Sleepover (Part X)

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The first movie came to an end and me and Susan were fan-girling over Christian. In some way the conversation turned to us listing the kinks that we had, the stuff we liked in bed, and the kind of guys we liked. "I've only slept with 2 guys but they were so boring." Susan exaggerated. I laughed at her comment before answering. "That is why boys our age just don't suffice." I grabbed my water glass and out my pinkie up while i drank it. My action made Susan chuckle before she did the same thing. When the laughter died down she continued asking me random questions. "No way you like old men!"

"I didn't say old men, i said OLDER. There's a difference." She rolled her eyes at me taking a bite of the licorice she had. Waving it around in my face. "So you like older men, you have this list of kinks longer than the declaration of independence. Dare i say that y/n Bartlett has daddy issues?" I bursted out in laughter again before I heard a familiar voice. "Just finding that out Susie?" I heard Nathan's voice from behind me. "Hey!" I said, acting offended. "It really is quiet obvious." Susan agreed with her dad. "You should really try and hide it more sweetheart." Nathan said taking and open seat in the living room. "Usually getting double teamed is more fun then this." I mumbled under my breath. Nathan tried to conceal his laugh, but failed horribly. Susan looked at him in shock. "No way you just laughed at a sex joke." I looked between the two and a grabbed a piece of licorice, taking a bite. "It was a funny joke! I'm aloud to laugh." Nathan defended himself.

"You never laugh, let alone at 'dirty jokes.'" Susan argued. "Maybe your just not funny enough to make me laugh." I chuckled lightly at Nathan's comment and they both looked at me. "Don't laugh." Susan through a pillow at me before turning and throwing one at Nathan too. Nathan grabbed his pillow and threw it at me, Susan grabbed the pillow she was resting on and started hitting me with it. "Stop!" I yelled through my fit of laughter. I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and start tickling me. "AH!" I shrieked, and started to wiggle out of his hands. "Stop! Stop!" I was out of breath from laughing so hard. "Say your sorry for laughing at us!" Susan yelled over the sounds of laughter. "I'm s- sorry Susan! Please stop!" Susan stopped with the pillow but Nathan continued. "I'm going to the bathroom." Susan said walking away laughing. "M-Mr Gardner!" I tried to grab his hand but it was no use. "Stop please! I'm sorry." I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away. He kept one of his hands on my waist and brought the other one up to my face.

I slid down onto the couch during the 'attack', I was now laying on the couch and Nathan was standing over me. He stood there staring at me as I caught my breath. He bought his leg onto the couch and got on top of me. "Mr. Gardner..." He rubbed the the side of my cheek with the pad of his thumb, smiling at me. "What?" I asked confused. "You're beautiful y/n." He said breathless. Before I could react I heard the toilet flush from upstairs. Nathan gave me a kiss on the cheek and got off of me, walking towards the kitchen. I sat up and looked at him over the couch. Their living room was connected to the kitchen, everything was opened. He started opening cabinets and pulled out stuff to make coffee. Susan came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders. "Holy shit." I screamed, as Susan started laughing at me. "Don't do that." I told Susan holding my hand over my pounding heart.

"So, why were you staring at my dad with heart eyes." Susan hummed wiggling her eyebrows at me. I turned to her with shock in my eyes. "What!?" I yelled. Susan shushed me and laughed. "Why would i- I wasn't- He's my principal!" I rambled to Susan before she cut me off. "Relax! I'm kidding." She she stated leaning back. "Although he is your type." She winked at me. "Who's your type?" Nathan asked coming in with a cup of coffee in hand, and sat down in the chair next to the couch. "Yo-" I cut Susan off by throwing my pillow at her. "No one Mr. Gardner." I stated sitting up, and looked at him. "Well, does this 'no one' go to our school?" He asked sipping his drink. He looked at me with squinted eyes over the cup. Clearly he didn't hear the first part of the conversation. "Yes he does." Susan answered for me.

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