. My peace was interrupted by someone calling my name. I looked up and realized that i was in the office already. "You can have a seat, Mr. Gardner will be with you in a moment." It was the lady that works at the front desk. I didn't know her name to be honest so i gave her a small smile and sat down.

I pulled out my phone and started to scroll through instagram. I posted pictures of myself in the skirt i were awhile ago and it was getting a lot of attention. Most of the people commenting were from my old schools but one of the pick up lines made me laugh. "I'm lactose intolerant, but i'd still eat your cream." Before i could click off of the post the door beside me opened and a boy walked out. He turned around and winked at me before leaving the office. I smiled at him and closed my phone. "Mr.Gardner is ready for you. You can go ahead and go in." The women spoke. I grabbed my bag and walked into his office, softly closing the door behind me. "Have a seat." I walked over and sat down in the place i always do. "Where's your pass?" He asked without taking his attention off his computer screen. My eyes traveled down to his hands, watching as his fingers danced across the keys as he typed.

"What pass?" I finally answered him. He sighed before looking at me. "The teacher was to give you a pass as to why you're here." He stated with a straight face. "Didn't get one." I replied keeping eye contact. "Then explain to me why you're here." He leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. "I was cheating on a test, lied about it, called someone a dick for telling on me, then got kicked out for disrupting the class." There wasn't any point in lying about it now. "Until today, you have been fairly good, getting good grades, staying out of trouble." He smirked at me as he talked. "Fuck you." I blurted out. My eyes went wide and he raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Excuse me?" He asked surprised. "I said, Fuck. You." He laughed as stood up from his seat and and walked towards me. "You already did that sweetheart, but by all means, we can do it again if you want." His eyes never left mine as he spoke. "Maybe i do want to." I answered, standing up.

He grabbed me and turned so i was no facing his desk, and he was standing behind me. I felt him move my hair to the side, his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake. He brought his head down, his lips ghosting over my neck. "You need to be reminded who you belong to." He grabbed my hip with one hand and used the other to push my back down. I was bent over his desk. Again. "I don't belong to anyone, and even if i did it wouldn't be to you." He let out a groan as i spoke. "You're mad at me." His hands came up to my neck before going back down to my thighs. "For what i said last week." My breath became shaking as his hands went underneath my shirt. "But you know i wasn't wrong." He unclasped by bra and started to rub my back. "There isn't any feelings. Nothing but lust, and desire." His hands wrapped around my waist and he undid my jeans.

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