Bend Over (Part VI)

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Y/N's Pov

  My heart was going 100 miles an hour waiting for something to happen. For anything to happen. He was just looking at me with that stupid smirk on his face. He let go of my waist and started to walk behind me to his desk. I was frozen, i didn't know what to do or say. I heard the sound his leather office chair made as he sat down. "Y/n." Just his voice sent butterflies through my body. There was just something about the way he said my name. "Come here." God, his voice is always so commanding. I bit my lip debating if i should go over to him. "I won't repeat myself y/n." Somehow his voice was getting deeper every time he talked.

   I turned around and he was looking at me with lust filled eyes. He brought his hand up and motioned for me to "come" with his middle and ring finger. I slowly walked over to him, my breathing getting harder as i got closer. I stopped in front of him looking down at his lap, not wanting to make eye contact. "Sit." He brought his hand up to the side of my thigh, sending chills through my body. I moved my legs to the side of his thighs so i was straddling him and sat down. I tried to pull my skirt down because it came up even higher as i sat down. He grabbed my wrists stopping me from fixing the skirt. "Look at me." I knew that was coming. I raised my head looking him in the eyes. "Good girl." That made me clench around nothing. He brought his hands onto my thighs slowly pushing my skirt up, his hands getting closer and closer to my sex. I looked down at his hands as they got further up my thighs but he stopped. I looked back up at him, "W-why'd you stop?" He smirked at me not saying a word but continuing to move his hands up.

He brought his hands under the skirt moving them to my ass pulling me closer to him. I brought my hands up to his chest to balance my self. I could feel his erection growing under me. I was still looking at him and i could see his eyes look down at my lips then back up again. He brought one of his hands up to the back of my neck pulling me closer to him and crashing his lips into mine. It surprised me but i quickly kissed him back moving my hands to his biceps. He bit down on my lip causing me to gasp, letting his tongue slide into my mouth. I tried to fight him for dominance but he quickly won that battle. I brought my hands down stopping at his belt buckle. "Someone's eager." He stated breaking the kiss. "I need you." I said out of breath.

He grabbed both of my thighs and stood up putting me on his desk. His hands came up and he hooked his fingers in the waistband of the lace thong I was wearing, taking it off. The sudden coldness made me close my legs. He grabbed my legs separating them again and stood in between them. His hands went down to his belt buckle and so did my eyes. He pulled off his belt and and stepped away from me. I looked back up at him with a confused expression. "Bend over." He wrapped the two ends of belt around his hand. I hopped off of his desk and bent over it sticking my ass out knowing he could see everything. I felt him press him self against me pushing my skirt all the way up to my waist. I bit lip and pushed myself harder against him. I felt him step back and grab my ass roughly. He brought one of his hands up and slapped it hardly with the belt causing me to let out a moan. "Be quiet sweetheart, we're in school remember." He said slapping my ass again. I was biting down on my lip trying to keep my sounds to myself.

He kept doing this for about three minutes each slap getting harder. I had tears on my face and my lip hurt from biting it so hard. He grabbed my waist turning me around to face him. "You did so good baby." He used the pad of his thumb to wipe the tears off my face. "I had to punish you for wearing this skirt, i'm the only one aloud to see this." He grabbed my ass again but it still hurt so when he did it made me whimper. "I think you deserve a reward sweetheart." He turned both of us around and pushed me down onto his chair. I looked up at him and he slowly kneeled down so his face was directly in front of my sex. He grabbed my thighs pulling me to the edge of the chair looking me in the eyes. I looked down at him and he slowly moved his hand to my core. He immediately slide is middle finger inside of me making me moan. "You're so wet for me." He said pumping his finger in and out of me. "You liked it when i punished you didn't you?" He slid a second finger inside me going faster. "Y-yes." I whimpered. "Yes what?" He started to slow down his movements. "Yes...daddy." He smirked up at me and moved his mouth down to my clit.

He quickened the pace of his fingers and started to flick my clit with his tongue in the same rhythm. "Nathan." I moaned his name but quickly covered my mouth realizing what I said. He brought his head up but kept his fingers going. "What did you just say?" I swallowed thickly trying not to moan from what he was doing. "N-Nathan." I answered him. He smirked at me and curled his fingers up hitting my g-spot. I moaned loudly looking down at him. "Fuck, please d-don't stop." I whimpered feeling that knot in my stomach. He only went faster hitting my g-spot every time now that he found it. "I-i'm gonna cum Na- daddy." I corrected myself so he wouldn't stop. "Cum for me baby." That sent me over the edge clenching around his fingers. I through my head back against the chair arching my back as a came on his fingers. He slowed down his fingers letting me ride out my high.

I looked down at him breathing heavy and he pulled his fingers out moving them to his mouth licking my cum off. He brought his head down and slipped his tongue inside me causing me to moan again. He licked up the rest of my release bringing his head back up. He stood up licking his lips looking at me like I was his prey. Just as he was about to say something the bell rang causing me to jump. Oh yeah, school... He clenched his jaw still looking at me. "You're not going to your next class." He grabbed my hand pulling me out of his chair and he sat down. My legs started to wobble and I saw him smirk. I gave him a dirty look and he pulled me down on top of him. "Back to where we started." He leaned in and started to kiss my neck. He slid his hands under my shirt and just as he was about to reach my bra someone knocked on his door.

Um... as i said i'm not good at writing this stuff 😟 I think i just love leaving you guys on cliff hangers😏 Also, i read this over listening to "I wanna be yours" by Arctic Monkeys and it hit different 😳
~𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝚂𝚕𝚞𝚝✍︎︎

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